The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1019: Internet boom

"Len Li-Hall: Is he a genius in the spotlight or a lunatic behind the scenes?"

Bradley Adams wrote this article in his own hand. With a unique and delicate perspective, he intercepted a fragment of the morning of the interview. As a reader and as an audience, he walked into Lanly and tried to capture outside the lens. A more authentic blue gift. This is not a news report of objective facts, nor is it an editorial or in-depth editorial that expresses opinions and positions. It is more similar to a weekly interview of "People", but with the sharpness and profoundness unique to the "New York Times".

The article was published on the Sunday headline of the "New York Times", and it also occupies an important position on the front page, reminding readers of the heavy entertainment version; in addition, the article was updated on the official website simultaneously, and Compared with the paper version, more photos have been added, not only fashion photos, but also images that record different styles and shapes of Lan Li during the interview, which are more like capturing fragments of life, which are more realistic.

This is a blue gift that ordinary audiences have never known about. This is the first time that the blue gift is shown to people after the accidental Oscar. Compared with the previous interview with "Empire" magazine, the "New York Times" went a step further and mentioned it face-to-face. I went to the Oscar statuette and asked about Lan Li's feelings and thoughts.

"This is an award, an extremely important award, but it is not the whole of the actors, and it is not the whole of life. It is like returning to the stage of the West End of London, the challenge still exists, any slight negligence, It may lead to a disaster."

This is Lan Li's answer, which sounds like a routine, designed by an agent and publicist, but this young actor who is only 22 years old is very convincing. Because before the language, he had already proved his point of view with practical actions.

At the same time, this article was the first official interview of Lan Li after the aristocratic identity was revealed. Bradley did give positive attention to it, but he did an in-depth interpretation from another angle.

In fact, since the "Pacific War" turned out, speculation about the background of Lanly's life has never ceased. Only during the awards season that ended not long ago, the Weinstein brothers also used this to create smoke bombs, constantly Pour dirty water on Lan Li's body.

Born in a family of performing arts, from a wealthy family, or the illegitimate child of a certain industry tycoon, all kinds of malicious speculations are becoming more and more outrageous and more numerous. The reason is not difficult to guess. On the one hand, Lanly’s upward momentum is too rapid, opening up like a parachute; on the other hand, because there are so many popular people, envy and jealousy are inevitable.

First the Emmy Awards, then Sundance, then the Golden Globe nomination and Oscar nominations; every work—every work in the true literal sense is rave reviews, as if all the film critics have already advanced It was as if the agreement was agreed, and praise was given by coincidence. In just one year, he was already at the top of the industry, and the ensuing doubts naturally became more and more surging.

However, after passing the "hype gate", passing the "Don Quixote", passing the "Miserable World" in the West End of London, the controversy is gradually calming down, and those malicious speculations are slowly dissipating. There is no doubt that Lan Li The strength of has been universally recognized by the public, and truly occupy a place in Hollywood.

Instead, the name "Len Li-Hall" is becoming a brand, representing strength, quality, and excellence. Every work performed by Lan Li has been loved by the audience. "Speed "Yuji/Love 5" is the first start, step by step to the "edge of tomorrow", word-of-mouth and box office original intentions are the best portrayal.

However, suddenly it was revealed that Lan Li’s true background was revealed-he did have a great background, but all netizens had guessed wrong, and they were far more powerful and outrageous than their guesses. , Can be called incredible.

A hereditary baron, a true British aristocracy.

It's not power, money, or connections; it's glory, the most unlikely and top option among all speculations about life experience.

Even ordinary people who have no idea about the royal family and aristocracy know that the career of an actor is never the best choice for the aristocracy. They never yearn for the spotlight. On the contrary, they will take the initiative to avoid the spotlight. Back then, part of the contradiction between Queen Elizabeth and Princess Diana came from the people of Princess Diana, and the media continued to expose it.

Now, Lanly has become an actor in the opposite direction, and not only a stage actor in the West End, but also a top Hollywood star. Let alone aristocracy, even European intellectuals and artists hate Hollywood's glitz and superficiality. Lan Li's behavior can be said to be brave the world.

