The Great Thief

Chapter 1505: Time plus burning

It’s not time passing, not acid, not ignition, what else is it?

Although burning is also a headache, one thousand five damage, one thousand five magic burning, and the attack interval is extended by 400%.

However, the current player's blood volume is basically more than three or four thousand, and the damage of one thousand five is not fatal. Since it is not enough to kill the treatment, it can be added; the more troublesome is the magic burning, the middle of the wizard warlock. This will be painful, let alone a less magical occupation.

Fortunately this skill is used once every 30 seconds.

And its scope of action is a straight line, that is, before and after the BOSS, only the people on this line will be recruited, not all players have to be burned out of the magic value of one thousand five.

There are certain signs before the skill takes effect, and some players who respond quickly can avoid it in advance.

In addition, at this stage, Clomagus began to change color.

Different colors correspond to different resistances. Players must choose the attacking skills for resistance. If it is dark, dark grazing and warlocks must use non-shadow attack skills. Otherwise, playing BOSS is no more powerful than tickling.

At first, everyone saw that BOSS changed color, and they all felt awkward, thinking that BOSS is doing something big.

Here, only Lu Li knows what skills Clomagus has. For ordinary players, they don't know what will happen in the next second. Even if something happens, it may not be noticed at all.

Need a process of discovery.

Then, without the land reminder, they found the resistance change caused by the discoloration of BOSS. The two skills were lost to BOSS, and the gap between the injuries was obvious.

Soon the second AOE came out too - it was time!

Lucent sighed silently, but this is also expected, even if it is a system of relatives, but it is easy to get rid of the seven dogs this BOSS. Time goes by, this AOE is the most difficult to deal with, not to say how high it hurts, but it will stun the target to empty hatred.

Sometimes the passing of light and the absence of time pass are completely different concepts.

Without time, Clomagus is a BOSS with a little more debuff. As long as it touches the debuff in time, it is no more difficult than the previous BOSS.

But with the passage of time, it is not the same. This skill is quite a bit of a posture that makes him look to Xiaohong.

Fortunately, it is not the time to ignite, or the time to add acid, otherwise the difficulty will not be much worse than the little red dragon, Lu from them now have no strength when playing Xiaolong, when they all have the roaring BUFF of the Dragon Slayer. The powerful ones are somewhat inflated.

When the time comes out, you know that there is wood, and the group is only in the BOSS.

The three MTs were all at the time, and a group of melee classes and even remotes were affected. Dizziness is a very deadly thing in the BOSS battle.

"This skill is too strong," resurrection came back, and the blue sea was overwhelmed.

"Play well, next time you pay attention to it," basically all of the skills have been explored, and the effect of each skill is also well understood, Lu is very satisfied with the first time.

"The hourglass is used very fast," said the drifting zero, which is very helpless: "In fact, it is not necessary to use the hourglass in the 20th stage of the BOSS blood volume at the beginning. It can save a little bit and save a little. I feel that BOSS is not difficult. It looks like there are many places where everyone needs to cooperate to play the best."

"You are right. If you feel that you are okay, you can use an hourglass less," Lu said.

If you encounter the time plus igniting or acid, it is estimated that the BOSS is not difficult, and the sandglass is not used at all. It can be used when the next person has a copy.

The second time, it also scored the second stage smoothly.

The difficulty of the first stage is that all occupations will relieve the pain of dragon blood in a timely manner - even if they can not be completely removed, it is best to remove the ones that pose the greatest threat to everyone, in addition to maintaining a certain output, after all, due to magic burning The reason for the existence, as well as BOSS often change resistance, everyone's output opportunities are not unlimited.

A lot of the land reclamation groups are now racing players, and they are still star players.

Lu, March rain, moonlight, deadly gold pants, green orange, stars, water elves, mosquitoes eating fast, only half a cigarette left, full-time assistant...

More than a dozen players, even on the field are very rare.

The output of the racers is not necessarily better than the PVE masters who are out of love, but their eyes are quick and quick to operate. This kind of debuff is the best thing for them. So in the second battle, there is no first stage. Anyone hangs because of the debuff.

Lu was a bit far from the station, but after the light appeared, he leaned over to eat this skill.

Time passes: stun, the target's blood volume is reduced by 50%, temporarily losing part of the hatred, and permanently losing part of the hatred. After the effect, part of the hatred and 50% HP are replenished.

First, a short stun, and then the amount of blood from the land is less than 50%.

Lu Ji opened the outbreak skill, and the completion degree was as high as possible. His enhanced shadow attack was originally stronger than the normal skill output. If the completion level is high, it is more powerful than the finishing technique. Under normal circumstances. He didn't dare to use it like this. After all, once the BOSS is OT, even if it is not destroyed, it can kill him in an instant.

Because of the reason for the command, the output of the land is very low, especially the second injury, which is basically in the last position.

But now his second scar has reached the first position, and the total damage is slowly accumulating. According to this posture, it is estimated that it will enter the forefront in a few minutes.

"Where are you doing, pay attention to OT," the blue sea breeze that had just received BOSS from Friendsland was frightened by him. He just accumulated a certain amount of hatred. Others slowed down and gave him time to accumulate hatred. Even stopped, but the land is not the opposite.

"Look at my hatred," Lu is very calm.

Everyone paid attention to the value of hatred, only to find that the hatred value of Lu is still the bottom of the picture, although his second injury has been high and scary.

"Melee physics career can eat this time, will clean up certain hatred," Lu said.

Everyone suddenly realized that it seems that this skill has certain benefits.

However, when the effect of the skill disappears, hatred will still make up part of it. At this time, we must pay attention. If it is still like the wave, the seven dogs will teach you how to behave.

Lu is obviously not going to make this mistake, he still does not forget to remind others.

Everyone only thinks that he is observing and will not doubt anything.

The two AOEs make everyone miserable, but they are miserable. As long as they can continue to squeeze out a little mana, they will not be destroyed.

At this time, you can see the advantages of equipment. Whenever you feel that several treatments are going to be finished, they can always come up with some new magic values, especially March rain, children's words, no stars, stars, nights. Use the most appropriate skills to treat, at the most appropriate time to treat, save as much as possible.

As for the small eight sauce...

She doesn't seem to worry about magic any more. It is said that her new skull can not only bounce back damage, but also recover 20% of the mana every five seconds, a proper perpetual motion machine.

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