The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 878 Mayor Barsselas

This mold was undoubtedly given to Sanyue Yu. Lu Li explained the situation of the T0 suit.

In fact, the real T suit started from T1, but there are always some equipment that players will never forget. These equipments carry the players’ memories in the game, and also symbolize the bonds of the people who fought side by side in these memories. As a classic of the generation, T0 does have its merits, not to mention that this set of equipment can also be upgraded through missions.

At least for now, if you can equip a suit, it will be at least a little better than those worn by other brands.

Lu Li also wanted to get a suit. The Thief's T0 suit was called the Swift Shadow Suit. If a set of eight pieces were equipped, it wouldn't be said that the gods would kill the gods and the Buddhas, but at least the strength would be increased by 20 to 30%.

In the first three months of the game, Lu Li stood in front of everyone with a sudden appearance.

The two years of accumulation and in-depth research on the game in his previous life have paid off handsomely after his rebirth. Most people call him the number one player in the game.

Even legendary figures like Dharma God Xiao Mo have to step aside.

Only Lu Li's family knew about his own affairs. His rise was partly the result of hard work, but most of the reason could be attributed to his rebirth.

Without rebirth, he wouldn't be able to get the Supreme Ring, get the first kill in various dungeons, and complete all kinds of tasks that others couldn't even imagine.

Compared to Lu Li, the other masters were facing a completely unfamiliar game. They had to adapt little by little and correct the habits and concepts they brought over from previous games.

Three months have passed now.

Although Lu Li is still making progress, this progress is much inferior to that of those veteran masters.

In this circle, some people are born to play games, such as Xiao Mo, Water Elf, Fatal Golden Pants, Full-time Assistant, Paralyzed Anus, and Afraid of Wood. Their rise is equally astonishing; some people have already played a lot. Years ago, games have become a part of their lives, such as Yueguang and Mo Wangfeng; some may not be very talented and have not played for as long as ten or twenty years, but they work very hard and in the end, Become one of the people at the top, such as Qingqi Gujiu, Nanbo Rui, Xingmeng Qingwu...

In terms of overall quality, these people are no worse than Lu Li, or even much better.

Therefore, the operational distance between Lu Li and them was constantly shortening. If he wanted to maintain this advantage, he could only continue to arm himself with various means.

The rich get richer, and the poor will remain poor.

Capital determines everything, and using the advantages at hand to continuously gain more advantages is Lu Li's foundation.

With the excitement of the suit, the members of the Xinxin Mercenary Group lost their tiredness.

After they cleaned up the monsters, they discovered that the magic controllers in the three ziggurat towers had not been cleaned up. In this case, due to the effects of the three ziggurat towers, the next BOSS would not be seen at all.

Lu Li also made some mistakes and could only take everyone back to clean up again.

Fortunately, the monsters in the ziggurat are all ordinary elites, and the BOSS has been killed. Small characters like this pose no threat at all.

The system prompts that the Asari Crystal has been destroyed and requires the slaughterhouse to increase its vigilance.

The door of the slaughterhouse opened, and a new BOSS appeared outside the door, the former mayor of Stratholme, Barthras.

Barthilas was one of the many innocents plundered during Arthas and his legions' campaign to purify Stratholme. The Lich King eventually awakened the former mayor from his tomb and commanded the giant The undead monster guards his destroyed home.

Lu Li read a biography, and the author introduced the mayor in a critical tone.

Barthras once followed Tirion Fordring as a paladin, and he was one of the few insiders in the incident between the old Fordring and the orc Eitrigg.

Old Fordring abandoned the hatred between races because of Eitrigg's character.

But Barthiras, whose parents died in the first Orc War, did not give up. His hatred for the Orcs allowed him to give up any principles and honor.

Fordring's cry when he was unconscious convinced him that there must be damned orcs nearby, and he and Dathro Khan launched a search operation. When Fording saw Eitrigg being beaten as he was being escorted back to the city, he was so angry that he launched an attack on his men. The insidious Barthilas took the opportunity to bring Fording to court for criminal charges.

Afterwards, Barthilas finally took the position of real power as the mayor of Stratholme after many twists and turns.

Old Fording's widely circulated sentence Race does not represent glory. I have seen the noblest orcs and the despicable humans. The orc in it refers to the orc veteran Eitrigg, and the last The despicable human being is said to be the mayor.

After all the mechanisms were exhausted, it was a pity that everything came to nothing in the end under the iron heel of the Scourge Legion, and even the dead would not rest in peace.

Let's fight against this BOSS, Lu Li stopped Azure Sea Breeze from coming forward. Although Mayor Barsselas was a monster that mainly focused on physical attacks, his profession as a paladin in life made it almost impossible for the paladin to suffer critical hits from him.

This rule is slowly figured out by the players. Paladins with average equipment can withstand beatings better than stronger warriors here.

This paladin who has turned into a ghoul seems to still retain a little fear of the Holy Light. People with evil thoughts in their hearts will not be able to be honest even after death.

A person who cannot produce physical critical strikes poses no threat to MT at all.

After hearing Lu Li's story about Mayor Barsselas' past, everyone didn't find it strange. Instead, they were filled with indignation and demanded that Mayor Barsselas pay some price.

Even if he is a good person, will he be let go?

Piao Ling didn't object at all. He had resisted monsters before. Since Lu Li asked him to resist, he wouldn't object. He just needed to change a few pieces of equipment. In a team like this, the most indispensable thing is equipment.

Every piece of these replacement equipment is of the highest quality. Even the main T of a mid-level guild may not necessarily have better equipment than him.

This city belongs to me, to the great Barceras. I will become a noble, and my glory will be passed down from generation to generation. Foreign invaders, are you ready to bear my wrath? Barsselas? Mayor Si opened his eyes, his face turned dark red.

Be careful when you attack monsters while wandering, and be ready to listen to my instructions at any time to reduce damage, Lu Li reminded.

Mayor Barcellas is indeed not very powerful, but he is a little stronger than the previous three BOSSs, because he is level 50!

Level 50 is a completely different concept. Even a boss at level 50 is more difficult to deal with than a boss at level 40 or above, and the mayor is not considered a loser, at least no matter what group comes here. It takes several times to destroy it.

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