The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 838 Spending money to kill the dragon

After the game, Lu Li went to level up with his teammates, and he kept Erha as promised.

A giant wolf, silver-white, mighty and majestic, with a humanistic and funny facial expression, attracting everyone to come and watch.

Sir, what are you looking at? Believe it or not, I fucked all the men and killed all the women, Erha said. He was a low-level mercenary and had such a dirty personality.

Holy shit, this guy can talk, Azure Sea Breeze opened his eyes wide.

Shouldn't I complain about what he said? Piao Ling lazily raised his hammer to fight monsters, then glanced sideways at Lu Li: What kind of master does he have, and what kind of pets do he bring.

Wow, this pet looks very powerful. None of my pets can speak, Du Meng instantly felt like he was so low.

What's so great, my dragon general might even be able to speak foreign languages, Hachi-chan curled her lips. She wasn't just talking nonsense. The jade dragon that used the green dragon essence was much smarter and could already execute some orders on its own.

As for whether you can speak foreign languages ​​in the future, if dragon language is considered a foreign language, it is not impossible.

Why don't we go kill the dragon? Maybe we can explode something your baby dragon can eat, Lu Li encouraged.

What dragon? Azure Sea Breeze suddenly became interested.

People in the second grade may all dream of being dragon-slaying warriors. The only difference is that some people fantasize about it when they are young, while some people can still dream about it even when they grow up. Azure Sea Breeze obviously belongs to the latter.

Azshara has a blue dragon BOSS. I have a way to kill it, Lu Li said, feeling a little annoyed at his dwarf chicken transformer.

How many levels of BOSS? Piao Ling can grasp the key point best.

It should only be level 45 now, Lu Li thought for a moment and was not sure. This wild BOSS is a regular BOSS and is constantly refreshed, and the data will also change with system updates.

It might have been level 30 at the beginning, but all the players who tried the strategy failed and lost a lot of experience.

It may have reached level 45 due to the system update - but this is not the end of the Blue Dragon BOSS. By the time Lu Li traveled through time, this BOSS had already become a level 70 boss, and he had also wiped out countless groups with bloody hands. Lord.

Then what are you waiting for! The azure sea breeze's big ax was already thirsty.

I agree, I think if you can kill, it would be a pity not to kill, Hachi-chan waved her fist, and all the few brain cells in her little head were infected by the word dragon.

She must burst out the dragon blood and marrow to feed her baby dragon.

Then let's go and teleport to Azshara, Lu Li could only hope that this wild BOSS, which had not been conquered yet, would be more generous and at least make up for the loss of his dwarf chicken transformer.

The dwarf editor uses a lot of top-notch props that cost gold. It’s like using gold coins to defeat the BOSS.

Azshara is the early night elf royal ruler in the history of Warcraft, and is also the so-called Queen Azshara often mentioned by players.

The artistic value of this character is that it fully demonstrates the sorrow brought about by a country ruled by women.

Azshara is such a woman. She looks very strong, but in fact, as long as a man whose aura can overwhelm her can play her around.

The bards wrote in their notes that this was a woman who was fascinated by the demon Sargeras and abandoned her people, a lonely sensual animal, a woman whose intelligence was overwhelmed by her loneliness .

In fact, in the earliest times, Azshara was not as bad as the biography said.

At that time, she governed her people with kindness and was loved by her people because of her beautiful appearance and heart.

Later, Azshara built a palace near the Well of Eternity, where she studied the Well with her servants, the narrow-minded Highborne known as the Quel'dorei.

Although the commoners of Kalimdor continued to love Azshara, they hated the arrogant, self-righteous, smug, self-absorbed Quel'dorei who seemed to have everything.

Well, everyone has the mentality of hating the rich, and this is not enough to be a reason for Her Majesty the Queen to be immoral.

Later, Sargeras came to the Well of Eternity, and as everyone knows, Malfurion, the king of the thread with the most counterattack potential, led everyone to blow up the Well of Eternity.

This devastating and horrific outcome tore the world apart and blasted Azshara and her unreliable followers into the depths of the sea.

In the aftermath of the explosion, the power of the Well of Eternity twisted Azshara and her followers into the serpentine naga, the inhabitants of the deep.

Although Azshara lingered beneath the waves, Azshara, her followers, and their descendants continued to endure, waiting for the day of their return and vengeance.

Before the Cataclysm, the night elf city of Edarath in Azshara was thriving.

Many believe that the ruins of this once prosperous castle contain many powerful ancient Highborne relics.

The Blue Dragon Legion has guarded these powerful relics and magical knowledge for generations, preventing these things from falling into the hands of mortals. Until many things happened later, the Highborne relics could only become a legend.

However, the appearance of the blue dragon Azuregos seems to hint that some of the most powerful relics are buried in the wilds of Azshara, perhaps even the legendary Vial of Eternity.

No matter what Azuregos is looking for, one thing is certain, it has now become a favorite among players - the wild BOSS.

This is the guy Lu Li wants to kill, he is simply a weirdo.

First of all, he is the only dragon who can be transformed by the dwarf chicken transformer - this is so humiliating to the dragons that some NPC dragons look sad behind their backs.

Until a certain system update fixed the fatal flaw of this product.

Before that, he was a wild BOSS who could be tortured to death with the dwarf chicken transformer.

Officials do not think this is a BUG. They seem to be aiming to tell people that engineering has a future, so everyone should hurry up and spend money to practice engineering.

No one bothered him because the dwarf chicken transformer was too expensive. After a battle, a dwarf chicken transformer cost 70 gold coins. Each one could be used ten times. Lu Li estimated that it would cost at least ten gold coins. A few were enough, and he used up all the materials in the warehouse to make up this amount.

A smaller guild simply cannot afford to consume hundreds of thousands of real coins in one battle.

The big guilds also have to consider whether the things that are revealed can make up for this expense, and they must also have a prerequisite - to have a senior engineer who can produce a dwarf chicken transformer.

Of course, Lu Li couldn't kill the BOSS with just his team. He would have to kill the boss in the Year of the Monkey, so he asked Root No. 3 to send a batch of the guild's best kitchen knives.

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