The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1014: Stunned

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"To all pilots,

Thank you for your concern, thank you for your concern about roses, foxes, kings and other planets.

My trip is underway and will continue. I welcome you to follow me to learn about the stories in the future; but the stories about planet B-612 will be left behind, it belongs to me A part of it, a private part of me, has made my present, but not my future.

Also, Mr. Ned Mullan, please stop spying on my Facebook page.

Sincerely, Renly Hall. "

Reading this official statement from Lanly again, Bradley Adams couldn't help but chuckle, and the more he thought about it, the more funny he was. He grinned and couldn't stop at all.

This is the official response of Renly to the news report of the "Empire" magazine. Since Renly does not have a personal social network account, he posted it on Andy Rogers's Facebook-not typing on a computer, but completely. The complete handwriting, after scanning, upload and update.

Throughout the statement, there is no mention of any matters concerning the status of aristocracy. Instead, the book "The Little Prince" is used as a metaphor to indirectly acknowledge all reports about the status of aristocracy; at the same time, it is also indirectly emphasized that he is a A famous actor is also just an actor. On the road of chasing dreams, he will continue to move forward. Those reports on personal private life are not the focus, nor should they be the focus.

The whole statement is full of playfulness and humor, and it is also full of brilliant childishness, which makes people involuntarily reminiscent of Wes Anderson's movies. Among them, the most interesting is the "warning" against Ned.

As we all know, Lan Li has not opened his personal Facebook page, so naturally there is no problem of spying on Facebook. Obviously, the Facebook here alludes to Lan Li’s personal wealth background. The so-called warning is more like a frank confession of the facts and joked about the work of a paparazzi in "Empire" magazine.

Ingenious and agile, profound and restrained, gentleman and polite. Just like Lan Li's original temperament, this official statement makes people feel like a spring breeze, and can't help but smile.

As for those readers who don't understand? Obviously, Lan Li did not intend to respond honestly and positively. Instead, he kept all discussions, all hot discussions and all the focuses on the Internet; then, what about Lan Li himself? In the statement, he has already given the answer: Those wealth backgrounds are part of him and have made his present, but not his future.

The position is clear enough.

Reading this official life time and time again, Bradley's mood rose slightly.

It was originally a buzzing and lively news focus, but now under the joke and indifference of Lan Li, it has become a life spoiler; in sharp contrast with the noise and excitement of the reporters, it is like... like shaving your head. The burden was so hot, even if Bradley was one of these reporters, he still couldn't help laughing.

"Rolling wheel", the sound of the roller rubbing against the ground came from far and near, and Bradley subconsciously raised his head and looked over, and then saw the oncoming Lan Li.

A simple white shirt with sleeves loosely rolled up to the elbow; a pair of sky-blue ripped jeans, a sloppy street style and free; a pair of black skateboard shoes, dirty and old, with one Skateboarding, fast walking through the crowd, golden brown curly hair was slightly messy in the wind, the breeze blowing, blowing the corners of the white shirt, the golden sunlight, like a butterfly flapping its wings, stopped at him. Shoulders.

"It’s Good-To-Be-Renly-Hall (It’s-Good-To-Be-Renly-Hall)."

Inadvertently, this sentence flashed through Bradley's mind, and he suddenly had a strong curiosity. As a "Renly Hall", what was it like? Furthermore, this sentence can also be interpreted as: Everyone wants to become Lanly-Hall and live in this world as Lanly-Hall. What does it feel like?

The longing and yearning surging gently in his chest.

Raising the camera in his hand, Bradley quickly recorded this beautiful moment, vaguely, as if recreating the classic masterpiece of film master Federico-Fellini (-Fellini) "Sweet" A certain scene in "life" has a special texture that cannot be described.

Today's meeting is for an exclusive interview, from the "New York Times". This interview will serve as the headline of the Sunday edition, occupying two pages before and after; in addition, the interview will also be published on the front page of the "New York Times" official website, which contains four sets of different clothing shooting tasks.

"It's great to be a Renly Hall", this sentence later became the opening sentence in Bradley's completed manuscript.

In fact, this interview was booked two weeks ago. The "New York Times" was the first to be the first to be the first to overwhelm other competitors, and became the first media to interview Lan Li during the "Edge of Tomorrow" propaganda period; however, everyone did not expect that before this interview, there was such an important event. News.

