The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 864 Not a primary school student

Lu Li had no choice but to shoot out the arrow that was not fully drawn yet.

The long arrow was inserted weakly into the black bear's body. It did not penetrate deeply into the flesh and was not a vital part. Not only did it fail to kill the black bear, it also aroused its bear nature. Its scarlet eyes stared at Lu Li, rushing in at such a speed. Stronger.

Lu Li threw away his long bow, grabbed the crossbow on the ground and fired.

Although the work was very fast and hesitant, Lu Li did not panic at all. In other words, his only advantage in this bear hunting competition was his mental quality. Compared with those little white flowers who grew up in the greenhouse, he had seen too much cruelty. Dark stuff.

Unfortunately, the black bear was moving at high speed and the time was too short, so Lu Li did not hit the opponent's vital point.

The giant palm roared towards him, and Lu Li only had time to throw away his crossbow and roll to the side. He stretched out his hand very quickly to avoid the blow, but soon the black bear rushed over, its huge body came down from the top, and it looked like it was planning to crush him to death. Land from.

Lu Li raised the hunting knife and thrust it towards the black bear.

The black bear didn't even realize what was about to greet him. The damage it suffered must be healed with the blood of the hunter in front of him.

The hunting knife faced the black bear and stabbed into the black bear's body with difficulty. The black bear felt the pain but could not retreat even if he wanted to. Lu Li let go of the hunting knife before the black bear pressed down and quickly rolled away.

Unfortunately, his arm was still severely injured, and the entire arm was twisted in a very weird posture.

Fortunately, it wasn't a broken bone, at least Lu Li didn't hear the sound of broken bones.

In addition, his leg was also hit. He is still pressed under the black bear and may have been injured.

Big loss now!

However, these two black bears brought him a total of ninety points, which was a very impressive harvest.

Moreover, hunting two black bears at once, the thrilling battle in just a few dozen seconds really made Lu Li's heart beat fast, and all the blood in his body rushed to his brain.

Men, who doesn’t want to be passionate?

Lu Li was no exception, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen the bear hunting competition as a result where the rewards were not very generous.

But now that he is so seriously injured, it is probably very difficult to continue hunting.

Moreover, in the second half of the bear hunting competition, almost all players were fighting each other. Lu Li had to find a way to save his own life.

He tested the position of the dislocated arm, and then used the black bear corpse to straighten the bones of his arm. Thanks to him fighting with others since he was a child, he had a bloody head and a bloody eye, so it was not uncommon for him to have such injuries.

Even the old Chinese medicine practitioners in the alley were amazed by this bone-setting technique.

There are similar scenes in movies, but they are too far removed from reality. In fact, you should not use too much force on a newly dislocated joint. Once it is dislocated again, it will not be so easy to set the bone.

So Lu Li used more effort to pull his legs out from under the black bear's body.

He was covered in blood, one arm was injured, and one leg was lame.

After climbing out, Lu Li immediately retrieved his belongings and quickly left the battlefield. He rode his horse straight in the direction where he hunted his first black bear.

There were no other large animals in that place, and the location was remote, with dense forests and grasses providing him with cover.

After arriving at the destination, Lu Li immediately sold his war horse.

Even if the war horse is well hidden, it is still a beast and is likely to make noises to expose itself.

Lu Li limped into the forest, covered himself with some grass, and kept his crossbow, hunting knife, and dagger at hand, ready to strike at any enemy who appeared in front of him.

In two or three hours, the bear hunt will be over.

According to Lu Li's current points, it is not easy to win the championship. After all, those who form a team to enter the competition have an advantage. They can even count all the points on one of them.

However, with his gain of more than 200 points, he has no problem ranking at the front.

The most important thing is that this game is so exciting to play.

The pain tortured Lu Li so much that he didn't notice until a figure came not far from him.

A little girl…

It was a very small one, and looked even smaller than his sister. This made Lu Li put the crossbow back when he was about to pick it up. He closed his eyes slightly and pretended not to notice the other party.

The little girl had better go away unless he had to, well, even if he had to, he didn't want to kill such a child.

It's not because Lu Li is a lolicon, but because of his sister, it's difficult for Lu Li to do it.

The little girl came over and looked at Lu Li who was covered in blood.

In fact, if she had rich hunting experience, she would have noticed something strange immediately, because Lu Li, who was covered in blood, did not smell of blood. In this hunting ground, the smell of blood was an important clue for the beasts to find food.

The little girl walked over quietly and squatted next to Lu Li, reaching out to untie the water bag on Lu Li's waist.

Lu Li couldn't pretend anymore and put his hand on her: What do you want to do?

Ah! screamed, no matter how nice the scream was, it was still a scream. Lu Li was so disturbed by her that he wanted to die, and he almost picked up a hunting knife and killed her.

Fortunately, she looked too young, so the cold-blooded and inhumane Lu suppressed his thoughts of killing, and instead stretched out his other hand to cover her mouth.

I let you go, stop screaming...

The little girl nodded desperately. After Lu Li let go of her, she backed away hastily and said, I thought you were dead.

How old are you and why are you here? Lu Li frowned and looked at her.

She was dressed fairly neatly, and she didn't look like she had been through a battle. She probably didn't have many points on her body. At a quick glance just now, she looked like a junior high school student. But now that she looked more closely, she looked like an elementary school student.

However, there is an age limit for registration for the bear hunting competition, and those under the age of 18 are not allowed to enter.

This is a place where people can return to primitiveness and experience killing and hunting.

I...I'm eighteen, my horse is dying of thirst, and I'm also very thirsty, the primary school student said aggrievedly.

Eighteen? This is absolutely impossible. Lu Li doesn't believe that the other party is eighteen years old at all. This little girl is very cute and beautiful, and makes people naturally have the desire to protect her. When she grows up, she will definitely be a goblin who will bring disaster to the country and the people.

I am indeed eighteen, and my ID is Not a Primary School Student. The girl didn't believe herself when Lu Li beat him to death, so she could only reveal her ID.

After telling her ID, Lu Li immediately believed her words.

Not a primary school student, a figure on the stunning list, the ultimate pursuit of lolita fans in the gaming industry.

This little girl's game skills were average. Lu Li had never been a lolicon in his past life, so he didn't pay much attention to her, so he naturally didn't recognize her.

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