On the last day of the double experience of the Christmas event, Lu Li let out a long breath when he saw the level 50 experience deer fall.

Level forty-seven!

This is the result of his hard work these past few days. Apart from eating, sleeping and playing games, they have spent all their time on Christmas activities, and since the monster robbery incident, the Sword of Judgment has arranged for someone to escort them.

To put it simply, it’s a reserved venue!

Sword of Judgment has reserved the venue. If you don’t want to die, get out of here!

This monster belongs to the Sword of Judgment. Don't wander around here if you have nothing to do. If we accidentally hurt you in excitement, everyone will look bad.

Our sword of judgment is like this. If you don't accept it, we have enough manpower to hunt you down eighteen hours a day. We want to see which guild dares to protect you.

King's Law, what is King's Law? Ask Jinse Wushang, the brother and nobleman, he probably knows the King's Law best.

The above is a vulgar statement. Of course, a top student like Root Number 3 will not let the people below him say such things, but whether it is vulgar or elegant, it is the same truth.

Reality and games are all societies, and human society has always been synonymous with power.

Number one on the level list!

Level forty-seven!

For this title, Root Number Three is willing to go a little further.

The level list is still dominated by Sword of Judgment players. The top ones are all level 47, and the next ones are all 46. Only a few talents from other guilds have risen to level 46. Mainstream high-end players , now at most level 45.

The game company is quite satisfied with the result.

At least they had overcome a crisis caused by the design. The next game was still full of fog. At least the advantage of the Sword of Judgment was not as obvious as before.

You are equipped with level 45 equipment, and I am also equipped with level 45 equipment. Even if you have five more attribute points than me, you can go to heaven.

Attribute points are not valuable. Any high-end equipment can add dozens of attribute points. At least in the eyes of experts, these five or ten points are not enough to make them feel that they are a threat.

It's a pity that the first place we got is gone like this, Root No. 3 cursed bitterly.

Otherwise, what do you want? Lu Li laughed.

Third brother, please don't be angry. I think this is good, Shen Wansan sat on the other side of Lu Li. At this time, the three of them were drinking in the pub, talking about the current situation.

What's good, isn't Shuguang clamoring not to interfere with the game process? So what does it matter now? Go ahead and fuck it, Root No. 3 rarely swore.

Seventeen thousand gold coins gives an absolute advantage. If nothing else, the champion of the first professional league will definitely be Sword of Judgment. Together with the previous Huaying Cup and Magic Cup, Sword of Judgment’s guild ranking Definitely in the top ten.

What is the concept of the top ten? Don’t think that the top ten is worthless.

It took Wushuang City several years to reach the top ten, and in order to get to where they are today, they have completely sold themselves to Weiyu Pavilion. I don’t know how many unequal treaties they have signed with female rich people, but the ruling It only took three or four months for the Sword of China, a ten-fold difference, which can be said to have set a record for the rapid rise of a new guild in the gaming industry.

Third brother, you have a stake in the situation, and you are in the middle of the situation. It's not as clear as a businessman like me, Shen Wansan chuckled.

Lao Shen, please stop lying. You are talking like a bitch. Just tell me. I, Root Number Three, am all ears. Root Number Three calmed down and wanted to hear what's better about the situation now.

The purpose of the game company is obvious, which is to allow the professional league to continue normally, but it is not aimed at the Sword of Judgment, Shen Wansan said while tapping the table with his knuckles: And the healthy development of the game is more important than you getting the first place. The name is more important. You can think of it this way. You big guilds and clubs are all fish, and the game is water. When you are fighting for food, don’t damage the water. If the water is damaged, you fish will fight over it. It’s all in vain.”

Oh, Lao Shen didn't realize that you still have this knowledge, Lu Li was surprised.

Root No. 3 drank a glass of wine with his head down, and sighed: Old Shen, you are right. That's the truth. I am too confused.

Don't worry, Shen Wansan patted Root No. 3 on the shoulder with his fat hand: Besides, who can win the first place? Isn't it still uncertain? If your Sword of Judgment loses the level advantage, don't you have any confidence at all? No more?

Do it, Root No. 3 said nothing and raised his glass to drink.

The first time the Sword of Judgment collided with a level 45 team, it was actually on New Year's Day, the day after double experience and the end of the Elk Carnival. The opponent's name was Column One or Three.

Although this guild ranks among the top 100, it is not very famous, but when it comes to their backers, everyone knows about them.

Because standing behind them is a bloody battle flag!

The Blood Banner Guild ranks third in the rankings. Now that the brothers and nobles have been declining, it is actually second. Even behemoths like Weiyu Pavilion are a little behind them.

The first and third columns do not have even one star player, but no one dares to underestimate them in any competition.

Because their contestants all come from the Scarlet War Flag, those who are eliminated in each trial must be screened again, and as long as they have a certain level of strength, they will be sent to the following branches to compete in the world.

The first and third columns have a brilliant record so far, and they are also the kind of team that has never lost a game.

This time, they met the Sword of Judgment. If it was two days ago, they would have been in despair, but now their players are all level 45, and suddenly they have the courage to fight with the Sword of Judgment. .

It's a matter of life and death, if you don't accept it then do it!

As for the personnel of the first and third columns, their professional composition is very strange... Dark-colored Rufeng joked.

Why did Teacher Feng say that? Chunbai Jiji cooperated with him.

Two thieves and two spells, one priest, one warrior, one hunter, it's almost a pure output formation. They have maintained an offensive attitude for so many years. I wonder if this lineup can achieve miracles when facing the Sword of Judgment. , sighed the dark tone like the wind.

It seems that Teacher Feng is not optimistic about the first and third columns, Chunbai Jiji chuckled.

The first and third columns have performed very well this season. Even if they lose this game, they can still enter the top 100 competition. Their players, Crimson Ash and Lens, are as strong as the star players, said Deep Color Rufeng I really don’t like the first and third teams.

Not even their old club, the Bloody Banner, dared to claim victory over the Sword of Judgment, let alone a group of people like them who had been eliminated before.

However, we must win. The match between the first and third columns has attracted widespread attention, and this is the first time that a level 45 team has faced off against the Sword of Judgment. Everyone will wait and see what the result will be, Pure White Jiji pointed out. That being said, she was right. The other Sword of Judgment opponents were more concerned about this match.

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