The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 833 Grand Prosecutor

According to your father's wishes, I am here to take you to see your father. The Holy Light will never be extinguished, Lu Li said slowly: The spirit of the knight will last forever, even if darkness envelopes our fallen land, the Holy Light will never be extinguished. Light is still the guiding light for all mankind - as long as we firmly believe in honor, everything will not wither...

This was what Melanda said before, and Lu Li repeated it to Tailan because he felt that it was very reasonable and suitable for comforting the lost paladin.

Who are you!

Before Tailan could speak, all four paladins became angry.

In name, they were protecting Tailan, but in reality they were sent by Isenlien to monitor him. Now that they heard Lu Li's words, they immediately turned on the hatred mode.

The battle was about to break out. At this moment, Tyran Fordring stood in front of Lu Li: You guys step back. I have something to go out with him for. He is not our enemy.

This is impossible. His Excellency the Grand Prosecutor asked us to ensure your safety. Attack!

They were not going to attack Tyran Fordring directly, but they planned to bypass the nominal leader of the Scarlet Crusade and kill this colleague who was deceiving others.

Lu Li was now dressed as a Scarlet Crusader and was indeed one of their colleagues.

Lu Li felt nervous, wondering if his true form was about to be revealed. His current state can at least ensure his safety to a certain extent among a bunch of level 50 monsters.

Fortunately, whether it was out of the paladin's code of conduct or out of personal feelings, Tyran Fordring would not let anything happen to Lu Li.

He pulled out his sword and swung it hard, blocking all attacks.

In Lu Li's view, Tyran Fordring was very powerful, but it was obviously impossible to fully utilize it. He didn't know whether it was because his faith had been shaken, or because food and wine had emptied his body.

But it's always enough to deal with these four people.

At least without a deadly attack, these four paladins could not break through the great lord's defense line.

We should fight quickly, otherwise we won't be able to leave when someone comes, Lu Li had no intention of taking action and reminded Tyran Fordring on his horse.

Stand back, I want to leave here now, please don't stop me, Tyran Fording said in a deep voice.

What made your faith corrupt? Do you want to betray the Crusaders? One of the guards shouted loudly, and then slashed his sword diagonally: Kill this traitor.

Although he was only the leader of the Crusade in name only, it was ridiculous that an ordinary soldier could decide his fate without any trial.

Tyran Fordring was angry. He just didn't want to kill anyone, but that didn't mean he was a virgin bitch.

After three strikes, five divided by two, all four Paladins were bleeding on the spot. They were no match for a high-level Paladin. This was almost the gap between the elite monsters and the BOSS.

Let's fight out, Tyran Fording wiped the blood splattered on his face and rushed out of the castle first.

Fuck, why does it have to be like this!

Lu Li was a little depressed. He had no time to stop this impulsive guy. Why couldn't he clean up and leave without disturbing others.

Even if he is a puppet and may be blocked, it will be easier than killing him.

If they followed Lu Li's arrangements, they might even be able to sneak out of Hearthglen unscathed without having to go through a single battle.

In other words, this was a forced setting of the system. Tyrann Fordring could only gain a chance of survival by fighting out, and Lu Li had no choice but to follow closely behind.

He was waiting for an opportunity to take action.

Whether in reality or in a game, in a smart battle, surprise can have a magical effect, and with Lu Li's current appearance, no one would have thought that he was a thief.

Your Excellency, please cherish your life, a leader of the Scarlet Crusade emerged from the crowd.

Behind him is a row of Scarlet Crusaders, and he himself is a quasi-BOSS. His combined strength can pose a threat to Tailan.

However, Tailan was not afraid at all at this time. He looked more like a child who had come out of the haze, no longer confused, and eager to return to his father. He raised the sword in his hand with a little smile: For so long, , I am all a puppet of the Grand Crusaders. What turned the Scarlet Crusade into what they strive to fight against?

Over the decades, I have never lost a shred of my father's memory. These precious things allow me to continue to live in this world.

I often dream. In the dream, my father and I are together. He stands proudly beside me, watching me join the Knights. We fight against hordes of Scourge soldiers, and we bring peace to the Alliance and Lordaeron. It brings glory...

Lu Li was a little moved. He hoped that the soldiers on the opposite side would be moved. Even if they didn't fight back, they would at least make way for Tailan.

However, Lu Li was doomed to be disappointed. The will of these soldiers had already gone crazy. Their extremism was not only aimed at the Scourge Legion. Anyone and anything that went against their will would be punished.

Don't block my way home, you bastards, Tyran Fording seemed to have expected such a result, and he rushed forward.

Tyran Fordring, who was eager to go home, showed good strength and showed no signs of fatigue after killing the quasi-BOSS leader of the Scarlet Crusade. As for the other soldiers, few were his enemies.

Along the way, all the Scarlet Crusaders who saw Tyran Fordring attacked him in unison.

Hearthglen is not one of the important military fortresses of the Scarlet Crusade as people have said, but is just a prison to monitor and imprison Tyran.

But at this time, Tailan has opened the shackles in his heart, like a lion waking up from a deep sleep, vowing to break out of the prison in front of him. Nothing can stop him. He has only one goal now, to return to his father.

He was red-eyed and would never let go of any crusaders who came into his sight.

Lu Li reminded him several times not to waste time, but he ignored them all. The paladin with extremely strong will rarely listened to other people's opinions.

It was impossible for Tailan to survive the battle unscathed, but he could use healing techniques, which relieved Lu Li a little.

After passing another sentry tower and two Lukas, you can walk out of the Crusaders' territory and reach the edge of the forest. Tailan couldn't suppress his eagerness and let the horse speed up.

Lu Li had observed when he came here that the capabilities of the guards here were far inferior to the elite guards in Hearthglen, but he was even more nervous.

You can't go anywhere, traitor! The cold voice sounded just as Lu Li expected. Looking in the direction of the voice, he saw three people walking out of the sentry tower. The leader, who looked like a priest, was none other than Chief Prosecutor Yi Senlion.

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