The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 950 Hamiya’s Request

Once the priest fell, Twilight and the three of them only persisted for a while before failing.

Lu Li listened to the system's announcement that the Sword of Judgment had won again, but he didn't have many happy thoughts in his heart. If they hadn't shown off their power by eating meat, they might have capsized in the gutter.

However, this is not enough to make them doubt life.

After defeating the Star Guild, the Sword of Judgment points were enough for them to enter the Top 100 Tournament.

Even if they no longer participate in the next four battles, they will be directly promoted, but this is obviously impossible, and no guild will choose to do this.

The game won't take long, so there's absolutely no point sacrificing game time to level up.

Participating in competitions can train players, not only to hone their skills, but also to increase their practical experience. If they encounter a situation like today again next time, there will be no problems.

The game can also make money, and the tickets alone are a huge income.

The biggest prize in gaming events in this era is never the reward for the championship. Perhaps for ordinary people, that amount of money is almost unreachable in a lifetime. Even if the final championship bonus of this league reaches 10 million, this amount The money must first be used to benefit the general public of the guild. Is it because so many people gathered around Lu Li because of Lu Li's extraordinary charisma?

In addition, a sum of money will be left for the guild's daily operations and development.

The rest of the talent will be distributed to the various racers in the club, and those who get it may not even have three to five million, which is simply not enough for the racers to work hard for it.

The real benefit is fame, otherwise the gaming community would not be so keen on star racers.

The word star is not only about popularity, but also about benefits. The way for racers to increase their exposure is different from that for stars. They can only condense their own godhood through constant competition.

After the game, Lu Li followed the Sword of Judgment and started his third expedition to the Troll Tower.

The forest here is still threatening, and people often die in it. Yesterday, a large guild was wiped out here. Unfortunately, they encountered a level 60 BOSS, which was said to be a fallen red dragon.

But this is still not enough to deter people. The trial tower not only allows you to gain experience and reputation, but also provides generous wheel rewards.

The biggest advantage of Sword of Judgment compared with other guilds is the glutinous rice balls with sesame filling. Its summoning gate skills have played a huge role. Each guild has the Summoning Gate skill.

These four guilds can continuously draw people in the guild to enjoy experience and rewards.

Lu Li knew that this situation would not last long.

The official will not allow this situation to continue, otherwise the distance between these four guilds and other guilds will become wider and wider.

Lu Li entered the tower alone this time. He didn't get any good stuff in the first few rounds. It wasn't until he killed all the monsters in the fourth round that Lu Li got a scroll. It was a quest scroll, which can also be said to be a treasure map. , the name is Hamiya's Request.

Lu Li was not in a hurry to take it apart and look at it, but continued to play the fifth floor.

The monsters on the fifth level were only level 40, and they were all ordinary monsters. Even the final quasi-boss was not difficult for Lu Li, so he quickly finished the wave of monsters and got a double S rating.

Then comes the fifth draw.

Lu Li drew a lot of good things when he brushed the Tower of Trials for the first time. Unfortunately, the rewards he received later were not as good as the last. He could only place his hope in the last few rounds of draws.

Split, after getting this skill book in his hand, Lu Li looked at the skill points slowly disintegrating and a top-quality formula. He actually didn't have too many regrets in his heart. He was very satisfied with this skill book.

The split skill is a finishing move and can be used after a certain amount of combo points have been accumulated.

The final effect is sustained damage, which can be extremely useful for rogues in certain situations.

Lu Li currently does not have the ability to clear level 50 monsters, so the sixth wave of level 45 monsters is his last chance. He failed to clear the level last time he came in, so this time he will learn from the lessons learned last time. Less medicine.

After a hard battle, the system prompted him to receive a D-level rating. Although the rating was not high, it was considered to be completed within the specified time, which was much better than the last time.

It's a pity that he didn't get what he wanted. To be honest, maybe no one has ever inquired about the level 45 trial tower. The things in the carousel were surprisingly good. Only two pieces of golden equipment could not attract his greed - —But he just picked one of them.

In addition to experience and reputation in this week's trial tower, only this treasure map is considered acceptable.

After opening the treasure map, Lu Li quickly knew that it was something related to the Moss Troll.

The Mossrot Trolls are a branch of the Amani Empire that splintered off after the Troll War. Like other forest trolls, mossrot trolls formed an alliance with the Horde during the Second War. When the Horde was undoubtedly defeated, Zul'jin disappeared, and the forest trolls abandoned their allies.

Because of the Horde's ignominious defeat, the Mossrot Trolls have decided to have nothing to do with such reckless weaklings.

These trolls are focused on driving humans out of Lordaeron.

When the plague of the undead began to spread on this continent, the Moss Rotten Trolls quickly tasted the sweetness of this source of chaos that was blooming everywhere. Because the plague only infected humans at the beginning, human defenses quickly collapsed, and the Moss Rotten Trolls The Moss Trolls plan to reclaim their homeland piece by piece.

The plague soon swept across the continent, and the trolls gradually discovered that everything was not as good as they imagined.

The once verdant home of the Mossrotten Trolls is now the northeastern corner of the Eastern Plaguelands. The surviving plants and animals are dying of disease, and despite the nightmare environment, the trolls refuse to abandon their newly recovered homeland.

They began to panic for their food, for their own safety.

A group of troll hunters left their base camp some time ago in search of healthy food to bring back to their people, as most of the animals had been infected by the plague. Eventually they found some animals that looked healthy. They killed the animals and brought them back to the camp where they held a feast.

The trolls were unlucky because those beasts had long been tampered with by a powerful lich.

All living creatures that eat these creatures will become undead. Soon the Lich took control of the undead trolls. Under the Lich's order, most of the undead trolls established camps in the southeast corner of the Eastern Plaguelands.

One of these undead trolls accepts a horrific mission from his new master: return home and infect his remaining kin.

Hamia was one of the most powerful trolls among them, and the Lich underestimated his power, allowing him time to use his remaining willpower to write a scrawled note offering to adventurers who could complete the quest. Got a reward.

This is Hamiya's Request, which can be said to be a mission scroll or a treasure map.

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