The Great Thief

Chapter 1537: Hand of Tyre

Tirion Fordring’s military account is on the edge of the camp, and the treatment he receives can be imagined.

"The military is too much," Lu said with a little resentment. Halford Rebein is the head of the Seventh Army, but his reputation has never been compared with Marshal Windsor and others. It is not unrelated to the pattern of this person.

Indifference, stubbornness, and even market shackles.

“Halfford Rebane is a brave soldier,” Tirion Forddin said softly. “He is not a paladin.”

Listening to the tone, it seems that Tirion Fordring’s heart does not have much complaints.

"Well, Lord of the Big Lord, let's study the problem of rescue." Since they have decided to manage each other's relationship, Lu is no longer focused on tasks and rewards. He may be greedy or perhaps savvy, but not a No one is measured.

At this time Tirion Fordring is in the stage of desolate.

As a close friend of the bright messenger of the Knights of the Silver Knights, Uther, one of the most noble paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand, the performance of the first war in the second war is also the sacred name of the silver hand. The old Fuding was the strongest person in the human kingdom.

The long seclusion of life has caused him to gradually lose his voice in the empire. Some people even think that he is self-destructive and a deserter.

Halford Ribane might think so. He didn't doubt the character of Tirion Fordring, so he saw that Lu and Tirion Forddin knew each other and subconsciously trusted Lu and Solomon. But in his eyes, Tirion Fordring has decayed to enter the coffin.

And he feels that it is almost absurd to send a large army to a group of old Paladins who are almost unable to walk.

"The hands of Tyre, they are all being held here," Tirion Fording spread a sheepskin roll on the table, pointing to a point on the map.

The hand of Tyre is located in the Eastern Plaguelands, east of Lake Mirad, which is the hinterland of the Scourge's hinterland. It is not far from the Church of the Hope of the Light, and once again understands the Halford Ribane Legion. Long, in exchange for his words, standing on the position of Halford Rebane, he may not send someone to rescue.

Perhaps many people don't know the origin of the name of Tyre's hand.

A long time ago, on the continent that we later called the Eastern Kingdoms, a small group of creatures were struggling to survive by the small supply left by their parents when they were exiled to this strange beach. These creatures were later humans, sometimes they They will gather next to the campfire and try to read the scrolls of ancient civilizations and heroic legends from the abandonment of their mother culture.

One of the scrolls tells of a great leader who is a model of order and justice. The hero has sacrificed his right hand against a deep evil.

Although he can repair his right hand with his own ability after the end of the battle, he chose to use the right hand of the fist box cast in sterling silver instead. Thus, the hero let each of his followers understand that order and justice can only be achieved through personal sacrifice.

This hero, hidden in the memory of a long time, his name is Tyre.

In fact, Tyre is against Gara clones—that is, the ancient ancestral dragons. The five guardian dragons were created based on the evolution of the Titans to a certain degree of shape, that is, he is a dragon. The ancestor, in terms of size, the Gara clone is ten times as many as the five guardian dragons.

In that battle, Titan guardian Tyre led the black dragon Nazario, Red Dragon Alexstrasza, Green Dragon Ysera, Blue Dragon Marie Muse, Bronze Dragon Nozdormu and Galla Clone.

It is difficult for the five dragons to cause fatal damage to the larger Garaglon. Because Tyre’s combat plan only used himself as the core of the battle and did not lead the Wulong to work reasonably and closely, Tyre was bitten by Gara clone in the battle, and the warhammer was also shot. The artifact at the waist of Tyre was Was swallowed by Gara Clone.

Marius and Alekstasa rescued Tyre, and after a simple rescue, they quickly withdrew to a frozen wilderness in the north, the later Northrend Dragon Bone Wilderness.

Soon after, the final battle between the five dragons and Gara Clone will also unfold over the Northrend continent.

Marie Muse understood why Tyre chose to unite them against Galla clones. The five dragons must work together, as if a big family were united together, with no cooperation to defeat Galla clone.

In the decisive battle, the five dragons showed their tacit understanding of becoming a guardian dragon in the future, helping each other and fighting desperately.

Marius and Nazario picked up a huge stone, hoping to throw the boulder into the throat of Garacron.

But in times of crisis, a group of undead dragons flew in the sky, and Nazario rescued Marilyns and went alone to meet the Undead Dragon Legion.

It can be seen that when the little black child and the little blue dragon are young, they are not incompatible.

On the other hand, Alexstrasam and Ysera, as well as Nozdormu, attracted the attention of Gara Clone, who smoothly threw the boulder into the throat of Garacron.

Gara clone was unable to breathe because of the trachea, and began to escape. The five dragons chased them up. They knew that if Gara clones spit out the boulders, their battle would fall short and Azeroth would be destroyed.

In the process of chasing the five dragons, Galla clone fell to the ground, and the huge body crushed the whole mountain. After landing, Galla clone still tried to take off again, but in the process of struggle, his The movement gradually slowed down, and after a convulsion, it fell to the ground and stopped moving.

After the five dragons defeated the Galla clones thousands of times larger than themselves, Tyre and the other two Titans appeared. The Titans once again visited Azeroth and gave the responsibilities and strength of the five ancestral dragons to guard the dragon.

