The Great Thief

Chapter 1700: Facade

The goal of Longyan is the best newcomer in the Donghua Cup. As long as you defeat the fat monkey, it will be foolproof. Although the fat monkey is not a star player, but his strength is not much worse than those of the star players. He and the cats love to eat meat have repeatedly defeated the star players.

This thought dissipated as the dragon flame fell, and he still hadn’t beaten the fat monkey.

The second glory capital is Shu Xin Xiao Mo Bao.

The thief has long been blaming, and no one is obeying anyone. The fighting style and bloodiness of Shuxin Xiaomobao are not at all similar. It is a bit similar to the fear of wood, which is the type that is slowly but just right.

The fat monkey seems to be very patient to kill the dragon flame, in fact, he is still the impatient fat monkey.

I hate this kind of grinding opponent, but the other party is a thief, the fighting rhythm is not in his hands, and the fat monkey can only talk about it.

"It’s a very patient player," Lu said with emotion.

"It seems to be more restrained monkeys," the root nodded. He was watching the game. He was sitting next to the land. The big manager had a rare time to relax. Even if he relaxed, he relaxed in this way. The standard workaholic .

"The character of the monkey still needs to be ground," Lu said.

"What do you think of these glory capitals?" Root asked, they came here not to see the results of the game, to see the newcomers of the glory capital, and the results of their own training.

"It’s all hard scorpions. The foundation of the glory capital is really strong. Some people used to read the secrets of the past. Now I know what is called the underlying, and I have a long way to go, my third brother," Lu said with emotion.

"Don't be discouraged, we have done a good job," said the root number.

"Not good enough. I intend to expand the scale of the training camp. I hope that more people will send money to us in the next Fortress War." Lu is looking forward to it.

"It's more difficult. Even the capital of glory has been run for us. Do you think anyone else dares to fight our fortress?" Root said, the situation seems to be the case. The glory capital is twice. And returning, other clubs only need to measure it, they know that they can't get it.

It is possible to anticipate the situation of the next fortress war. Everyone has skipped the fortress of the ruling sword, and no one is willing to pay a high price to seize the right to attack.


Lu Mo suddenly felt a toothache, Xiao Mo is really a pen, for Mao Fei to stare at the club.

"Would you like to play with yin," Lu said suddenly thought of an idea.

"Yin? How to play Yin, can this play Yin?" The root number indicates that goodness limits his imagination.

"Not many people want to buy a fortress from us, let us sell them to them, and then hit them down... Hey, what is your expression? Isn't my plan going to work?" Lu is very speechless.

"Let's leave, you are too bad," the root number is even more speechless: "There are people selling things and after-sales, you are good, sell here, grab it over there, who will dare you from next time?" Buying things in your hand, even if it is something else, it will make you feel that you can't cooperate."

"Oh, I will talk about it," he said in the centrifugation, and he can actually make a lot of money.

If there are 50 million for a fortress, countless clubs will rush to ask for it. He picks up a general strength and then easily retakes the fortress.

As for whether he will affect his personal reputation, he never cares about this.

"We are all people with identity, we can't always go slant," Root is firmly opposed to the shameless act of Lu.

"Then you said, don't you pay for it?" Lu asked.

"The hair still has to be sent, just leave it a little bit," said the root 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 陷入 陷入 陷入 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动 被动Kind of racer."

"It's pretty good, but it's not as good as March." In the land, the March rain is the benchmark of the pastor.

"This is not nonsense, what is the strength of March, you go to compare with the pastor of the ordinary club," said the root number.

"That should be considered quite good. The three newcomers this time are quite good, better than ours." Lu was a bit resentful in the centrifugation. How could the two newcomers be so disappointing? He didn't want to think about him. How long has the Modaotang been built, and the two newcomers have to be trained while they are desperately trying to level the copy.

Fortunately, the Law on the Protection of Minors is very tolerant of such phenomena in the game circle, otherwise it will rule him a crime of crushing child labor.

"Five new people, two of them are orphans, have you found out," the root 叁 reminded.

"I only know that the sky is like this, the orphanage is born, the parents are ominous, it should not be a big family child, the TV series is like this, the giants complain about something," Lu Yi's thinking began to diverge.

"Hey, can you stay with Xinxin to see the dog blood TV series," the root number said.