Therefore, the meaning of today's meeting on Times Square seemed to be slightly different; but after the actual meeting, Bradley burst into laughter again.

It’s not the imaginary suit and leather shoes, nor the elegant temperament expected, or even the formal dress for interview occasions, or the simplest street dress, shirt and jeans, without any extra accessories; but such a blue gift, But it is still beautiful and desirable.

"Good morning." Lan Li's grinning greeting came along the sound of the wind, his steps fell on the ground, he stepped on the skateboard's tail, pressed it lightly, and then took the skateboard in his hand. How about a morning of the day, start with a cup of coffee? I know that there is a nice coffee shop not far away. The coffee beans are from Colombia."

Bradley's thoughts couldn't keep up, and he stared at Lan Li in front of him in a daze.

That relaxed and contented posture, as if nothing happened, the exclusive report of "Empire" magazine has never appeared, the box office explosion of "Edge of Tomorrow" has never appeared, and the topic of "Today Show" has never appeared; Everything seems to be no different from before.

His eyes were filled with consternation, but after all they could not be suppressed, and gradually emerged. Finally, he laughed blankly, "Lan Li, how did you do it?" Lan Li stopped and looked at Bradley incomprehensibly. He continued, "I mean... I mean, look around you. This is Times Square, the center of the world, and your poster is hanging on the billboard, everywhere. Everyone passing by here People, you can see you when you look up and down, but you don't have any special feelings at all?"

Standing on the streets of Times Square, you can see a colorful and colorful condensed world when you look up. The various billboards are dazzling. Among them, the huge posters of "Edge of Tomorrow" were hung on at least three buildings, and Lanli's single posters were all chosen, and the visual impact was overwhelming.

"If I tell you, I have never seen such a big self, do you believe it?" Lan Li raised his head and looked at the poster in front of him, and then said with a smile, "Actually, I don't think that's me, it's just A virtual image, the expression captured at a certain moment of the performance, that is me, but not me."

Bradley looked at Lan Li with a dazed expression on his face, which made him laugh happily, "If I can, I always try to avoid coming here. For me, this is not New York." That means. The long words left a deep impression on Bradley, but Renly seemed to be okay, "Let's go, I'll buy you coffee."

Gazing at Lan Li’s back, Bradley carefully recalled his journey along the way:

Starting from Eugene Sledge of the "Pacific War", to "Buried Alive", "Love Crazy", "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", "Anti-Cancer Me", and then to "Transcendence" and theatrical version" "Les Miserables", and finally "Edge of Tomorrow", of course, there is also "Don Quixote" that cannot be forgotten. The journey was extremely smooth and fast, and he seemed to have stood at the apex of the pyramid before he had time to blink and breathe.

Everyone says that Lan Li is lucky. The appreciation of Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg opened his career; but people ignore Lan Li’s talent, talent and hard work~www When people marveled at the Grammy awards, few people saw the sadness of the "one-man concert"; when people admired the youngest Oscar actor, few saw it The burden of "anti-cancer me" almost collapsed during the filming; when people lamented the background of Lan Li's family, few people saw the hard work and perseverance burdened with aristocratic identity and faltered.

Genius, there are still four months to turn 23. Lan Li seems to have the world, even a height that an actor cannot climb in his lifetime. He is a genius, there is no doubt; but Outside of the genius, after stripping off those auras, what does Renly in real life look like?

"Len Li-Hall: Is he a genius in the spotlight or a lunatic behind the scenes?"

The title of the interview emerged in Bradley's mind. In this young man, he saw too many things, but he couldn't capture them at all. It was like flipping through a masterpiece. The difficult thing is that I just want to recommend this masterpiece to others, and hope that they can calm down and read it carefully.

So, is he a genius or a lunatic?

"Mr. Adams, what are you waiting for?" Lan Li stopped, turned around and said with a big smile.

Bradley hurried to catch up, came to Lan Li, walked side by side, this is really a crazy thing——

They walked on Times Square like this, not only without the aura of celebrities, but also without the atmosphere of an exclusive interview. The simple and intimate daily images made people a little dazed.

"God, God, did I admit the wrong person? Lan Li? You are Lan Li, right? Ah! Ah!"

There was a scream, and the reality was finally a little more real.

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