The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 849 Little Sister

Three to five seconds after the fish floats is the best time, Lu Li slowly pulled up the fishing rod. A delicious blue-purple fish was struggling desperately on the hook.

Got the first fish!

The uncle next to him originally despised the combination of Lu Li and the three of them. They were all young people, and they didn't seem to be the type to calm down and concentrate on fishing. They probably didn't have a high level of fishing.

He was just waiting to see the jokes made by these three children. Unexpectedly, Lu Li would soon catch a fish, and it was a delicious fish that was said to be very difficult to catch.

He has good fishing skills, and he has caught two fish so far, but they are not delicious fish - no matter how good the fish are, it is useless. The only thing in the fishing competition is who can catch the most delicious fish.

When the water elf also pulled up the lever, the old man's wrinkled face turned green.

Another delicious fish!

Lu Xin clapped her hands happily, and the water elf also looked happy. Of course, they all knew the reason for catching two delicious fish in a row. This kind of baby has a secret, but it feels really great to know that no one else knows.

Grandpa, your fish is hooked, Lu Xin kindly reminded the stupid old man next to him.

Oh... oh, the old man came back to his senses. He pulled the fishing rod suddenly, and a delicious fish jumped out of the water. So it is not that you can only catch delicious fish in the fish spots. It's just that you can catch delicious fish. The probability is much smaller.

After putting away the delicious fish, the old man finally regained some confidence.

But the next second, this confidence suddenly collapsed, because another delicious fish was flapping on the fishing rod that Lu Li lifted.

Next, the water elf caught another one!

Lu Li caught another one!

The poor old man has been through many hardships all his life, and even at such an old age, he still needs to be hit one after another like this.

Fortunately, after four successful fishing attempts, Lu Li packed up his fishing gear, pulled Lu Xin, and left with the water elf.

Why are you leaving, such a good place? Neither Water Elf nor Lu Xin wanted to leave. They caught four delicious fish in just over a minute. If this trend continues, they will definitely be the ones catching the most fish. Legendary gear is just around the corner.

The fishing is gone. A fish spot can be dropped four or five times at most, and no more than six times at most. Otherwise, you will let other players and the northwest wind, Lu Li couldn't laugh or cry.

Shuguang pays attention to balance, and the method of finding fish spots must have certain limitations.

Next, I encountered two more fish spots, but unfortunately they were both taken over by others - they may not know where the fish spots are, but if they are lucky, it is not ruled out that they can hit the fish spots with one swing of the rod, not to mention Stranglethorn Vale is really overcrowded right now.

How about we fish patiently in one place, the water elf said, a little speechless.

Looking, but Lu Li insisted on looking for a fish spot before stopping to fish. After walking for a few minutes, they found an free fish spot in a location that didn't look like there were fish.

A delicious fish!

Two delicious fish!

The third time, I thought it was still a delicious fish, but after the water elf pulled up the fishing rod, I realized something was wrong.

What hung on it was not a delicious blue-purple fish, but a red monster with dancing pincers.

Lobster! Lu Xin exclaimed.

Her favorite thing to eat is lobster. It was difficult at home in the past, and she would remember it for days after eating lobster once. Now her life has improved, but unfortunately crayfish is not among the types of things she can eat after surgery.

After the water elf picked it up, there was something called Mr. Pliers in his backpack.

Why are there lobsters? Why not delicious fish? The water elf suddenly felt disappointed. Although she did not expect to win the prize, she still hoped to catch fish. After all, delicious fish are the currency of the fishing competition. These delicious fish can be found in the relevant NPC You can get all kinds of things you want there, including experience, gold coins, equipment, fashions, pets, etc.

Keep fishing. Don't lose that pliers sir. I'll do a trick with it later to show you. Lu Li shook his head. This woman was really ignorant.

What kind of trick? asked the water spirit.

You'll know later. I wish I was the one who caught it, Lu Li sighed.

Then I'll give it to you, the water elf said generously.

No, don't you know that during the fishing competition, any trophies caught cannot be traded between players? Lu Li looked at her in surprise.

I...I forgot, the water elf was focused on the fish float and didn't see Lu Li pull up another blackmouth fish.

Brother, I want to fish too, Lu Xin's voice was soft and cute. Little girls are born with the talent of acting like a coquettish girl. Especially since she is not in good health recently, she has learned all kinds of tricks without any teacher.

However, it's also possible that the landladies were the ones causing the problem. Lu Li kept playing and couldn't watch.

Okay, but you must follow me. If you get too excited, I will force you to go offline and go to sleep. Lu Li had no choice but to take out a pair of fishing tackle from his backpack.

In fact, he had already prepared it, but he would only give it to Lu Xin after he got used to the fanatical atmosphere here.

Brother is the best, Lu Xin came up and kissed her brother.

Lu Li: Look, the fish didn't have time to come and ran away.

Lu Xin is a casual player. She is naturally much more proficient in fishing, a leisure activity, than Lu Li. She has already become a senior fisherman.

If three people were fishing, one fish spot would not be able to last for more than a few fish. Lu Li quickly thought of a good idea. When he found the fish spot, he would draw an approximate area and let the water elf stay to fish. Then he took his sister with him. Go find the next fish spot, arrange your sister after finding it, and then go to the next one...

Little sister, you are alone, do you want your brothers to take you with you? For such a cute little girl, there will always be people paying attention. Two players holding fishing rods came over.

Maybe he saw Lu Xin alone, so he came over to strike up a conversation.

No, my brother is here, Lu Xin replied seriously. She was concentrating on fishing and was not aware of the malicious intent of these two people.

Your brother? Where is he? I didn't see him. How about we come together? We are both advanced fishermen and have better baits. If you come with us, we will give you a few. We are not bad people. These two players actually don't look like bad guys, especially the tall one, who is as gentle and approachable as a middle school Chinese teacher.

I don't want that. You are all bad people. I only have one brother, Lu Xin glared at them.

Anyone who dares to call her brother is a bad person and there is no need to discuss it!

Uh... I'm a little confused. Maybe I am a bad person, but the reason why I am bad is not right.

Little sister, look at your little face, it's so cute... The short man came over with a playful smile, but they didn't dare to do anything. If the system determines that a person has molested - especially an underage sister, the punishment will not only be It is so easy to fail and drop the level, which will definitely make a person want to delete his account.

But this kind of expression and language can also cause harm to an underage girl.

Thanks to book friend nvltjVEXCS35ce7 for the 10,000 reward, thank you! Supporting the genuine version is the greatest encouragement to the author!

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