The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1026: Keep up with the times

In 1782, Wolfgang-Mozart (Wolfgang-Mozart), who was only 26 years old, came to Austria. At that time, as the child of a lowly musician, Mozart was always displaced, living in poverty, and even in Salzia. Fort was repeatedly insulted by the archbishop, so he came to Austria angrily.

With his amazing talents, he successfully dumped the entire court, and even received aristocratic treatment, and broke the fixed laws of the arrangement and composition of many operas at that time, created his own genre, and truly won his own Respect and courtesy.

Talent is always the magic weapon to open any door in the world, and it is also the key to making a fortune in any field.

Regardless of whether it is aristocrats or common people, the respect and longing for professionals, elegant art, and talents are consistent, especially those nobles, when money and glory can no longer satisfy their pursuit, the spirit The sublimation and literacy of the world have become their best means of classifying and classifying. At this time, talented artists are even more sought after.

Actors are no exception.

Most of the time, most actors are just actors in the eyes of the nobles, even in the eyes of many ordinary people, but no one can deny that the status of performance in the history of art development is changing from the beginning of drama and opera to TV and movies. It is becoming more and more important, and the status of actors is also improving step by step.

The ever-changing times and society have never stopped. Once the art has experienced its glory, it is slowly declining, and then a brand-new art form has been formed, and the knowledge structure and quality composition have changed. After entering the 21st century, this change has become more intense. , The birth of the Internet has brought about earth-shaking changes in the field of art.

Once upon a time, online art was regarded as rubbish, without literacy, foundation, no aftertaste, and no depth. Many traditional artists even denounced these boring art; but now, online art is forming its own soul and constitutes a new generation of young people. The whole new world.

In fact, every art form is like this. It has the attributes of the times and also has social characteristics.

Performance is an elegant art that has been developed for more than tens of centuries, starting from dance and music, to drama and literature, and finally to television and film, and now the Internet, the social acceptance and history of this art The importance has been recognized in all aspects, and now it is gradually surpassing traditional art forms such as painting, sculpture and architecture, and is becoming more widely known.

Naturally, the social status of actors is slowly changing.

Wolfgang Mozart was just the son of a humble musician; Vincent Van Gogh was born in the priest's mansion in the bazaar. They were all indefinitely, but their names fell in history after all, and left their names in the long history. Now, it's the same with actors.

Even the British royal family will award the title of nobility to the top actors every year, because they are no longer simple actors, but highly respected artists. After their talents and strength burst into light, they finally became different, even the nobles must look up.

This was the case before, and it is also the case now.

When an actor becomes an actor, an actor becomes an artist, and an artist becomes a creator, then they have got rid of the original shackles of identity and become another special existence, super but noble.

It's like Lan Li now. Or, at least, Lan Li is moving in this direction.

"...Of course, I know he is busy spinning now, so I just asked to see, please be sure to forgive my impoliteness." Beatrice's words are still babbling, between the conversation, The excitement and excitement of her can be deeply felt between the eyebrows, and it is definitely not just "inquiry and see".

"Elizabeth?" Beatrice noticed that Elizabeth was slightly stunned, and reminded him carefully.

Elizabeth lowered her eyes, quickly concealed her look, and once again sketched a smile, but with a bitterness that could not be concealed.

As the owner of an art gallery, she knows the value of talent more clearly than anyone else, just like the painting she and Beatrice just discussed. The original author is a poor, ordinary person, but His talent is worth a lot of money, even if it doesn't change.

The mixed thoughts converged in a blink of an eye, and Elizabeth said dignified and elegantly, "Of course, I will convey your invitation personally."

There is no real promise and no positive response, but for Beatrice, this is enough, "That would be better."


Beatrice left, after expressing her purpose, she only stayed for about ten minutes. Despite Beatrice's ingenious disguise, Elizabeth can still see that Beatrice came specially for Lanli, not for her, or for the painting.

Elizabeth suddenly remembered one thing: During the performance of "Les Miserables" in the West End, Beatrice would personally appear almost every night to express his support with practical actions. This matter is not a secret among the nobles at all. It's just that all the details that didn't care or refuse to care at the beginning are now beginning to surface.

