The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1035: Helplessly stranded

Missed, this is one of Hollywood's main themes.

Every year, Hollywood and the world-wide film industry will have thousands of works put into production. Excellent directors, excellent scripts, and excellent actors. Every work is full of confidence and expectation at the preparatory stage. Full and desirable.

But the problem is that an actor is a dumb and can only perform one work at a time, which also means that they will inevitably miss other excellent works.

In the 1960s and 1970s, in the Hollywood film industry, the phenomenon of rolling plays was not uncommon; even now, top actors appearing in several different production groups at the same time, leading the protagonist, are not common, but they exist objectively.

But in Lan Li's view, starring in two works at the same time is irresponsible to the crew, to the performance, and to the role.

Because the two different works have completely different moods, states and styles, even commercial popcorn movies are no exception. When an actor appears on two sets at the same time, he not only needs to face the crisis of scoring, but also the schedule arrangement and the cooperation of the crew are a serious problem, which will inevitably lead to a decline in the quality of characters and works.

Therefore, it is inevitable to miss and pass by.

Faced with the sincere Coen brothers, Lan Li also showed his sincerity, patiently explained all the ins and outs, and sincerely expressed his grief. "To be honest, after the brief exchange just now, I also think that I am The best candidate for this work."

The strong self-confidence revealed in the smile demonstrates Lan Li's professionalism as an actor. Compared with the expectant newcomers during the "Pacific War", he has gradually transformed into a true professional actor.

Ethan couldn't help but smiled and nodded in agreement with a chuckle; but Joel still had an extremely ugly face, he couldn't laugh at all, his eyes looked sadly at Lan Li, and he refused to express any opinions.

"I really want to say, please wait for my schedule, don't give this role to other people, because I am the best choice. But I can't be so selfish. Therefore, I have to refuse. At this moment, I am better than You will be even more sad." Lan Li's smile was stained with helplessness, and he did not conceal his grief and regret.

Ethan watched Lan Li's sight quietly, those dark brown eyes did not dodge or hide, and calmly showed all the emotions, and the faint sigh made him empathize.

What's interesting is that precisely because of this look, Ethan's mind outlines the image of the hero of the movie. It's like a sketch. The outlines of the eyes are outlined when the pen is drawn, and then the lines are plumped little by little, and the whole image is gradually depicted, and finally it is brought to life, which is vividly alive in the image.

In Lan Li’s body, Ethan can even see the specific scenes of the movie: He sat quietly on a chair in the cafe, his eyes were faintly looking at the distance, and a gleam of light was flowing deep in his eyes. Lonely and bitter, but with a slight blink, those emotions disappeared like flying butterflies, leaving only a single figure, sitting lonely and silently.

The sincerity, sentiment, purity, and simplicity in my heart gradually became vicissitudes of life in the long river of time.

There was an impulse in his mind. Ethan wanted to make a movie, a movie called "Inside-Renly-Hall", not a biographical documentary, but a film called Renly-Hall. The downfall of folk singers in the Greenwich Village of the 1960s were doing nothing and nothing, struggling to pursue their dreams, but they couldn't see where their dreams were.

The movie they originally conceived has truly evolved into reality in Lan Li's body.

"Is there no way?" Joel's unwilling words rang in his ears, his expression still filled with nostalgia, struggling hard, "Can't we spare some time? Or...or , Uh, adjust the schedule?" But after speaking, Joel hugged his head in annoyance without needing to answer, "God, why is this? Damn it!"

Scratching his head vigorously and messing up his curly hair, Joel lowered his head deeply, then raised his head violently, "Well, we are waiting for your schedule..." However, the words could not be continued, he turned his head. Looking at Ethan, deep helplessness appeared in his eyes.

First is "Miscellaneous World" and then "Gravity". Renly's schedule cannot be determined at all. Even if we wait, we don't know when to wait. It's like waiting for Godot, waiting for an uncertain future. . In this process, there are too many variables.

In Hollywood, any film project from establishment, execution to operation and completion requires timing. After the moment is missed, everything will become unknown.

The classic 2001 "Training Day" was actually set up as early as 1997, but because the performance schedules of Samuel Jackson and Matt Damon couldn't match, they had to postpone it later and continue to wait.

