The Great Thief

Chapter 1679: Soul casting

"What is the soul of the soul?" Lu Li knew that his chance came.

It is rare that there is such a NPC that does not care about his low value. Before he blocked the sword of Prince Sunderland, for whatever purpose, he perfectly brushed the goodness of Demi Tien.

The grace of life is more effective than any charm value.

"Many master craftsmen are not human beings. The blacksmith is the most powerful dwarf. The inscriptions are in the hands of the trolls. Jewelry is the gnome's specialty. The elves are best at enchanting... Humans have learned various skills from these ethnic groups and gradually formed His own style..." Demitian said with emotion.

"Is the soul cast by humans?" Lu asked.

"Of course not," Demetine shook his head and said with a smile: "It was invented by the devil, and humans learned it."

"You haven't said anything about casting souls." Lu is speechless. This kind of cottage has the skills of others to show off. He can't wait to understand this casting soul. It is best to learn it. It is very good to listen to.

"It is as simple as injecting a powerful soul into the equipment," Demetine did not turn around.

"Is the weapons of the demons so come?" Lu was really the first time I heard about it.

"It's not all, only a small part is like this. I heard that the double-edged hand in Illidan's hand is the perfect work of casting souls, and there is a very strong existence sealed in it," Demitian's face fascinated.

Lu is also very fascinating, but it exists only in the legendary weapons, and it is not an artifact.

The reason why Illidan is strong, in addition to his own strength, Essinos Blade, Gul'dan's skull, Sargeras' curse vision, Sargeras's betrayal of these artifacts also added a lot of chips for him.

The Essinos blade was seized by Illidan from a doomsday guard called Essinos. The specific origins are unreliable, but some people think it should have a bigger come.

It is the skull of the orc warlock Gul'dan. It has powerful power and possesses the tempting evil power.

It is a long story and will not be repeated.

The latter two items are from Sargeras, and when they are in the hands of Illidan, they are undoubtedly true artifacts.

Of course, the egg knife that the copy fell is weakened. Even so, the egg knife is the top of the legendary equipment.

"In fact, there is nothing too clever," Demitian said helplessly: "A powerful soul is not easy to obtain, I want to acquire a strong wind element, so I sacrificed my freedom."

"Can't you seal the weaker soul into it?" Lu asked.

"Of course, but I advise you to try not to do that," Demetine said as he worked. "There was a time when the soul-casting technique was very popular. At that time, no matter how low-end weapons, the soul-casters would Sealing a soul into it, reaching the point of abuse."

"Later? Why is it so popular that the soul-casting technique is now unknown."

"The question is good. They found that the human soul is very special. They can be superimposed. Whether it is a superposition of several human souls, or superimposed with the souls of other life forms, and can receive good results, they use them at the very beginning. The soul of the death row, later used the soul of the prisoners of war, and later... things are out of control, the village is destroyed, the old man, the child, and nothing is left, can you imagine the situation at the time?"

"Imagine," Lu said suddenly that this is a bit like the undead natural disaster.

"So, the mainland began to kill the Soulmaster, more and more Soulmasters were executed - their hands are not clean, there is nothing to say in the trial, and some soul-casters chose to hide themselves, on After ten thousand years have passed, it is estimated that there are not many soul-killers left."

"Are you a soul sorcerer?" Lu was surprised.

I can't see it at all. This task NPC is actually a hidden occupation owner.

Twilight does not have any hidden occupations or hidden missions, but if Demetine is a hidden profession, it seems to be justified, and it has already annihilated the ancient times in time and memory.

"Yes, I am a soul sorcerer and a warlock," Demitian admitted.

"Azeroth continent, how many soul-souls do you like?" Lu is quite curious, how can he say that he has lived for two lifetimes, and this world has come to the point where he is today, even the word "deathist" is not heard about it.

"There are still a lot of them, but they are all dead. Like me, they always want to be able to enslave a strong existence," Demetine said.

"I am embarrassed, this is faster than suicide, no wonder the soul-killer is gone," said the blue sea breeze.

"But do you know, the soul-seeker's lifelong pursuit," Demi Tienton paused, and did not refute, on the one hand, the restriction of inheritance, on the other hand, his own death, the soul-torcher was indeed committing suicide.

“It seems that everyone is thinking about how to become stronger,” Lu said with a reply.

"No, it's forging real semi-artifacts and artifacts, not the fakes and inferior goods that you have in your hands," Demetine said proudly. "With only the demigod and the greater existence, you can forge artifacts." , half artifact."

"Oh..." was actually despised.

"Injecting a powerful soul and making the equipment alive, the soul-torters firmly believe that this is the only way to forge an artifact," Demetine said wildly.

"That... can you become an artifact now? After all, let's inject Sunderland's soul into it. I heard that he can even defeat Ragnaros and cross the legs of Sargeras." The blue sea breeze has flown. The saliva is gone.

"I hope that it will become an artifact, child, pray more than you," Demetine said.

Lumizu concentrated on watching Demetine casting weapons, and he occasionally helped a little, but he was destined to be disappointed, because this observation is not enough to let him discover the mystery of the soul-casting.

He could not understand at all, how can he seal a soul into the weapon. Even games, at least, should pay attention to the logic within the system.

"I know that there is a kind of thing. After absorbing a certain soul, you can get more powerful power. Is this a category of soul-casting?" Lu Li took out the book of Ur in his backpack. This equipment is already full. Level, but it has become the equipment that has been eliminated.

He has kept this piece of equipment, and occasionally put out the two haha ​​seals in the equipment.

"God, this is a smart life, and he still retains reason," Demetine saw the ghost wolf released, his eyes full of shock and sympathy.

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