"Empire" magazine.

The culprit who revealed all the secrets emerged in Elizabeth's mind, and closed her eyes tightly, hiding all her emotions, but this time, it took a long time.


Sitting on the dark blue velvet sofa, with Erlang's legs crossed, Arthur Hall was enjoying the leisure of a cup of black tea. Looking through the newspapers of the major British media this morning, he was a little gloating.

Fry the pan.

Today’s British media vividly interpret what is called a frying pan. Almost every media is reporting the same news. Almost every media is expressing shock. Almost every media has left the front page headlines to the same person... …

In such a scene, it is as if Prince William announced that he is about to marry Princess Kate. All the stories about the princess have become the focus of the news media; however, this time is slightly different. It is not a happy event or a funeral. It seems that in addition to shock or shock, even If you want to be creative to highlight your own uniqueness, the media seems to be completely exhausted.

Leaving aside the uproar of the past few years, just talk about the "Les Miserables" being staged in the West End, how much praise and admiration this play has caused, then how fanatical and amazing the news this time is—the degree index is directly based on Ten times that is enough, this is how all the media feel now.

Rumor has it that the "Sun" has collapsed up and down, as if a hundred thousand grass-mud horses were spinning around on their heads a hundred times.

No one thought that such an exclusive gossip would be snatched away by "Empire" magazine? Moreover, it is not other media, it is an "empire" that has no interest in gossip! As the first person in the British gossip media, The Sun’s face was truly lost this time. It is said that the editor-in-chief sat in the office without saying a word, his numb expression seemed to have lost the whole world.

Since the "Pacific War", discussions about the secrets of Lan Li’s life experience have never stopped. Everyone is constantly guessing, but they have never been able to start; now it finally broke the news, even more exciting than expected, but this The news was not from the "Sun", but the exclusive of "Empire"...

Arthur was overjoyed just to mend the twitching moustache of the editor-in-chief of The Sun.

Buzzing, buzzing.

The phone placed on the coffee table began to vibrate, and Arthur put the black tea down calmly, turned on the phone, and when he saw the caller ID, he raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing an unexpected expression, unexpectedly. It was Elizabeth; glanced at the time, it was less than 11:30, and the only reason Elizabeth called at this time was because she had seen the news.

This is not surprising.

This morning, Arthur had breakfast in the club. In less than 45 minutes, he encountered at least six groups of upper-class people coming to inquire about the situation. However, this time it’s not about Lan Li's situation, because the affairs of the youngest son of the Hall family are no longer a secret. This time, they are inquiring about the situation of the Hall family——

They are curious about George and Elizabeth's attitude, and they are curious about the future position of Lan Li in London. What is most curious is that they should send the invitation letter to the Hall family, or Lan Li personally.

Because now the matter has finally been exposed, for the public, they have heard of it for the first time; and for the nobles, they can finally talk about this matter without concealing their ears and stealing the bell. And there is no doubt that Lanli is now the first name on the list of invited guests to all noble everyone is eager for "Ranli-Hall".

In the past, when actors appeared in upper-class parties, they were purely roles that came to entertain the public. The nobles carefully expressed their curiosity. They could not be too eager or too vulgar. On the one hand, they arrogantly delineated the boundaries. I'm afraid I will become vulgar too; on the other hand, I can't restrain the gossip of inquiry, and I can't help but want to pry into the secrets of the vanity fair.

Now, they finally found the opportunity. It is also an actor and a nobleman; it is elegant enough and professional enough; it is brilliant and low-key and restrained. It is an honor to appear at any party with Lan Li's figure. No one wants to miss it.

After all, it is now 2012.

As for the Hall’s family, it depends on how George and Elizabeth deal with it. If they are not careful, they may be rejected outside the London social circle-they invited Lan Li, so the invitation letter of George and Elizabeth must be cautious. The decision must be based on their attitude.

His eyes fell on the phone, and Arthur was also faintly curious. What kind of attitude was Elizabeth?

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