The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1010: Earth-shattering

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Now, everything has found the answer.

Why does the young Lan Li show the grace and calmness after the years have settled? Because this is the habit and temperament that has been cultivated since childhood, and it has been integrated into the blood; why does Lan Li keep silent about the situation of the family? Because for the nobles, this is still an unacceptable shame; why people always wonder if Lan Li has a strong wealth background but can't find any clues? Because the Hall family wouldn't help at all, it was fortunate that they hadn't pierced and damaged.

The most important thing is, why all the paparazzi, all the reporters and all the networks have not been able to dig out the background of Lan Li?

Because even in the 21st century, the information of the nobles still follows the ancient law and is preserved with paper data; because all of Lanly’s past alumni, friends and neighbors are real nobles, they don’t Will not bother to disclose his tone. Without finding the right entry point, the reporters just wandered around outside the siege, unable to dig out the truth of the matter at all.

This is true even for paparazzi.

So, how did Ned Mullan of Empire magazine discover this earth-shattering secret? How did he create this worldwide sensational exclusive news?

Everyone never thought that the secret entrance actually came from a restaurant.

A sensation, this is the real sensation!

Not to mention ordinary people, even the industry colleagues in the news media, when they read this issue of "Empire" magazine, the first reaction is, "It's a lie?" The question mark is full of brains, and the mind is full of incredible, subconsciously. Denial and rejection, and then one after another called the editorial department of "Empire" magazine to inquire about the authenticity of the news.

The shock and astonishment of the reporters was even worse. It is precisely because they clearly understand the difference between the aristocracy and the upper class, so they understand the intensity of the news. As a result, the reaction became more intense and turbulent.

A piece of news, mighty and mighty like a tornado, set off stormy waves in a wild and joking manner, and swept the entire network with an unstoppable force, spreading across the world.

"God! God! I'm dying, is this true? God, who can tell me, is it true? My jaw has been dislocated at this time and can't be installed!"

"Oh my god! I... ah ah ah ah! I can't believe it, I can't believe it! Ah!"

"No wonder. I said, how is it possible that a 22-year-old young man has such a temperament? Now I finally found the answer, wait, does this mean I also have a chance? Prince William is already married, then Can I marry Lan Li? Then I will become aristocratic!"

"I can't breathe! **** Christ! I knew it, I knew it! That aristocratic temperament is completely true! Don’t believe me, go and see the formal suit of Lan Li above this year’s Oscars, no The same is not the same! My God, I'm going to be speechless!"

"It's so handsome! I have to say that Lan Li is really so handsome! That kind of elegant aristocratic temperament really can't be put on!"

"Oh! Me! Who! God! This is definitely the hottest news since 2012! I thought Lan Li was an alien! Now it seems that the facts are even more wonderful. He is a nobleman, he is actually a nobleman! "

"Calm down, everyone is calm. It's just a hereditary baron. According to the regulations, if he has an older brother, he can't inherit the title. I think that must be the case. Otherwise, how could he become an actor? If he is the heir to the title, the family must be early The land cuts off all possibilities. Just look at Princess Grace Kelly of Morocco.

Those who questioned Lan Li's reliance on the superiority of the relationship can shut up. The hereditary baron’s family disdains the work of an actor at all. What I am more curious is that his family did not secretly operate and stifle his career? For them, this must be too shameful. "

"Noble? Really noble? I'm dying, and now I finally know why I couldn't breathe when I saw him at the premiere of the Berlin Film Festival."

"I knew it! I said it before, and Lanly Hall must have a great background! The family background is definitely not trivial! I know it! It's just that it's even better than I thought!"


The entire network has been fried, and it really vividly explains what is called "explosive news"!

In less than twelve hours, the popularity of online discussions had reached its peak, and the Yahoo community actually experienced a server crash, and more than 50,000 posts appeared in a rush, and the server was stuck abruptly——

Even more frightening is Twitter.

Thanks to the real-time sharing function of the One-hundred-Four Cross, it is rapidly growing into the most favorite social network for young people. This time, there are more than 4,000 discussions per minute on Twitter, which is more than double the performance stage of "Edge of Tomorrow" and "Today Show", sweeping across a thousand troops and creating a new history; As a direct result, all the top ten on Twitter’s hot trend rankings were screened by the “blue gift”.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is only one focus.