This is a mythical thing, describing the battle process very naive.

But Tyre’s idea was passed down.

Only by sacrificing the ego can you achieve justice!

Here is the hand of Tyre, and the holy place of the silver hand. Unfortunately, it has become a site of natural disasters. The curse of the cursing gods hopes to find Tyre’s body here and then deprive him.

"Lord Lord, I have been to the hand of Tyre, the place is not so good," Lu said that it is inevitable to retreat after knowing the place of detention.

To tell the truth, he is not afraid of sacrifice. Anyway, the player can be resurrected indefinitely. What he does not like is unnecessary sacrifice.

It is almost impossible to get people from the hands of Tyre.

“Do you think this is completely impossible?” Tirion Fordring seems to be able to see through the land. The NPC is endowed with powerful intelligence, more human than human beings, and a powerful Humanity.

"I don't think we have much hope for success," Lu said calmly.

"Even if there is only a hint of hope, the hands of silver will not give up their brothers, even if I am alone, I will fight for them," Tirion Fording said solemnly: "Only sacrifice me." In order to achieve justice!"

"Oh..." Don't, if you hang up, I still play with a hair, and squirting in the ground.

Chapter 1538

"You can choose not to go, you are still young, and I..." Tirion Fording said with a wry smile: "Even if it is dead, Azeroth is nothing less than a bad old man."

"Lord Lord, I think we must have a plan," Lu said, imitating the lines in the movie.

A plan, since it is a rescue operation, then they really need a perfect plan, from sneak to rescue, from rescue to safe evacuation, but also consider the variables that may occur in this process.

"Unfortunately, Rebein refused to lend a helping hand. If I have two thousand soldiers..." Tirion Forddin obviously considered the whole plan long ago, but his plan did not convince the head of the army.

"Yes, we have, although the strength may be weaker, but we have two thousand, no, 20,000," since you want to play, then play a big one, in the big event of the spread of the plague, There must be a desperate courage to get the benefits you want.

Unlike other clubs that rush to grab BOSS, the land is completely integrated into the war.

If you don't succeed, then you will become a man.

People who have only one life in their lives, dare to fight alone, what he fears as a player.

"Twenty thousand!" Tirion Fordring was scared.

The number of the Seventh Army is about 4,500,000. The exhibition is only 30,000 in the confrontation between the Fortress of the Frozen Seal and the Scourge. This is already one of the most powerful military forces in the region, except for the Scourge. No one can compare them in number.

Now, Lu Li suddenly said that he has 20,000 people.

It is strange that Tirion Fordring is not scared. Fortunately, he and Lu Li have also dealt with each other. Knowing that this elf has no other advantages, it is very reliable.

"I can assemble a team of 20,000 people for you to send, sir, but their strength is a little weak, about five people can resist a patchwork blame, and they are not soldiers..." Lu is not in this battle. The quantity can make a big difference.

If you look at the number of people, you can kill the Scourge in a group of clubs.

However, they may not even be able to beat a team of death knights in the Scourge. The players are no better than the civilians in this land.

"It doesn't matter, we are just saving people, not fighting with them," the situation is much better than Tirion Fordring envisioned. He originally thought that he and Lu were fighting with a few old knights. It.

Lu is also not concealed, telling Tirion Fording himself the characteristics of these people.

In the game of Dawning, the aborigines have become accustomed to some of the adventurer's bizarre abilities, so Tirion Fordring knows that Lu is able to call his teammates in a way that is not surprising, perhaps in his understanding, this is magic. The scope.

"We are going along the edge of the literary world..." Tirion Fordring's fingers drew a curved line on the map.

But Lu is different from the idea: "No, we don't walk from the Western Plaguelands. It is a battlefield for the war. No matter how good luck we can't pass through such a long area, once it is recognized by the Lich King. If it is a threat, it will be an endless slogan to meet us. It is hard to say whether it is to the hands of Tyre, let alone save people."

In fact, Lu is a bit exaggerated, but it is not unreasonable.

Tirion Fordring also knows that Lu Li’s theory makes sense. If it is very systemic, the difficulty of the original rescue is twelve points. It means that there is no hope at all. With 20,000 people who have been told by Lu, it has now been reduced to seven or eight. Points, but this is still not what they can afford.

"Actually, we can pass through the Hinterlands, there is a secret road connecting the Hinterlands and the Eastern Plaguelands," Lu said.

"This is impossible!" Tirion Fordring shook his head again and again: "The reason why Hinterlands is not infected by the plague is because of the mountains, if there is a passage, I believe that Arthas and Kel'Thuzad will not Fear of the dwarves in the Eagle Nest."

"Please believe me, Lord of the Big Lord, I will not lie to you with such a thing, it does not make any sense," Lu said confidently.

Hinterlands can indeed go directly to the Eastern Plaguelands, and even more than this one, if you swim along the coastline, you can achieve this purpose, but this time not only them, but also Tirion Fordring These paladins, they all need to ride the auxiliary battle, the road to crossing the water will not work.

The dwarves at Eagle's Nest have a passage to the plague.

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