The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 841 Discovered

The place where Azoregus spawned was an unobstructed passage that could be seen clearly from a distance, so Lu Li and the others pulled the BOSS into a small mountain col to deal with it.

But this does not mean that it is foolproof. For example, mining and medicinal people will set foot in no matter how remote the place is.

However, this time, the first person to notice someone here was neither a miner nor a herb collector, but a thief who came here to look for a treasure chest. His ID was Wu Qin.

Wu Qin had discovered a long time ago that there was a silver treasure chest in this small mountain col that did not refresh monsters and ores, and it would be refreshed every day.

He calculated the time correctly and came here every day to open the treasure chest.

Over time, I have accumulated a considerable amount of wealth. In fact, I even paid off my mortgage and bought a car.

Therefore, just because anyone could be lucky, it didn't mean that Lu Li would be able to dominate everything once he was reborn.

As the saying goes, Wu Qin didn't care about being full and warm, but he didn't lack the ambition a man should have at all. After solving his financial problems, he bought good equipment in the game and successfully joined Free Sky.

Free Sky is currently ranked sixteenth on the game guild list, and it can be considered a strong force.

Wu Qin came over to open the treasure box as usual today. When he teleported here, he repaired the equipment at the camp, which wasted some time.

He also heard the shouts of the blue dragon Azoregus across the map. Like most players, he was gloating that another unlucky person had suffered bad luck.

However, the closer Wu Qin got to the col, the more he felt something was wrong.

At first he thought the secret of his treasure chest had been discovered.

Even after joining the guild, he did not share this secret. The silver treasure chest could often yield good equipment and materials, which was a very generous and fixed income, much more than the salary paid by the guild.

It didn't take long for Wu Qin to realize something was wrong. How could a treasure box attract so many people.

And they all belong to the same guild.

The sword of judgment!

Thinking of the rise of this guild, a terrible thought suddenly came to his mind.

The Sword of Judgment is killing the blue dragon Azoregus!

For most players active in Azshara and several nearby maps, Azoregus is an overlord-level existence. It is generally believed that players have no possibility of conquering him before the average level is lower than fifty.

Wu Qin saw with his own eyes how Azoregus massacred players. It was indeed a massacre.

One of its freezing skills can reduce the health of all targets within ten yards of the skill. If it is supplemented by a blizzard, the experience of dozens of players will be wiped out in minutes.

The most disgusting thing is the frost mark.

Anyone who dies due to the blue dragon's attack will have a 15-minute frost mark that cannot be removed. When the blue dragon uses the freezing skill, all people with this mark within 70 yards will be frozen for 2 minutes. This freezing effect It cannot be dispelled, offline and suicide cannot be removed.

Only the Absolute Ice Barrier of ice magic can dispel this mark.

This means that as long as someone dies, they will continue to die if they are saved. Except for the magician who can contact the refrigerator, any other means are useless.

Unexpectedly, Sword of Judgment dared to attack this BOSS.

Wu Qin realized that the people he encountered should be the peripheral force to prevent other guilds from disrupting the situation.

This is an opportunity!

Wu Qin relied on his good stealth skills and quickly approached the inside of the small mountain col. He had to figure out the BOSS's situation and get first-hand intelligence.

Whether this information is given to the guild or sold to information dealers, it is a huge benefit.

You can only use melee kitchen knives and long-range hunters to fight the BOSS. The damage done by other professions to fight the BOSS is minimal, so we simply arrange to be on guard at the periphery.

When the BOSS started shouting, the players of Sword of Judgment were really nervous, as if they were facing a formidable enemy, fearing that several major guilds would join forces to snatch the BOSS.

To their surprise, this did not happen. From beginning to end, no one believed that someone was fighting the BOSS.

There are even a few guys on the regional channel gloating, saying that Blue Dragon Dad is going to open again today, and they don’t know what kind of unlucky guy is losing experience and equipment.

So, as time goes by, their vigilance begins to decline.

Su Qin's skills were good, and his equipment level was top-notch. He entered the Xiaoshan'ao Old Assembly and was not noticed even though he was very close, so he couldn't help but despise the Sword of Judgment in his heart.

After all, it is a new guild with no foundation.

No matter what kind of big guild it is, whenever it switches to a new game, a large number of key members will gather together to open up new games at the same time. The quality of these people is far beyond what individual players can match.

It took a lot of effort to resist the urge to knock these guys out, and Su Qin quickly approached the battle area along the path.

The heat wave is rolling!

Su Qin was suddenly blown up, and he was horrified to find that a golden-robed mage used a shock wave on him.

It wasn't over yet. Su Qin had just landed and before he had time to react, he felt that his feet were quickly frozen and spreading upwards.


A fire mage actually learned a rare skill like Frost Nova. Regardless of the criticism, Su Qin quickly used his badge to release the frozen state.

Some people may ask, as long as you are attacked, this frozen state will expire, so why waste the badge?

Please, if you don’t remove the freeze, will you just watch the mage read the bar and release his ultimate move? If you don’t remove the freeze, will you think that other nearby Sword of Judgment players are dead!

Freeze may seem impressive, but it only takes one badge to complete it.

Su Qin broke out of the ice and was about to run away. What greeted him was a shadow that looked like a golden dragon's head. The shadow made a roaring shape. It not only caused a lot of damage, but also had a chaotic negative state.

Fire Mage's strong control skill Dragon's Breath.

Players gathered around the Sword of Judgment. The strange thing was that they did not take action, but instead watched the battle outside with their arms folded, without any intention of coming to help.

Single challenge? Su Qin blinked in confusion.

You want to challenge me to a duel? OK, as long as you can beat me, I'll let you go today, the golden-robed mage chuckled, and his majestic and domineering image was instantly replaced by vulgarity and arrogance.

There are so many people here, if you insist on single-handedly fighting, you must be ****.

Su Qin liked this kind of **** the most. He silently smeared poison on the dagger, planning to have a peak showdown between thieves and magicians.

He didn't know if the other party would keep what he said, but this was an opportunity after all. No one wanted to lose experience, and maybe also lose a piece of equipment they had worked so hard to obtain.

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