The Great Thief

Chapter 1522: Lich heart

After searching for two boxes, Solomon picked out a dozen bottles of pharmacy: "These are not the most precious, but they are undoubtedly the best for you, the elf, I think I have fulfilled my promise."

Your uncle!

Of course, it is not the most precious. It is estimated that this product is the cheapest to pick.

But what can he do if he leaves, even if he knows this, then he can only count this account on the head of the system, and the system will not be able to get Lu Yi and others to get too much remedy.

"That seems to be a recipe. Since the medicine can't be given more, it's okay to take a few formulas." Lu Li observed the expression of Solomon and felt that there could not be a big breakthrough in the pharmacy. His gaze sweep After two open boxes, I was keenly aware of some recipes and other materials.

"These are all to be handed over to the military..." Solomon was very embarrassed.

"Sir!" Lu Li added a bit of tone: "For your sake, I pulled five hundred brothers to help, they risked being chased by the lich, and didn't even have time to drink in the morning..."

Five hundred people suddenly put down their drinks and continued to listen to Lu Yupi and nPC bargaining.

"But the pharmacy really can't be much. If you have a formula, let me see it first." Solomon wiped the sweat from his forehead. Nima, just playing with the half lich was not so tired.

Moreover, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He originally had only two hundred people, and he almost doubled it. If it really only brought two hundred people to come, it is really not so clean now, at least half of the sorcerer summons a certain range of undead mobs to the group. This is a headache.

"Materials are OK," Lu looked at another box, but there was no recipe inside, but he saw the material.

The material that needs to be escorted by the half lich, it is obviously impossible to be ordinary materials. Now the sword of the ruling is big, the gap of rare materials is getting bigger and bigger, and the land does not mind getting more rare materials.

"If you want to use the material, you need to take it back and study..." Solomon said weakly, but he finally gave a prescription to the drug, and there were more than four or five rare materials. Therefore, taking out some of the land will not affect the research.

Fourteen bottles of pharmacy, one formula, five pieces of material.

This is the reward for this mission. It’s definitely a profit, and it’s arguably one of the most valuable tasks ever done.

However, the price paid is not trivial. After all, the general task does not require the dispatch of five hundred people.

"Dream dreams, equipment is good, no, let's go, everyone." After Lu got the things, he immediately arranged for people to retreat, regardless of whether the big boss like Kel'Thuzad would be motivated by the fall of a half lich. But staying in the depths of the plague is not always safe.

"I won't be with you anymore, no matter what happens, the box must be kept," Solomon said.

The typical aristocratic faction, although not a big sinister, but it is impossible to expect him to die with everyone.

The goal of five hundred people is too big. It is impossible to completely withdraw the plague. In Solomon's view, if the land is far from enough, the best result is that 500 people are divided into dozens of shares. This dispersion will save as much as possible.

This poor guy doesn't even know that the player has a hearthstone. As long as the current scene can be used, the hearthstone will return to the nest for more than ten seconds.

"There is a chance to cooperate again," Lu is also relieved.

He and Solomon are just ordinary trading relationships, and he does not want to receive tasks such as escorting Solomon to a safe area.

In fact, Solomon will not make such a request.

What he said is also a scout who is good at hiding his own tracks. Instead of escorting himself, it is better to run it.

When the battlefield was cleared, the land was separated from the plague by five people.

Kel'Thuzad did not actually shoot for a half lich, but he sent a team of death knights to the scene. But at this time the battlefield was a mess, the players all disappeared, and all the clues pointed to Solomon who was still fleeing in the plague.

Therefore, this pursuit is completely different from that of Solomon.

He fled very hard, and all the means of learning in the school were used, and he fled back to the camp without paying a price.

The land has also disbanded the team. These 500 people do not need him to send bonuses. The guild will have a system of guilds. Anyway, they will not be ill-treated. It will take an hour or so, and the casualties are negligible. Naturally, the equipment can't cost anything, and the pharmacy is provided by the guild.

The sorrowful dream gave the things that were hit today to the land.

More than a hundred gold coins, really good, comparable to the big boss in the copy.

Then there are two pieces of gold equipment, one piece of dark gold equipment, and a legendary equipment, which is worse than the first killing of the nightmare difficulty in the copy. The bosses of the Black Wings often give away three legends. .

However, think of Anglis this half lich is only a quasi-boss template.

There is no need to pay attention to the gold equipment. The dark gold equipment will be lost to the guild warehouse. The legendary equipment is unexpectedly good.

This is a very gorgeous staff.

The name is called Anglis's Fire of Wrath. It comes with a more interesting special effect. It can store an attack skill in the staff. Within two hours, the player equipped with this staff can instantly attack this attack. The spell, as soon as two hours later, this stored skill dissipates.

Lu Yi feels that this special effect is greatly enhanced by the value of this equipment.

Unfortunately, it is estimated that no mage in the pioneering group can see this weapon.

It seems that it is cheaper to be a member of the guild. It seems to be a good tool in the pioneering group. In the world of ordinary players, it is an artifact.

These have not let the land move, and what really makes the land move is a rare material that has fallen.

The heart of the Lich!

One and a half of the lichs also dropped the heart of the lich.

This thing only has a serious sorcerer to have a certain probability of falling out, and they did not see the Frost and Frost when they played the Confucius Institute.

There is a sentence in the description of the item, perhaps explaining the confusion of the Lich Heart: a heart made up of anger, unwillingness, destruction, and madness.

It’s hard to become a half lich, and the result is inexplicably dead in the hands of a group of attackers. Anglis is indeed angry and unwilling. He offered his own students for a permanent life, and it’s really crazy enough, plus This is the first time he has been killed, and the fall of a lich is also worthy of his life.

In fact, he belongs to the only npc, and if it dies, it will not be refreshed.

There are still things left in the land, he has to send the box to Solomon, but this is not anxious, it is estimated that the guy is still being chased, not to wait until the limelight has passed.

Today is the last day of the week. It is impossible for Lu to go to Nefarian without a copy. 8)

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