The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 930 Faceless Man

Lu Li didn't know how to face Varian.

There is no doubt that Varian's father, Llane Wrynn, was a great monarch and a smart strategist. With only the power of the Kingdom of Stormwind, he made it from the first attack of the Horde army that entered Azeroth with great momentum. Protected Stormwind City.

Whether in the Human Alliance or in the Kingdom of Stormwind, King Llane is an unparalleled hero.

However, before young Varian could even learn from his father how to be a wise king, he completely lost him - King Llane's most trusted spy, the half-orc Garona, was forcibly controlled by Gul'dan. Tearfully assassinating Lion in the Court of Stormwind. Varian witnessed his father's death with his own eyes, and the scene of Garona's assassination of Lion was engraved in his young heart, becoming the most unforgettable scene in his life.

In Lu Li's opinion, if there was someone in Varian who hated him to the core, it would definitely not be an orc.

He even suspected that once he revealed that he was Garona's disciple, he would most likely be hacked to death - of course, there must be a premise here that Varian was still alive for the time being.

As the old knight said, Varian will not die that easily.

This is the alliance's base camp, and the palace is a heavily guarded place. It's not like no one wants to break in and kill people, including some powerful warriors and spell controllers.

But there is no porcelain job without diamonds. Since Major Samuelson dares to assassinate the king in Stormwind City, he must have something to rely on.

They soon arrived at the door of the Kingdom Hall, only to find that all the guards who were supposed to be guarding here were missing. This discovery made the old knight's expression even more gloomy.

Of course, the person who can command these guards cannot be a major. This shows that there is very likely a general-level noble who followed the Twilight Hammer and betrayed the king. Now he can only hope that the king can hold on for a while and not let him break in. What I saw when I went there was a dead body.

The Twilight's Hammer contains members of various races, no matter they were Alliance, Horde or other in the past, no matter their body shape, body shape and color, they all come together for a common purpose.

This does sound like their future is not a dream. In fact, the reason they joined the Twilight's Hammer is the same as joining other religions - we need the sense of purpose that someone much greater than us brings to us.

Belief is something that people cannot understand with common sense.

Lu Li kept running at a fast speed and walked through corridor after corridor in the palace.

His thoughts were wandering a little far, and he was thinking about what he should do to have a chance if he wanted to assassinate King Varian.

Of course, the premise is that they have the strength to kill a super boss like Varian head-on. He must first choose a good opportunity. At least the main force of the Knights of the Storm should be fighting outside, and maybe they should also create chaos in the business district. , attracting the guards to go over and maintain order.

Then he mobilized the guards at the door by making false claims to the east, then broke in with glutinous rice balls filled with sesame fillings, and finally summoned a large army inside the palace.

Perhaps you are right, some nobles are indeed the cancer of the kingdom. Before they entered the main hall, Lu Li and the old knight heard a warm voice. Judging from the old knight's relieved look, the person inside was probably King Varian.

Varian may not be as beloved as his father, but he has endured many hardships.

The death of his father became the beginning of Varian losing everything. In the ensuing orc invasion, his homeland, Stormwind City, was razed to the ground. His country was occupied by the orcs, and his people suffered heavy casualties. Fortunately, Under General Anduin Lothar's loyal escort, a group of Stormwind refugees successfully crossed the sea and headed north to Lordaeron.

The young Varian began his life of exile prematurely. He had already encountered a series of disasters before he could recover from the fear of losing his father.

...But how did the nobility come about? Their fathers and ancestors shed their blood for this land, and many people used their lives to find a place for future generations. King Varian seemed to be talking to Major Samuelson about the values ​​of life.

Lu Li poked his head outside and looked inside, but was shocked.

There were corpses everywhere in the palace. It was obvious that the battle had not begun as he imagined. The speaker was leaning on the throne, his chest was bloody and bloody, and he was obviously seriously injured.

The person who caused all this was not Major Samuelson in Lu Li's imagination - although he had never seen this person with his own eyes, judging from his identity and his brother's appearance, it was impossible for him to be such a disgusting monster. Bar.

It's not just a huge monster sitting cross-legged in the palace.

If Lu Li was correct, this thing should be called the Faceless One.

According to the prophecy of the Twilight Hammer, most creatures with life and form will be destroyed. Only the faceless men, twilight dragons, eternal dragons, and elemental creatures, these selected creatures, can survive in the shadow-shrouded world. Share the glory of the ancient gods in the new world.

However, the Faceless Man transformed by Major Samuelson is obviously not a real Faceless Man.

The real faceless men are all generated by the splitting of the tentacles of the ancient gods. It is not difficult to see from their images that their bodies are indeed very similar to the arms and legs of molluscs. As we all know, the bodies of the ancient gods are made of a It consists of an oval body and numerous tentacles.

It is unknown whether the fallen tentacles of the Old God gave birth to the Faceless Men or whether they were actively produced.

But Samuelson can transform himself into a faceless man, which is powerful enough. No wonder these guards are no match for him. Even King Varian, who gained fame in the arena, was injured.

For example, my friend Van Rief, your Majesty, you must never say you don't know him, Major Samuelson said hummingly.

Anger is not a reason to fall. This sentence suits him and me. And for what reason do you want to fight? King Varian, despite being injured, still had a calm voice and looked extremely magnanimous.

Anger made Edwin VanCleef rise up, and anger also made him quickly forget the justice he insisted on. A group of craftsmen would either become executioners who massacred civilians.

Out of anger - this anger stemming from the death of Queen Tiffin during the Masons' riots - King Varian angrily expelled the Masons, driving these people out of the magnificent city they had built.

After all, who is blaspheming justice in the name of massacre?

Suffer death, Your Majesty the King, your blood will be used to sacrifice the great Nezas. Perhaps because the faceless man's state was no longer uncertain, Major Samuelson finally ended his lengthy speech. nonsense.

Why does every villain have so much crap?

Lu Li saw the old knight standing in front of King Varian, covered in holy light flames, and he wanted to complain.

Thanks to the cute little dragon girl and Zhang Fei, two book friends, for their generous reward. The air conditioner broke and no one came to fix it today. This damn place in Shanghai is really hot.

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