The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 881 Falling in love and killing each other (please subscribe)

After Mayor Barcellas killed Piao Ling, he immediately found Lu Li who had already let go of his attack.

There is no way, he is too disliked by the BOSS.

You all stop, Ba Jiang saves people! Lu Li knew that he couldn't die yet. Although Piao Ling was knocked down, they still had Xiao Ba Jiang who was still fighting, so they could buy some time.

He first used the ring to block the attacks that fell on him, and then activated the shoe effects.

White's prosthetic leg, when used, bounces eight yards forward or backward, with a cooling time of 120 seconds!

Then when the BOSS was about to catch up with him, he used the third special effect on the legendary dagger Widow Maker: escape, teleport to a designated location within fifteen yards of sight, with a three-minute cooldown!

Eight yards, fifteen yards, plus he kept turning on the acceleration to escape, so it was delayed for seconds after seconds.

Seeing that the BOSS was chasing after him immediately, and Piao Ling had just gotten up and his blood had not yet been filled up, Lu Li gritted his teeth and activated the Book of Ur. He did not use the special effect of turning himself into a wolf. Although he could run fast, he would not be able to run any faster. The furious BOSS.

He released Erha.

Haha, I'm out again, thank you, my distinguished master of thieves, wait, what do you want me to do, no! Erha had been holding back for a long time, and was particularly excited to see the light of day again.

Unfortunately, before he could clearly see the scene on the field, a force of contract controlled him and rushed towards Mayor Barceras.

He was inexplicably sad and angry. He didn't need to test to know that the ghoul-looking guy in front of him was particularly difficult to mess with, otherwise his new master would not let him out to die.

That's right, it's going to die.

Mayor Barceras just stopped and slapped it, and the intelligent summoned creature went to see the system master - its rare time to relax ended with a slap.

Lu Li, it belongs to your uncle!

Mayor Barcellas actually didn't waste a second when he killed the giant wolf that was in the way, and appeared in front of Lu Li the next moment.

Just when Lu left his chest armor to reduce his damage and prepared to wait for death, Piao Ling stood in front of him. The paladin danced with his hammer and shield. At that moment, the holy light was indeed shrouded in light.

It turns out you don’t have to die.

Piao Ling successfully took over the BOSS, and at this time Mayor Barsselas also passed the time of double-layered rage.

The first rage was caused by the BOSS entering a state of residual health. It lasted for a long time. Before the rage ended, Mayor Barcellas' exclusive rage suddenly started again.

This double violence almost led to the destruction of Lu Li and others.

Lu Li delayed for such a long time. During this period, Piao Ling was rescued. The first berserk that Mayor Barsselas had previously had expired, leaving only the berserk rage.

Therefore, Piao Ling can still withstand this wave.

Facts have indeed proven this. Even though his blood volume was horrifying, he finally made it to the end when Mitsukiyu continued to increase his blood and Hachi-chan turned on the enhanced tranquility.

The system prompts Hachi-chan to gain a skill point.

Then there is the rich experience. After all, this is a powerful BOSS at level 50. Lu Li's experience bar, which was already at level 47, almost 20%, successfully exceeded 20%.

Everyone didn't want to move when they got the experience reminder. Even Can Meng, who was extremely excited at this time, was in a state of drowsiness.

The process of opening up wasteland was really difficult. Lu Li and the others had been fighting without stopping for half a day. It had already been half a day. Even a tough-minded man like Lu Li couldn't bear it, let alone a teenage girl like this.

But they didn't complain and complained, they gritted their teeth and endured until now.

Is Mengmeng okay? Do you want to rest for a while before going to OSS? Lu Li found a broken box to sit down and said, Everyone, let's take a rest first. You can also go offline to have something to eat. In half an hour Let’s continue.”

Forget about eating, I have to sit for a while, Azure Sea Breeze took off several pieces of heavy armor and leaned down next to the BOSS's body.

The others did the same thing. They each found a place to sit down. Regardless of the harsh environment in Stratholme, they even took out some fruit to share. Lu Li took an apple. Not to mention, it tasted pretty good.

I'm not tired of touching the equipment, Can Meng rolled her eyes at Lu Li and squatted down next to the BOSS.

After groping for a while, he took out a hat.

Just looking at the appearance of the equipment, Lu Li almost shouted out - blood-red felt hat.

Known as one of the best level 50 magic hats, it is comparable to ordinary legendary magic hat parts. The drop rate is said to be one in 10,000.

There is a one in 10,000 chance of being found out, either the little red hand is really against the sky, or the first kill on nightmare difficulty is indeed at least a hundred times more explosive than the elite.

Nowadays, most of the core groups of other big guilds also choose nightmare difficulty, and only one or two teams will play elite difficulty to get the first kill.

The blood-red felt hat mainly shortens the cooldown time of flash, allowing the mage's main escape skill to play a greater role. It is very popular in both PVE and PVP, and the second special effect starts directly from spell damage. , making all the magic systems crazy. As for the third special effect, which increases the magic shield's ability to absorb damage and converts part of the damage into health points and magic points, does this need to be explained further?

When the hat came out, the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls and Huadi Liqing's eyes, which had always been close to each other, turned red at the same time.

Brother, the hat on your head is already so good... Tangyuan with sesame filling is no longer shy now. The implication is that your equipment is so good, so don't compete with me.

Haha, you call me brother now. When you competed with me for the Dark Golden Glove just now, weren't you very enthusiastic? Huadi Liqing sneered.

How about I give you the dark gold gloves? The glutinous rice balls with sesame fillings are flexible and flexible.

Humph, it's not rare, come and bid, the sub-tyrant named Tangyuan with Sesame Filling had already spent a lot of points fighting for the secret golden gloves, so Huadi Liqing, who was also a slightly inferior sub-tyrant, was naturally not afraid of him.

I'll go ahead and blame you for being cruel, the glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame fillings made my intestines turn blue with regret.

I really shouldn't have spent so much effort to grab that glove. I should have known that the equipment behind it was getting better and better, such as this hat. Although the dark gold glove is considered top-notch, it is scumbag compared to it.

After Huadi Liqing paid a large amount of guild points, she got this hat as she wished.

The second piece is the wrist wheel of Mayor Barcellas.

A gold-level leather wristband, an equipment that could be used by thieves and druids. It was not as good as Lu Li's stab scar wristband, but it was still a good piece of equipment.

It just requires level fifty, so Lu Li plans to throw it into the guild warehouse. The standard is that it must reach level fifty and pay a certain amount of points before it can be claimed. The points are not actually many, mainly because of the condition of level fifty. This will help To encourage thieves in the guild to upgrade hard.

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