According to incomplete statistics, within twelve hours, the number of discussions on this article of "Empire" magazine on the Internet has exceeded 20 million, easily surpassing the history created by the "Avengers" not long ago. Record, rewrite a new history of social network discussion boom.

Sitting in front of the computer, William Taylor was completely stunned. He couldn't believe his eyes, but he couldn't help it with his hands. He kept refreshing the news, refreshing the news, and then browsing the hot discussions in various aspects. Gradually At the beginning, my heart was surging, and there was a flash of light in my mind, and then he laughed brilliantly.

Immediately opening Facebook and Twitter, William posted his thoughts on the Internet for the first time.

"Master. It turns out that he is really Master Lanly."

After the "Pacific War" was over, fans called Lan Li as the young master, just because his role in the TV series was a rich young master; unknowingly, this title has evolved into Don Quixote's Lan Li's nickname quietly narrowed the distance between them and their idols.

But now, this title has become a reality. Lan Li-Hall is really "Master Lan Li", a young master from aristocratic background.

Reality is always more magical than movies and, which makes William extremely excited. Although he doesn't know what he is excited about, at this moment, his heart is surging and he can hardly control himself. Therefore, he no longer suppresses his impulse. He jumped up suddenly, and then the ghost cried and started shouting, venting his excitement and excitement.

"Bill, Bill!" Graham Hughes rushed into William's dormitory, roaring hoarsely, then the two saw each other, paused for a moment, and both roared, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" That kind of uncontrollable 'S emotions are running rampant, although they don't understand the reason at all, but the urge to vent has the upper hand.

"Bill, look at the photo wall, the photo wall!" Graham almost forgot the reason why he came here, and patted William on the shoulder, quickly reminding, "Brando fanatical released the latest picture, quickly Look, look!"

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" I was so excited that the voice began to tremble slightly. William quickly turned on the phone and opened the application software, and he saw the latest photos uploaded by Brando Fanatic five minutes ago.

The completely black and white sketch is the image of Lan Li attending the Oscars ceremony. It is elegant and calm, restrained and low-key. The charming retro temperament has got rid of the shackles of black and white. It jumps on the paper, then marvels, involuntarily in his mind. Begin to depict the grand occasion of the award ceremony night.

Below the sketch, "Brando Mania" wrote a paragraph of text in handwriting.

"In 1956, Grace Kelly married a Moroccan prince. Just after receiving an Oscar, she announced her retirement. For the nobles, the life of a public actor was unacceptable after all. Hindrella married the prince at a price. Lived in the ivory tower.

In 2009, Lanly-Hall left London and came to New York, where he began to chase the dream of an actor in this strange land. It is impossible to imagine how much burden and pressure he has carried on this road, even the opposition and rejection of his family, but he gritted his teeth and persevered, standing in front of the camera with great perseverance.

Everyone is always talking about the greatness of the album'Don Quixote' but we ignore that behind this excellent album, there is a real Don Quixote writing and creating of. Today, I listened to this album again, and watched "Love Is Crazy" again. I have infinite feelings that cannot be expressed in words. "

In just five minutes, this photo has already received 13,000 likes and more than 2,000 comments.

As the "Brando Fanatic" said, people always think that they know Renly enough and use their own ideas and positions to speculate on the actor's thoughts and life; but repeatedly, people will immediately find themselves one-sided and shallow. Lan Li is like "A Hundred Years of Solitude" or "Reminiscence of the Years". Only by calming down and reading slowly can you truly capture one or two of its essence.

Everyone was marveling at Lan Li’s family background and sighing at the generous life of “with a golden spoon”; but few people could see that Lan Li gave up everything and realized his dream by relying on his own efforts. In the past few years, there has been an unknown bitterness about the family’s silence.

"Master Lan Li", this is an honor, but it is also a burden, just like the saying: If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. Now that you listen to "Don Quixote" again, you can truly understand that each track in the album is rare; at the same time, for a very small group of movie fans, they can only vaguely understand that Lanly and Heather The connection between them is far more profound than imagined.

This is an interesting thing. In my idol, I understand life bit by bit, embrace my dream bit by bit, follow in his footsteps, and grow into a better person.

William and Graham couldn't help but smile. They did not speak, but clicked on the digital sound source of the album "Don Quixote" and began to play it.

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