Four points for the wild wolf is a good reward, but the real points are earned by the bears. Even the weakest grizzly bear cub can get ten points.

Of course, grizzly bear cubs are not easy to kill, and adult grizzly bears will fight you tooth and nail.

Lu Li sniffed and smelled a fragrant smell in the air, and a smile appeared on his face - it was the smell of honey.

It is well known that bears like to eat sweets, especially honey. Hunters have taken advantage of this habit of bears, and hunting bears is a piece of cake for them.

Following the scent, Lu Li searched several hundred meters upstream and found a large beehive on a big tree.

Collecting honey is also very simple. Lu Li used the smoke method and harvested a large lump of honey in a short time. However, he still did not escape the fate of being stung a few times. He was not a professional bee collector in any case.

Bears have poor vision, but their sense of smell is very sensitive.

The guide says that you can choose a big tree in a place where bears often hang out, dig a hole under the tree, bury a jar of honey, expose the mouth, and then hang a stone on top of the honey jar to just block the mouth of the jar. .

When a bear passes by here, he smells the smell of honey and runs over.

The stone hanging from the mouth of the jar by a rope prevents it from eating honey. In order to eat the honey, the bear raised its paws and pushed the stone aside. The stone that was pushed out immediately came back and hit the bear on the head as he lowered his head to eat honey.

The bear was then knocked unconscious.

Lu Li expressed distrust in this regard, but this approach was not without its merits.

At the place where the honey was placed, Lu Li made a trap with rattan. This kind of trap was of little use to the huge grizzly bear, but it could restrain it for dozens of seconds and prevent it from moving.

If he couldn't kill a black bear in dozens of seconds, Lu Li might as well just go ahead and kill the small animal.

In fact, bear hunting is a very dangerous thing. It is not like in the game. It depends on the level and attributes. But hundreds of years ago, when there were more bears, bear hunters must swear an oath before setting off, no matter who Injured or dead, you have to take the other person home - whether lying down or standing up. That's because bear hunting is a very risky activity like other hunts.

Lu Li was lurking under a clump of grass. He was coated in a milky white tree sap. It was very pungent, but it could cover up his human smell.

He lay down in the hay and waited patiently for about ten minutes. Finally, he saw a huge black bear slowly walking over. The black bear was so huge that the ground trembled a little when it walked. Lu Li felt as if he had grown too big.

Fortunately, the black bear was completely attracted by the smell of honey and didn't even notice Lu Li not far away.

It reached into the hole to get honey, and was unconsciously entangled in the vines.

It's now!

Lu Li first removed the grass balls on his body, then raised his crossbow and shot at the black bear.

Lu Li did not shoot the black bear in the leg. As long as it was injured, the black bear would not run away if it could not be killed. Moreover, the bear is very resistant to being hit. Even if it is hit on the head or heart, it can survive for one minute. This minute can definitely kill Lu Li.

The target he shot at was the huge bear's eye.

Ignoring the roar of the black bear, he shot the crossbow arrow into the black bear's eye at close range. Unfortunately, it did not cause any brain damage. In that case, the black bear could be killed directly.

The black bear was injured and suddenly went crazy.

This time is a great test of psychological quality. Bear hunting in a virtual reality environment is very real. Even if players are constantly reminded that it is all fake, they will not be able to help but be affected.

But Lu Li's hand holding the crossbow remained steady, he aimed at the black bear's other eye and pulled the trigger.

At the moment when the black bear tore off the vine and rushed out, he even had time to shoot an arrow into the black bear's heart. In fact, it was no longer necessary. The second crossbow arrow that entered the eye penetrated the black bear's head, leaving the black bear just confused. He went crazy for more than ten seconds and then collapsed to the ground.

Fifty points!

This is a massive adult black bear and deserves fifty points.

It was not in vain that Lu Li spent so long hunting this black bear. He packed up his things and left quickly. The smell of blood would attract more beasts, and greed would make the hunter die quickly.

He rode his horse for some distance before setting a second trap with honey.

The one he seduced this time was also a lone black bear. It was no smaller than the first one, and it had a lot of blood on it. The wound looked like a sign of a robbery. Lu Li estimated that it had killed at least one hunter.

This injured beast was more dangerous, but Lu Li chose to continue hunting. It was too late to run away now.

In fact, his luck has always been good. If the honey attracted was not a lone black bear, but a den of black bears, he would have no choice but to gallop away.

The black bear was tied up by the rattan trap he set up. Lu Li's crossbow arrow also successfully hit the target, but the second crossbow arrow was blocked by the black bear's claws, which meant that the black bear had another eye that could see him. .

Facing the black bear that had already rushed out, Lu Li did not panic. Instead, he shot the last arrow, threw away the crossbow, and drew his hunting knife.

The main factor that makes most hunters hate fighting wild beasts is not the difference in strength, but the psychological fear. As long as he overcomes his fear, Lu Li is not afraid of this black bear.

Dodge and swing the knife.

After dodging the attack, Lu Li nimbly dodged behind a nearby tree, and he opened a large gash in the black bear's waist.

The black bear roared angrily and rushed over, and the tree trunk as thick as its thigh was almost broken by it.

Jump up and swing the knife again.

Lu Li's physical fitness was very good, to the point of being unbelievably good. He was like a flea, constantly causing pain to the black bear.

In fact, many players who enter the hunting ground give themselves up in the first battle.

How can urbanites who grew up in a greenhouse defeat wild beasts?

When the black bear died, he was also slightly injured. His back was swept by the black bear's claws. No muscles or bones were injured, but the bloody appearance looked very scary.


Lu Li lowered his head subconsciously, and a long arrow grazed his neck and hit the ground not far away. The force was amazing. At a glance, he knew that the attacker was not a rookie.

Lu Li did not panic, but rolled over and hid behind a big tree.

By the way, he also picked up the crossbow he had just thrown away in his hand. He huddled himself behind the tree as much as possible, and then used his peripheral vision to judge where his attacker was standing.

The opponent was a man holding a bow and arrow. He looked to be in his thirties or forties. He seemed surprised that Lu Li could avoid his attack.

If what he had just taken was not a bow with a very slow attack speed, but a powerful crossbow like Lu Li's, Lu Li might have been in trouble. After all, he had just experienced a big battle and was slightly injured.

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