"I am holding my sister to watch the drama. You have no sister, you are embarrassed. You can be happy when you are watching the drama." Lu is determined to defend his rights and interests. He usually plays games. Lu Xin goes out to various waves. Brothers and sisters can stay together for a while.

Look at your drama!

"Okay, OK, don't discuss this, I mean, let's not set our eyes so high, normal children can't afford it," said the root.

Lu Lele: "I understand, my third brother, you are looking at the child with neurosis."

"Hey!" The root number is compared to a middle finger.

"Actually, I have thought about this. I grew up in a slum. I naturally know where it is. You said this is indeed feasible, but the children there have a lot of problems with their minds. It can be troublesome to manage." It’s obviously a joke just now.

"I always believe that people are sexually good at the beginning," said the root number.

"The third brother is also an idealistic person. The kind people in that place really can't live, especially the orphans you said. I don't like people who have no lower limit," Lu said.

"We have so many instructors, I think they are usually very leisurely, and the butterfly dance is abhorrent, and it is absolutely no problem to discipline them." Roots quickly found a countermeasure.

The ruling sword novice training camp is officially known as Modaotang. There are four instructors in Modaotang. The cat dad is the chief. He is a veteran. He has exerted great power in the establishment of Modaotang, and his daughter also plays a role in The Sword Club of the ruling is a proper family member.

Then there is Xing Xiaofeng, who is a practical instructor, and his skills are more powerful than the legendary ones.

If there is such a platform as the Capital of Glory, his achievements should not be much worse than that of Master Huang.

Butterfly dance is a beautiful girl, and her temper is much better than Xing Xiaofeng. It is just hateful and hateful. It is probably the most poisonous woman's heart. This makes her unable to be pleasing to the eye and can be killed by the training.

Finally, the old friend of the cat dad Han Lengyi, a game theory expert.

Born in the glory capital of the youth training camp, he graduated and lost his job. He has been doing theoretical research on games for more than a decade.

He is a theoretical expert of Modaotang. Lu has seen his training equipment for training programs. It is indeed very good, and he has an extremely high-level summary ability in the post-match summary.

There are now a total of twelve students in the Sword Grinding Hall of the ruling - there are already fourteen, and two of them are too bitter.

Not only did there be only four instructors, but the sword of the ruling also invited two lives to be comfortable. It is indeed a waste to take care of the twelve students. The thirty-fifty-fifty looks like no problem. After all, there are many things that can be done by themselves.

I can't do my own thing, actually want to go to the game?

"I am looking for someone to try this," Lu said, there seems to be nothing wrong with trying it. If it is not appropriate, then drive them back.

During this time, he accompanied Lu Xin to watch TV dramas. He often saw the protagonists inside to cultivate their own power. Those orphans who were adopted from a young age were all loyal, and he could only grin and sneer. It was a pattern of Tucson.

Humanity is the most complicated.

Above the stage, the fat monkey has been killed.

Shu Xin Xiao Mo Bao naturally feels comfortable, and the sword of the ruling goes up to the soul of the grass, and then Xiao Mo Bao is not comfortable again.

Fighting with a melee, and still a thick and mad warrior, the thieves career really does not have much advantage.

As far as the current version is concerned, the thieves have almost no Berserkers who can defeat the same level of equipment. Unless the operation gap is particularly large, he and the sorcerer have been beaten for a while and then turned to death by a big whirlwind.

The Lost Soul was very calm and brave during the game, and the opponent fell down, and immediately turned into a shy little boy.

The slap in the face of the audience around the audience is so cute and cute, the little fresh meat seems to everyone, the world is a world of looking faces.

If it is a very ugly person, you can only say that you are better than one!

The lost soul can really be promoted as a facade.

Originally, it was more beautiful, but this beauty is a neuropathy. The mouth is too poisonous. Besides his dead loyalty powder, others can't wait to pour sulfuric acid on his face.

"Floating, I like you very much, my favorite heart is broken."

"You didn't have an umbrella in the rain, your brain went into the water, and you didn't marry your ugly. What do you like me?"

MMP, the sword of this ruling has provoked a lot of rivals.

The grass is not the same, the age is small, the face is good, and wearing a helmet is also very aggressive. Gentle and polite when talking to people, with a little shyness...

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