The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 890 Heart-to-heart talk

Lu Li was silent for a while and had to admit that the water elf was right.

Moreover, his starting point for confronting the Jiangnan nobles was not to kill this old guild. He just wanted to sharpen himself so that the sword of judgment could move more steadily.

The Sword of Judgment has risen too quickly, which is not a good thing.

I suggest you ask for more money. The Jiangnan nobles only have money left, or... the water elf said with a strange expression: You can also ask for their star players, such as Tong Yan Wuji and Xing Meng Qingwu. These two people don’t have a good relationship with Jinse Wushang.”

So this is okay, Lu Li was a little dazed. He suddenly felt that something he said was just right - there is nothing more poisonous than a woman's heart.

For a leader who can't take the overall situation into consideration, why don't you leave some way for him to survive? the water elf smiled mockingly: If pressed, the Jiangnan nobles will not be able to fail, but Jinse Wushang probably won't be able to secure his seat. Replacing a more capable leader would be more detrimental than gain.”

So you are so powerful, Lu Li said sincerely.

For this kind of strategic level, Lu Li, a person who has not even received basic education, really has no talent. Even with the root number three, he is better at guild management and daily affairs.

We... may not be happy either, the water elf thought of something and looked a little disappointed.

Do you still have anything to worry about? In Lu Li's eyes, people like Water Elf are the pride of heaven in real life, and the Queen of Weiyu Pavilion in the game. It's so perfect and unreal that they dare to say that they are not necessarily happy. Damn it. How pretentious.

Let's not talk about this anymore. Is Xinxin okay? The water elf obviously didn't want to mention the reality.

It's not bad, but I'm bored at home. I've learned to act like a spoiled child recently, Lu Li said with a softer look on his face when he mentioned his sister.

You two brothers and sisters have such a good relationship, the water elf said with envy.

Don't you have any brothers or sisters? Lu Li asked.

No, but... the water elf frowned and said, That person - my stepmother - is pregnant recently.


Lu Li didn't know whether he should say congratulations or not. According to the general script, no matter how great the stepmother was, when the choice was between the child left by his ex and his own child, anyone would choose the latter.

I'm afraid I will never be able to treat that unborn child the way you treat your sister, the water elf said with a wry smile.

Your father probably doesn't favor boys over girls. Lu Li also felt that this matter was difficult.

It shouldn't be the case. I have been trained by him as his heir since I was a child. How can I just give up? It's just that there are big variables in what will happen in the future. The water elf felt very complicated.

When she was a child, she envied watching other children playing freely, while she could only stay in the house and conduct various studies under the guidance of several tutors. At her most rebellious age, she was extremely eager to escape this fate, and even I thought about running away from home.

But just when she was about to accept her fate, she was told that her position might be replaced.

What an irony!

Lu Li couldn't understand the thoughts of these rich people, but he could analyze it from a personal perspective: Even if he grows up, it will take a long time. Why don't you do your own business? The future will be your own.

The water elf really thought about it seriously, and then nodded: Your method seems really good, why can't I start my own business?

The game will become more and more popular in the future. You can try to get this part. Although Lu Li was only reborn for a short period of time and only knows what will happen in the next three years, he knows better than anyone what changes will be made in the next three years. of heaven-defying.

The game entertainment industry is in full bloom. Coupled with the further popularization of intelligent robots, when all industries are in trouble, the game industry is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Game, now I am managing these in the game, it seems easy to win, the water elf said with some emotion.

It's too early to start worrying now, Lu Li thought it was ridiculous. Her stepmother, the water elf, was pregnant, and she, the eldest, began to worry about her future survival. In fact, she thought of many things by herself.

Okay, let's start the mission. Fight in or attack in the east and west. The water elf stopped outside the camp.

We can actually send people to lure the monsters away, Lu Li looked at the camp, his expression not relaxed. This camp is too big, and attacking from the east to the west is definitely not feasible. What's more, the water elf also said before that the monsters here are very intelligent. high.

If the organization decides that we are looking for help, the mission will fail, the water elf said helplessly.

The chief engineer of Gadgetzan, Shax Bigwitz, has two regular missions, requiring players to kill 10 wasteland thieves and 10 wasteland bandits. As long as we accept the mission and kill them, we will not be considered cheating. Lu Li has already started calling people.

There were thieves operating here in the Sword of Judgment, and they quickly received orders.

People No. 100 rushed over after accepting the mission. They were about to end their game life for the day anyway, so they naturally had no complaints if they could do something for the boss.

Boss, what are you... Someone came over to say hello, and then saw the slim female rich man.

The thief's leather armor showed off her figure very well, and even if she covered her face, she couldn't hide her beautiful temperament, so the people who came were immediately stunned. Their spiritual leader, who had always been aloof, actually accompanied a girl on a mission. It was really embarrassing. People were surprised.

It's a water elf, there are always people who know their stuff, or smart people. It's easy to associate the names of bad guys and girls.

Thank you for your hard work, everyone, you have to go out so late. The water elf didn't hide it, and said hello to the people who came over.

Haha, it's not hard, it's not hard, haha... The thieves giggled, thinking that today was a good time to catch up in Tanaris. They had always heard that a dog and a man had an affair, but no one had seen it with their own eyes. I'm sure.

Hurry up and do the mission. Your goal is to attract as many mobs here as possible, Lu Li waved his hand and started to chase people away.

Okay, boss, you and Miss Shui can chat slowly, hey hey hey, the thieves laughed and walked away, and some of them probably took secret photos.

Hehe, sister, Lu Li is extremely speechless towards these people, but he is not an idiot. He knows the deep meaning of these people, but he has never considered this aspect, especially the possibility that the target is a water elf.

Before he entered the game, the water elf and he were from completely different worlds, and even now they are still far apart.

I don't want to study chapter names lately, so I just randomly come up with them.

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