Lu Li was a little discouraged. He completely ignored the Scarlet Crusaders who were still attacking him, but wanted to ask what happened.

Why are you here so late, Lord Tirion!

Why did he come so late? Lu Li felt that he had already worked hard, and his efforts had indeed bought a lot of time. At least for other players, it would have been impossible to delay it until now.

My son, my son, Old Fording rolled off his horse and almost crawled to his son's side.

He is not young, but he has been dealing with the Holy Light for a long time, so he does not look old at all. Lu Li has never associated old age with him.

However, at this moment, he seemed to have become an old man in an instant.

An old man who lost his son, his hair on the temples was as white as frost. He held his son's body and cried bitterly. The father and son did not even have time to see each other for the last time.

When Tyran was born, he was leading the knights of the Silver Hand in a bloody battle against evil.

When I came back, I was covered in blood, and I couldn't wait to rush over to see my son. His wife scolded him for not tidying up, and then he saw his son grinning at him.

He rarely stayed at home, and every time he came back, he couldn't help but hug his son and never let go.

Every time he encounters danger on the battlefield, Tirion Fordring always tells himself that you still have a son, and you have to go back and hug him. He is so young and cannot live without his father.

Therefore, with this belief, he saved the day between life and death every time.

Tirion Fordring still remembers the question that little Tyran asked him with innocent eyes when he was five years old:

Dad, are all orcs as despicable and cruel as everyone says?

Well, son, that's a tough question to answer. But I guess there are some orcs who are good people, they're just harder to find, that's all.

Really, Dad?

I think so. Sometimes we can't judge people's quality too hastily, son.

It's a pity that he failed to fulfill his responsibility as a father after all. Because of his own ideals, he made his son lose his father very early.

He could imagine Tailan burying his beloved little hammer in front of his own grave. No one told him that his father was still alive and still watching him from the dark. In order to be afraid that his mother would be sad, he could only hide and cry secretly. .

My father was a great man, he was a true Paladin, who always stood up when he was bullied by others.

I want to become a paladin like my father, and then protect our homeland, so he was sent to receive training in the way of the Holy Light with children much older than him.

Old Fording watched his son grow up little by little. Although his secluded life was poor, it was extremely peaceful.

Ah - what on earth have I done?! Old Fording's desperate and angry cry resounded throughout the valley, shocking the surrounding creatures and shaking the solid earth.

The Grand Inquisitor realized that a powerful enemy had arrived, and together with his Scarlet Crusaders, they gave up on killing Lu Li and instead turned on Old Fording.

You lowly traitor, why don't you just stay in a dark corner and linger, then come out and die? Grand Prosecutor Isenlien looked at the old paladin with contempt.

He once watched Uther take away the power of the Holy Light from Tirion Fordring. Although he later heard that this guy had regained the affirmation of the Holy Light, deep down in his heart, he always refused to believe in this unsteady belief. The old knight took it to heart.

The worst thing is to kill them all together, since Uther who protected him is already dead anyway.

Thank you for teaching my son, Isenlien, but now let me see the power you once believed in! Old Fording put his son down and stood up.

Holy light suddenly burst out from him, forming a huge pillar of light.

It is more powerful than the immortal holy light in Uther's tomb, and the old Fording is like a god. This does not mean that old Fording is more powerful than Uther. After all, one has fallen, and the other has fallen again because of grief and anger. breakthrough.

Even so, this was enough to make Grand Prosecutor Ethan Lien turn pale.

Go on, kill this despicable traitor!

You once fought for the people, you once fought for the faith, Isenlion, you have blasphemed your past. In the name of the Holy Light, I now declare your crime, Tirion Fordring was not afraid at all, He raised his sword.

The angry holy light swallowed up all the surrounding Scarlet Crusaders, including the BOSS template Grand Prosecutor Ethan Lien...

All gone!

Taylan, my child, the old knight returned to his son's side again. His expression was extremely sad, and he couldn't help but began to cry uncontrollably.

He did not shed tears when he was surrounded by powerful enemies, nor did he shed tears when he was criticized by thousands of people. This strong king of paladin would almost never be weak again, but in front of his beloved son, He shed all his strength.

There must be a reason why Tirion Fordring didn't arrive in time.

Looking at such a sad old man, what could Lu Li say? He could only smile and shake his head. He didn't even know how to comfort him.

Tirion Fordring cried for a long time. He recalled the short and long past between himself and his son bit by bit. He didn't know whether to tell Lu Li or himself.

Lu Li almost wanted to cry when he heard this.

Someone stopped me and I couldn't come over in time, finally, Tirion Fordring said the reason why he couldn't come over in time.

Who is it? Lu Li suddenly realized.

Dathrohan, he led a small team and blocked my way. I managed to repel them, Tirion Fordring was filled with doubts.

Saidan Dathrohan was one of Archbishop Alonsos Faol's favorite disciples. After the outbreak of the Second War, Faol founded the Knights of the Silver Hand. Dathrohan and Uther Lightbringer, Tirion Fordring, Turalyon and others became the first paladins and made great achievements in the war against the orc invasion.

During the Second War, Dathrohan served as the Commander-in-Chief of the Silver Hand, ranking second only to Uther in the Order.

After the war, after learning of the mutually supportive relationship between Tirion Fordring and the orc warrior Eitrigg, Dathrohan led his troops to hunt down Eitrigg and accused Fordring of treason in court. .

Although due to Dathrohan's insistence, Tirion Fordring was ultimately found guilty.

But Tirion Fordring never thought that Dathrohan was wrong. He was just a devout paladin who couldn't get a grain of sand out of his eyes.

When Dathrohan's army blocked Tirion Fordring, they had no intention of killing him.

No one expected that such an obstruction would delay the rescue of his son. Tirion Fordring regretted and blamed himself, but he did not doubt Sohan.

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