The wait lasted for more than three years. The director changed, the script changed, and the actors changed. The entire crew was shuffled, almost beyond recognition. In the end, Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke starred in this work. , The former also won the Oscar actor Golden Man with his superb performance.

Waiting for three full years, but this is commonplace in Hollywood. After missing the opportunity, it is not uncommon to wait ten or fifteen years, or even never see the sun.

Regardless of the original "Gravity" project, Alfonso Cuarón said that he was willing to wait for the schedule of Lanli, no matter how long it was, there would be no problem. From a certain point of view, this also showed Fonso is innocent of not hearing things outside the window, he doesn't understand Hollywood's operating rules at all.

Now, the Coen brothers, who were born in an independent field but have a firm foothold in the mainstream market, are much more sophisticated. They understand that they cannot shelve the entire project just to wait for a blue gift. This is not a question of right or wrong. Alfonso and the Coen brothers have made correct decisions, and they both need to bear the corresponding consequences for their own decisions.

Joel turned his head and looked at Ethan, his eyes showed helpless loss, unable to speak, although he did not speak, his eyes could not be clearer: Is there any other way? Do we just give up like this?

Ethan noticed his brother's gaze, turned his head, pursed his lips and pulled out a smile in response; then he looked at Lan Li again.

Only after real face-to-face contact, the unique temperament of Lan Li's body becomes real, making people ignore his age, just pay attention to this actor, and can't help but want to dig more in his body. Potential: At this moment, even if just sitting quietly, those eyes are telling the story.

Unprecedented, Ethan hopes to collaborate with Lan Li to shoot a work. If it is the one currently in preparation, it would be great.

If possible, Ethan also wants to be willful, letting go of the entire project and the entire crew, just to wait for a blue gift until the cooperation is reached. But he can't.

There are tens of thousands of actors in Hollywood, and no one is indispensable. Even if the Coen brothers believe that Lanly is the most suitable candidate, there are still countless choices outside of Lanly. They should step out of the quarrel, broaden their horizons and think. More possibilities.

Reason has made accurate judgments, but emotions are still unacceptable.

Seeing the regretful Lan Li in his eyes, Ethan laughed dumbly, full of helplessness; however, Ethan also knew that Joel, who was emotional, was unwilling to give up, so he had to stand up and make an appropriate decision.

"You know, you are our first choice, and at this stage, it's the only choice, right?" Ethan said sincerely.

The smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth rose slightly, "This is my honour." Instead of being humble, he accepted the compliment calmly.

"This is very important." Ethan said affirmatively, "Unfortunately, we didn't consider the schedule issue. We ignored such obvious things. This is a mistake." Recently, everyone has been paying attention. The trend of Lanly’s next work, but obviously, Alfonso Cuarón has already made the first appearance, " will continue after all, there are always accidents happening, or about to happen."

Ethan spreads out his hands with a relieved expression, which reminds people of the black humor in works such as "Ice Blood Storm" and "Murder of Green Toes". The spirit of having fun in hardship makes people can't help but laugh.

Lan Li couldn't help but smile.

"Just now, you mentioned George Slander, it's the name, right? There are pioneer villages? Why do I think these names are so Can you remind me?" Ethan is not at the same time. One problem continued to be entangled, but another topic of interest was brought up and the conversation continued.

"Drunk Country Folk Songs" and Lan Li-Hall, just missed, regret and embarrassment, but after all, they can't be changed. A step slower is a step slower, and the timing has not been able to step on the right node.

"The Pioneer Village is in Greenwich Village. It's a jazz bar..." Lan Li instantly understood the deep meaning of Ethan's words, followed the topic, and took the initiative to talk about Stanley-Charlesson and His jazz dream stubbornly opened up a piece of his own world in the steel forest of New York.

However, Joel sitting next to him was depressed, with his hands on his chest, he leaned heavily on the back of the chair, refused to speak, refused to communicate, and fell into his own thoughts, extreme excitement to extreme indifference, that kind of ice and fire The extreme contrast between the two heavens is really too obvious, but it reveals a childishness.

The conversation in the carriage continued. After experiencing the ups and downs of excitement and affection, the atmosphere began to become harmonious. Even though the cooperation was unfortunately not achieved this time, the two parties unexpectedly made friends-at least Ethan and Lan Li So; the van dashed smoothly and quickly toward JFK Airport, and gradually disappeared into the turbulent traffic on the road.

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