The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 869 Fras Siabi’s Cigarettes

Lu Li has two pieces of equipment that are very suitable for this instance.

Natural disaster nemesis (gold): Armor 40, agility +30, strength +16, critical hit +10%, special effect 1: the damage caused to natural disaster units is increased by 30%, special effect 2: when its own blood volume is lower than 30% , has a certain probability of bursting triple damage, the equipment requirement is level 40, and the durability is 84/84.

This is his glove, which increases damage to natural disasters by 30%!

This is not a special effect. It does not need to be turned on. It has always had such an effect. If others turn on the burst special effect, it will be nothing more than that.

There was also a relatively low-level piece of equipment that he found in the warehouse and put on.

Undead Destruction Wristband (Excellent Silver): Armor 23, Agility +15, Strength +5, Special Effect 1: Wild Attack, Attack Power Increased by 18%, Lasts 20 Seconds, Cooling Time 360 ​​Seconds, Special Effect 2: Damage to the Undead Increased by 18%, equipment requirement level 25, durability 48/48.

This piece of equipment is indeed not as good as the dark gold equipment Stab Scar Bracers, nor is it as good as the gold equipment Killing Star Bracers. The level difference causes earth-shaking changes in the attributes.

However, just because the damage dealt to the undead increased by 18%, Lu Li didn't need to think about it at all.

One adds 30%, the other adds 18%, both are aimed at natural disaster undead monsters, so this copy is simply tailor-made for him.

Others also have similar equipment. Because the Scourge is the most powerful enemy in the game, there are many similar equipment, but most of the attributes are not as good as Lu Li's two.

There are many large and small tasks in this dungeon, and Hachi-chan triggered many of them, so she directly shared them with others.

There are a lot of monsters, and the levels are very high. Everyone, please be careful. Mr. Feng doesn't care about you anymore, Lu Li opened an iron door and motioned for Azure Sea Breeze to go up and attack the monsters.

The monsters here at the entrance are all former citizens who are now immortal walking zombies.

There are idiots who don't know how to live or die again. Report it to the Baron immediately. Everyone is ready to fight, an undead shouted, announcing that the instance had officially begun.

In the past few years, whether they are warriors of the Light or fanatics of the Scarlet Crusade, they have ventured into Stratholme to fight these terrible monsters.

Unfortunately, they all failed, with few exceptions.

One feature of this dungeon is that the number of monsters will increase as players continue to die during the land reclamation process. According to the official statement, the warriors who died here will be resurrected by the Scourge Legion, which further strengthens the Scourge Legion's strength.

Despite this, NPCs still encourage players to participate in battles.

In the near future, Stratholme will gradually become the favorite of power levelers due to the large number of monsters. Paladins and druids with strong defense, as well as mages with excellent group damage capabilities, will bring their bosses here to gain experience. make money.

Lu Li had participated in it in his previous life, and he even knew about a bug that allowed him to spawn monsters almost infinitely.

However, according to their current strength, it is not enough, because no one can withstand so many monsters. Once the MT cannot hold them back, the only thing waiting for them is death.

The blue sea breeze shot an undead, and a group of people came over, shocking him.

Fortunately, these monsters are not all high-level elites. There are only two elites among the six monsters, and the others are ordinary monsters. It is not difficult at all to hold Azure Sea Breeze and Piao Ling together.

Slowly, everyone began to pay attention to the damage statistics panel, because Lu Li's output was completely unscientific.

It's not the time to fight the BOSS yet. Logically speaking, Hua Di Li Qing, who has stronger group damage, should kill Lu Li instantly. But look at the statistics panel. The first place in the ranking is not Hua Di Li Qing, but Lu Li from the beginning to the end. Lu Li was just using single target skills.

It's definitely a BUG, ​​and even their own people can't help but complain about it.

Here, the priest can also play a role. In addition to increasing blood, March Rain can also control an undead.

Killing all the way forward, I soon encountered a different monster - the Eye of Naxxramas. This kind of monster belongs to high-level elites. This is not what makes them scary. What is really scary about them is that they can summon more The undead serve as helpers.

In a ghastly dead city like Stratholme, there is probably no skill more powerful than summoning the undead.

Therefore, the Eye of Naxxramas is the first place where players are most likely to die after entering the dungeon.

After killing for a while, Lu Li stopped in front of a hut in the city. This hut was very low, but it had a very big sign - it read Flas Siabi's Cigarette Shop 》.

This is it, the cigarette mission, Lu Li said.

Hachi-chan nodded vigorously: The dwarf uncle at the chapel seems to be talking about this cigarette. He is very generous. As soon as he heard that we were coming here, he gave us medicine and helped us repair our equipment for free. We only need Bring him some tobacco.

Haha, Lu Li shook his head disapprovingly.

Only he knew the quality of Fras Siabi's cigarettes.

Vras Siabi's cigarettes are so famous that even the people of Kul Tiras know that they are consumed by every important person who visits Stratholme.

King Terenas, Uther Lightbringer, High Lord Fordring...yes, they all like Siabi's selection.

In the future, after Fras Siabi's cigarettes become known to players, many people will come in every week to look for cigarettes. If they are sold, the price will definitely not be low. It is considered a good business.

When a player asks an NPC to do something, if he can offer a pack of Fras Siabi's cigarettes, as long as the other party is a smoker, he will definitely succeed.

The smoker Larune that Hachi-chan mentioned can only find a little fool like Hachi-chan to help him with tobacco tasks in the early stage. Even if the player gets Fras Siabi's cigarettes in the later stage, he will not be able to do it. Will give it to him again.

Master Feng, please go in, be careful there is someone in the store, Lu Li signaled to start.

Azure Sea Breeze felt a little scared when he heard what Lu Li said. He raised his shield and pushed the door open with all his strength. What greeted him was the sweet smell of tobacco, and of course the most basic smell of Stratholme at this time was rotting corpses.

Roar, a burly figure stood out from the darkness.

At that time, when the town of Stratholme was destroyed, Flass didn't want to leave his precious cargo. He initially said, I want to get everything before their damn dirty hands touch my tobacco leaves. Burn away. Unfortunately, not everyone can face death calmly. Flass was transformed into an undead and became a hidden BOSS in Stratholme.

If the player enters this room rashly and is unprepared, he is likely to be killed by this guy in one hit.

Naturally, the prepared Azure Sea Breeze would not be killed by such a low-level BOSS. His shield intercepted Fras's attack, and the damage he received was not too high.

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