The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 857 Adding insult to injury

Ten people form a small team, walk along the corners of the map, especially at the foot of the mountain. If you see an experience deer, fight it. If you see an equipment deer, you can only fight level 40 or 45 deer. As for the prestige deer, everyone should take a detour. Lu Li was giving lessons to the people in the guild.

Of course, saying it so openly will let people outside know that there is an unknown amount of sand mixed in with the 100,000-person Grand Guild.

Why don't you fight the prestige deer? As long as you cause damage to the prestige deer, you can get prestige. Azure Sea Breeze didn't understand. People at their level have begun to know about strengthening skills, and naturally they also understand how important reputation is.

In Azure Sea Breeze's view, Reputation Deer is the game company's reputation.

As long as you participate in the battle, you will gain skills. This is true, but the premise is that you can kill the prestige deer, the super boss of level 50. Not to mention our guild, even if there are piles of players in the entire game, there is not even the slightest possibility. Lu Li said unceremoniously.

Impossible? How could a game company design such an unbeatable BOSS without a guide or something? Piao Ling asked.

Who knows, but I just went to test it out, and I feel that the reputation BOSS is definitely not something that players can deal with at this stage. I almost didn't run away, Lu Li said with a hint of truth.

Boss, why didn't you tell me earlier? I died. Alas, I saw a lot of people dying. I thought I was a hunter and could deal damage from a distance, so I rushed forward. I didn't expect the BOSS to be so strong, said the guild member. Xiaoxiang Mingqi, a relatively high-end hunter, said in frustration.

There is really no need to fight deer with low-level equipment. How should we deal with these level-5 golden equipment? Yusi Wanderer also spoke up.

He was lucky enough to not encounter a prestige deer. Instead, he encountered a low-level equipment deer outside Night Town. A group of paladins pounced on it and eliminated the monster in minutes, but the loot was dumbfounding.

Level five gold equipment is of course more valuable than bronze, but no one can afford to spend so much money on low-level transitional equipment.

Level 1 experience deer also have a lot of experience, haha... Soon someone reported about the experience deer.

Lu Li and his team were killing a level 45 experience deer in the Ashenvale Forest.

This BOSS has high attack and defense. Azure Sea Breeze can knock out more than a thousand health points in one go. The people next to him have suffered split damage and suffered hundreds of health losses. It is indeed not easy to deal with.

Fortunately, although the Experience Deer can be considered a BOSS, its health volume is not as high as that of a serious wild BOSS, only a little over 100,000.

Use the violence, be careful if someone comes to snatch the monsters, Lu Li said worriedly as he looked at several battle groups not far away. The reason why he chose Ashenvale Forest was that on the one hand, this map had a lot of experience deer refreshed, and on the other hand, On the one hand, there are jungles everywhere, and the field of vision is limited, so it is not easy to conflict with other people.

At the critical moment of gaining experience, it is better not to PK if you can.

Brother, do you need help? After the experience deer not far from Lu Li was killed, the group of people slowly came closer. When they saw that the experience deer was level 45, they couldn't help but Ask loudly.

Although anyone who kills a level 1 experience deer has experience, for a level 40 player, a level 45 experience deer has more experience.

No, thank you, the blue sea breeze refused.

The group of people on the opposite side were a little disappointed, but they were not willing to retreat. They felt that there were only ten people on Lu Li's side, and they might not be able to match the level 45 BOSS, so they planned to wait and see.

Brother Chen, how about we... A thief player approached the captain and whispered.

Don't worry, the BOSS hasn't reached the critical moment yet, the captain led a team of twenty people, twice as many as Lu Li's team. But even if he teamed up with the BOSS, it would be difficult to win without any damage, so he Didn't lose his mind.

In fact, they had no idea that the Xinxin Mercenary Group also had a few short conversations.

Why don't these people leave? Azure Sea Breeze asked.

I want to take advantage of you, but I'm waiting for you to be killed by this experience deer, Piao Ling sneered, and it felt so good to have his IQ crushed.

Fuck him, Guangguang, go kill them, Azure Sea Breeze immediately became angry when he heard that these people wanted him to die. As for whether there were too many of them, he didn't care at all.

Moonlight also didn't care about the number of people on the other side, but he was obviously not as good as Azure Sea Breeze, and instead asked Lu Li for his opinion with his eyes.

In the past three months, Lu Li's performance has conquered everyone in the mercenary group.

Hurry up and fight the monsters. We'll finish the fight. Be careful. Pay attention to your position in March and don't let anyone kill you. Lu Li glared at Azure Sea Breeze. This guy is really not easy to worry about.

March Yu obediently adjusted her position, and everyone else also moved their positions.

Once this group of people comes to carry out a sneak attack, they will respond immediately. Although there is a BOSS in front of them and a pack of wolves behind them, they are not worried at all that they will suffer a loss.

With such a large population base of gamers, how could there be so many elites and players? This group of people was above average at best and not very threatening.

The experience deer's attacks are getting higher and higher in the later stages. Azure Sea Breeze has to frequently activate damage reduction to keep its health volume above 50%, and it also starts to use some group attack skills.

This is also the reason why that group of people are willing to wait. What they are waiting for is for the BOSS to show its power in the later stage.

Lu Li was not ignorant of the pros and cons, but he was very confident in his heart because the experience deer and the reputation deer were different. Although this kind of monster was also called a wild BOSS, they did not have that kind of particularly powerful ultimate move.

The blood loss from group injuries was very serious, and everyone on Lu Li's side suffered about 30% loss.

Do you need me to use my ultimate move? Sanyue Yu asked.

I can also release my tranquility, but I'm afraid of being interrupted by them, Hachi-chan also said. Strengthening tranquility is very powerful, but it is a spell that requires guidance. Once attacked, all previous efforts may be lost.

No, just leave it like that, you act in a hurry in March, Lu Li directed in the channel.

March Yu Bingxue is smart and has a very strong understanding, and she will strictly obey any order given by Lu Li. She starts acting immediately, and her originally flawless blood increase instantly becomes unorganized.

The acting is so fake, Azure Sea Breeze complained.

It is quite difficult for an honest girl to act without giving her any time to rehearse, but fortunately, the BOSS is using the group attack skill, so it is barely reasonable for her to be in a hurry at this time.

This is the time, come on! The captain roared and rushed towards Sanyueyu first.

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