The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 853 profiteers and speculators

No matter what, the water elf is unwilling to accept this pet.

Lu Xin thought for a moment, clapped her hands and said, Why don't you give it to Mengmeng, she likes pets the most.

Lu Xin and Can Meng are actually quite familiar with each other. After all, the age gap is not that big, and Can Meng has a lot of pets. Lu Xin spends a lot of time in the game taking care of those pets with Can Meng.

Okay, I believe she will like it, the water elf had no objection.

Canmeng was very happy today. She got a very cute pet turtle. She thought this was the biggest gain today, but she didn't hear the news that she suddenly received a pet.

Where? Can Meng came quickly.

This is it. It's a bit small. Do you want it? It's not that Lu Xin doesn't like this magic crayfish, but she has only been online for a short time. If she catches it by herself, I'm afraid this crayfish will have to spend time in the pet space from now on. .

But Canmeng is different. She cherishes pets very much. She owns a very large pet farm by herself, and all pets can move freely in it.

And if Can Meng catches a pet, Lu Xin can also play with it.

Wow, what kind of lobster is this? I've never seen it before. It can spit bubbles. Can Meng immediately threw her little turtle out of the sky. This pink tone completely killed her girlish heart.

This is called a magic lobster, Lu Li did some research and then added, It's a rare pet.

Although the turtle mount and pet is rare, it is fixed. You can choose it as long as you win the second prize in the fishing competition, and it often appears in other fishing-related activities.

Magic lobsters can only be obtained from Mr. Clamps. The probability of obtaining Mr. Clamps is already pitifully low, and when Mr. Clamps opens a magic lobster, the probability is even lower.

Can Meng captured this new pet and happily took Lu Xin to play.

Lu Li asked Cain's left hand to send a group of thieves to follow his sister. These thieves did not need to follow her all the time, but each one was on duty for two hours and protected in batches.

In fact, Cain's left hand has already begun to build a defense team for the Sword of Judgment.

Almost any guild has a similar organization. They usually go out when the guild's senior leaders travel, or when someone in the guild receives an important escort mission. They usually act independently, and occasionally take over private tasks in private, such as escorting people outside. Professional players go to dangerous areas to collect herbs, minerals or fish, and are billed on a timely basis. Generally speaking, their income is very high-end.

It may seem ridiculous to have bodyguards in the game, but as long as they are motivated by profit, it is not uncommon for them to appear.

After Lu Li and the water elf parted ways, they went back to check the harvest at Treasure Bay. The situation was better than he thought.

There were a lot of twists and turns in the process. The person in charge of the acquisition was a professional gamer whose ID was Na Cong. She told Lu Li about the situation.

In the beginning, it went really well. Everyone was worried about what to do with the delicious fish. Suddenly, someone was willing to sell and buy it. Although the price was not high, it didn't take up space in the backpack after all, right?

However, other people soon followed suit. Sugon had no shortage of people with spare money. When they saw other people acquiring the company, they thought there might be some business opportunities.

They didn't dare to raise the price, so they followed Sword of Judgment and collected some.

Although it was impossible for everyone to get too much delicious fish, there were so many people participating in the event that a considerable part of it went outside.

These people plan to wait and see for a while after receiving it, and finally figure out what the use is.

The aunt who was holding the onions had no choice but to ask the people below to raise the price, from one silver coin to five silver coins, which suddenly defeated other competitors.

However, this was very short-lived.

Those who were following the heckles saw the price increase, which strengthened their awareness that Kekeyu was famous. They also raised the price, and they not only mentioned five silver coins, six silver coins, seven silver coins, even eight silver coins, and ten silver coins. .

The market suddenly became chaotic, and even those who originally planned to sell hesitated.

Many people chose not to take action for the time being. The Sword of Judgment's acquisition of the delicious fish suddenly fell into trouble, and the aunt who was holding the green onion was in a hurry and had nothing to do.

Fortunately, there is a smarter girl in her team who has a lot of clever ideas.

When everyone was frantically raising prices to buy delicious fish, suddenly a message started to spread.

According to people familiar with the matter, the delicious fish is actually of no use, but some businessmen saw the business opportunities in it. They first spent a sum of money to purchase the delicious fish, and the price was just one silver coin.

Others saw them buying and followed suit.

When it was about time, they raised the price to five silver coins. Naturally, those who followed the acquisition were unwilling to accept it and also raised the price.

The problem came at this time. The people who bought it in the first place began to sell their goods. All the delicious fish they bought for one silver coin at the beginning returned to the market at five or even ten times the price.

From one thousand gold to ten thousand gold, this is how you earn it!

Black-hearted, the insider said that he couldn't stand it anymore and had to stand up and appeal to everyone not to let these black-hearted businessmen succeed.

Some people may be hesitant, but most people believe it.

Because the reputation of black-hearted businessmen is too bad, and this trick of buying low and selling high is what they are best at, and no one knows what the delicious fish is used for.

As a result, the people who were making peace could no longer sit still.

They didn't care about money, but they didn't want to be taken advantage of, so they stopped buying delicious fish and hurriedly threw what they had in hand while the price was high, maybe they could make some money.

One person is selling, two people are selling, when everyone in the market is selling...

This result was completely expected by the Sword of Judgment players. They took the opportunity to lower the market price. Although it did not return to the original one silver coin, you could buy delicious fish in the market for the unit price of two silver coins.

This was what Lu Li saw.

Many people are selling delicious fish, and there are not many people competing with the Sword of Judgment.

As for where the delicious fish on the market goes, everyone is suspicious and confused.

Boss, we spent too much money this time. We collected more than 300,000 delicious fish in total. The average price was 1.8 silver coins. We spent more than 6,000 gold coins. Most of the guild's liquidity was spent on this. It’s up here, what’s the use of it?” the aunt holding the onions asked curiously.

It's still a little bit rare. Is there no more on the market? Lu Li did not tell the truth.

Of course there are, but there are definitely not many, the aunt who took the green onions didn't ask any further questions. She was the person in charge of the professional players, and she was also considered the leader of the guild. She knew the importance of the matter, so Lu Li didn't say anything, which meant that she didn't need to know.

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