The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 884 The wandering lucky day (please vote for recommendation)

But Tibu's Blazing Sword is too difficult to open. Many people have opened the dungeon CD hundreds of times but got nothing.

Lu Li didn't have high hopes either.

Everything in life cannot be perfect, just like the postman Malone just now. Of course, what they most came up with was the mage T0 component, but the system was very shameless and did not reveal it.

There were only a few dozen flaming swords that could really be retrieved from Tibu, and Lu Li quickly touched most of them.

Except for some health-returning and blue-returning potions that have some effect, the others are just some rotten fabrics and the like, the kind that will be rejected even if they are sold in stores.

Several other people were leisurely killing monsters that had been touched by Lu Li. The theft technique in Shuguang was like this. Any monster that had been touched could no longer be stolen.

In the legendary story, finding a god-level BOSS and stealing a package full of artifacts from him is impossible here.

Scroll: Increases damage by 20% for 8 seconds.

What a good thing. When there were only a few monsters left, it was an unexpected surprise to suddenly touch such a scroll. Although the increase was not huge, it was still a small explosion.

Unfortunately, it is a scroll, which means it is a disposable item.

It was better than nothing. After touching the last two monsters, Lu Li planned to call his teammates to come over and clean up the place, so he could quickly deal with the next mini-boss.

The last few monsters gave one of them a heavy trash can, and the rest was all junk.

Lu Li opened the heavy trash can and called to the others: Stop being so slow and hurry up and clean up this wave of monsters.

What you said is easy. Pulling so many monsters at once will kill people, Azure Sea Breeze habitually retorted, but he still pulled a few more obediently. This group of monsters are all pure undead humanoid monsters, which belong to the most common kind. Not lethal.

What did you steal? Piao Ling was disappointed.

A scroll that increases damage by 20%. The duration is very short, only eight seconds. It cannot be stacked with other burst effects. It's for Huahua. Lu Li took out the scroll and planned to give it to Huadi Liqing.

This kind of scroll is more suitable for mages...


What's this?

Lu Li's hand froze when he took out the scroll. At the bottom of the densely packed items, a small icon that looked like a long sword caught his eye.

His hands even shook a little.

But soon the information about this thing poured into his mind. Under the conditions of virtual online games, there was no need to hold the mouse to click one by one.

Tibu's blazing sword?

crazy! This must be a joke, maybe I'm too tired today and I'm hallucinating.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. People are always accustomed to not believing some sudden surprises.

Yes, it was definitely a surprise, or surprise.

What lay in his backpack was not Tibu's blazing sword that he had been searching for just now. It was said to be priceless and the most popular weapon that all sword-wielding professions coveted.

What's wrong, you suddenly don't want to give the scroll to Huahua, Piao Ling maliciously slandered.

Bang, Lu Li punched him hard in the chest.

Sir, what do you want to do! Piao Ling clutched his sore chest and looked at Lu Li angrily.

He hates other people touching his chest. There are often those shameless people who don't believe he is a man and try to judge by touch. In order to make such people miserable, Piao Ling is a Taekwondo master in reality.

Unfortunately, he couldn't beat Lu Li in the game.

Does it hurt? If it hurts, it's not a dream. Let me show you. Lu Li switched weapons, and the next second the dagger in his main hand was replaced by a long sword.

The dim streets of Stratholme seemed to suddenly light up.

This is a long sword that exudes blazing fire, more vivid and charming than those lightsabers in Star Wars.

Tibu's blazing sword (gold), damage 32-45, strength +16, agility +12, hit +15%, special effect 1: may impact the target when hitting, causing an additional 150 points of fire damage, special effect 2 : Flash, teleport the caster to a distance of 8 yards in front. It will stop if there are obstacles on the route. It can only be used in non-combat conditions. The cooling time is 60 seconds. The equipment requirement is level 45, and the durability is 120/120.

The attributes are as expected, but the appearance is cool, and the special effects are also cool. It is completely built to attract style.

Gudong, Piao Ling swallowed hard. He regretted the swear words just now. If you want to touch it, come and touch me. I just ask you to give me this sword.

Haha, it belongs to my uncle, Lu Li waved the cool one-handed sword a few times.

Uh... I don't want to give you this sword to me, Piao Ling is not actually a sword controller, but he controls all beautiful things. This sword is simply a work of art.

Lie down on the ground and bark like a dog, the blue sea breeze gloated.

Let Lu Li touch her well, recalled Fu Nu Luo Ying.

Fine him a lot of gold coins, Can Meng, the money-loving little hunter, said.

Let him call him daddy, Hachi-chan has been a bit obsessed lately, and has been asking people to call him daddy at every turn.

Others laughed and remained at least slightly sympathetic, although they were really waiting for a joke.

Haha, Lu Li directly threw Tibu's blazing sword to him and said with a smile, I'm sorry, I don't want to stir up trouble, so you'd better make love with Mr. Feng.

Piao Ling was so happy that he directly changed into this weapon regardless of what Lu Li arranged for him.

Stunning, beautiful, cool, etc., in short, at this moment, it seems that all the complimentary words are not enough to describe how high-end Piao Ling is equipped with the blazing sword equipped with Tibu.

No one mentioned gold coins.

Lu Li has never been a fussy person, and now he has money for his sister's medical treatment, and the guild is also prosperous, with an annual revenue of no less than one million.

He is not a miser, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people who were so in awe of him when he was messing around.

People who put every gold coin into their own pockets will never be successful. Even if their luck suddenly changes, as long as there are some setbacks, they will be poor for the rest of their lives.

Change it and go back to playing around. The attributes are too ordinary, Lu Li said.

This guy seems reluctant to put it away, right? This sword has weak attacks and few attributes. Special effect 1 is enough, and special effect 2 is even better. Flash is a good thing, but it can only be used in non-combat situations. Flash is useful.

Piao Ling reluctantly put away Tibu's blazing sword, and the group began to engage in the battle to clear out the monsters.

Not long after, I saw a ghoul-like person wandering on the street.

He had a name and a surname, so he was obviously no ordinary monster. Although he was alone and weak, everyone cheered up after seeing his name.

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