Shocked, this is the real shock. Those malicious speculations, those malicious criticisms, and those self-interpretations became pale and weak in the face of the truth of the matter.

The "New York Times" cleverly avoided these focal points and hot spots, and Bradley mentioned Lanly's career choices in a more wise manner.

About the album, about the social network, about the film, about the performance, every detail can be seen, this young man is doing his best to realize his dream, the dream of becoming an artist, he is using his talent and hard work , Unswervingly walk on this road. Bearing the pressure of the family and the accusations from the outside world, his footsteps have never stopped.

This is a blue gift that people are familiar with, but it is also a blue gift that people misunderstand.

The report from "Empire" magazine revealed the secret of Lan Li's life experience; while the report from the "New York Times" revealed the truth outside of his life experience.

As a result, the entire network exploded vigorously, and everyone joined the discussion. Questions and speculations, criticism and jealousy still exist objectively and cannot be eliminated; but admiration and praise, exclamation and admiration dominate the absolute mainstream. And swept away with an unstoppable force.

The physical sales of the "New York Times", the online click-through rate of the "New York Times", the popularity of Twitter topics, and the number of likes related to photos on the photo wall, etc., all became popular across the board, creating a new high since 2012, showing a multiplier The power of the wind; but none of these figures can compare to a brand new topic on social networks.

"Len Li is an actor".

This is a topic. Although there is no evidence for a topic that appears along the craze, it is recognized by Don Quixote that it should be initiated by "Brando Mania" on Facebook, which wrote in the text:

"Popularity, awards, strength, wealth, honor, fame. The young master has obtained everything that an ordinary person can desire. He is a well-deserved winner in life; now, people are even more amazed at his background, envy and Admiration is everywhere, as if he already has the world. But for him, he is always an actor.'I am going to return to the stage in the West End of London and concentrate on the next performance'. #蓝礼是An actor#"

The reason why I chose Facebook instead of Twitter or photo wall is mainly because this paragraph of text is too long. However, the effect is the same. In less than forty-eight hours, the topic of "Ren Li is an actor" began to spread on major social networks, and successfully surpassed "Edge of Tomorrow" and " The two topics "Another Light" reached the top of the global hot topic rankings.

Every Don Quixote can’t wait to share their own stories, the pleasant time at the Berlin Film Festival, the viewing exchanges at the Sundance Film Festival, the serious listening at the entrance of the Almeida Theater, the public shooting scene On the sidelines, and even unexpected conversations on the plane flight... there are countless, truly countless.

This is an event and also a sharing. Everyone shared their stories. Only then did they realize that, apart from the media's report image, Lan Li has never changed. He is so real and so true. Focus. Facts speak louder than words. This is not a public relations method or a marketing strategy. It is a spontaneous sharing by netizens, but they piece together a more vivid truth.

The windfall was that outside of Lanli's work, people gradually discovered the other side of Lanli.

For example, he is keen on surfing, but his skills are always inferior to Paul Walker's Langley; for example, standing in the center of Times Square, the Langley who will get lost; for example, sneaking to the Grand Canyon for hiking during vacation , Lying like a homeless man in the camp; for example, always love to sleep during the flight, but also sleepy and lazy; another example, even if sick, even if they are unwell, always show gentleman manners, friendly to the fans and audiences. small fragments, a few strokes outline the image of "Len Li-Hall" in real life.

This is a characteristic of the Internet age. The platform provided by social networks makes every ordinary user the best witness. There are always countless rumors and slanders. Fake news and fake news are full of sight; but at the same time, public figures are also There is nowhere to hide, the lie will eventually be punctured, and the truth will eventually come to light.

This hot topic gradually has more and more participants, and the duration of the craze is far beyond imagination. It started in June and lasted until the end of August. After the summer vacation ended, it gradually cooled down.

For ordinary netizens, this is a window to understand Lanli, as well as a channel to approach Lanli, which allows them to understand Lanli more comprehensively.

Indeed, the hereditary baron’s life experience is enviable; but at the same time, it is also yearning and even more admirable. As an actor, the blue gift is gaining more and more recognition and support, and the market appeal has shown an incredible rise. curve.

All, all are concentrated on the summer box office of "Edge of Tomorrow".

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