The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 831 Disguise (please vote)

I think you must have a solution, Lu Li said. There was no need to show off.

Hearthglen is not a good place. It is located in the northern part of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. It was once the fief of Old Fordring. After Old Fordring was exiled, Hearthglen was handed over to his beloved son Tyran Fordring to inherit.

When the undead plague began to sweep through Lordaeron, Hearthglen did not fall to the hands of the undead like the surrounding towns.

Prince Arthas once stationed in Hearthglen to fight the Scourge, which also caused nearby human refugees to gather towards Hearthglen. Tyran Fordring, the lord of Hearthglen, accepted all these refugees.

In the days that followed, following the murder of Arthas' father, the Scourge swept across the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Perhaps because of the persistence of the remaining humanity in Arthas' heart, or his unwillingness to face this place where he had fought for a long time, Hearthglen miraculously survived in this land that had become a plague place.

After Uther died at the hands of Arthas and was besieged by the undead army, almost all of the land in the eastern part of Lordaeron became a occupied area.

At this time, the High Lord of the Hand of Tyr, the Elder of the Silver Hand, the Ashbringer Alexandros Mograine, the Defense General of Lordaeron Alfred Abidis, and the High Priest Ethan Lean founded the Scarlet Crusade, which means the Crusade to avenge the dead with blood. This organization grew rapidly on this land.

With the once broad membership of the Knights of the Silver Hand as the backbone, countless humans, dwarves, and elves who lost their relatives, friends, and homes under the invasion of the Scourge joined in.

With reverence for the just cause and love for his teacher Islien, Tyran Fordring joined the Scarlet Crusade and donated his fiefdom, Hearthglen in the Western Plaguelands, to join forces with Mowgli. Together with Ni's fiefdom and Tyr's Hand in the Eastern Plaguelands, they became the two major bases of the Scarlet Crusade.

And he himself became the leader of the Scarlet Crusade in Hearthglen.

However, the behavior of the Scarlet Crusade gradually deviated from the way of the Holy Light and became extreme and crazy. Tyran Fordring was immersed in the pain of failure and gradually became a virtual puppet.

The entire Hearthglen has been completely controlled by Isenlien.

Isenlien is a high-ranking Holy Light priest, one of the founders of the Scarlet Crusade, the Scarlet Crusade Attorney General, the Scarlet Crusade Grand Prosecutor of Hearthglen, and the mentor of High Lord Tyran Fordring.

Lu Li knew that the level of the Scarlet Crusaders in Hearthglen was indeed beyond his ability to deal with.

There is only one way to deliver my letter, and that is to disguise it. Old Fording entered the room behind him. When he came back, he had a map in his hand: Follow the directions on this map and go south. You can go there. Find the Tomb of Uther. I have a trustworthy old friend Melanda who lives there. Find her and show her this thing. She will help you.

What Lu Li got was a mission item - Tirion's gift. It was a small box, and there was no way of knowing what was inside.

Lu Li summoned his war horse and ran wildly in the direction guided by the map.

In fact, Uther's Tomb is not difficult to find.

Paladins often come to express their condolences at his tomb, whether they are natives of this world or adventurers.

Where he died in battle, his tomb stands in Regret Hill in the Western Plaguelands. In the dark Plague Land, there is still a holy light on Uther's tomb.

Uther is the representative of the Paladins - a powerful opponent to his enemies, and a spiritual pillar of hope to the Paladins.

Even when he refused to carry out Stratholme's order to massacre the city and was deemed treason by Arthas as a traitor, the faith of the Paladins at that time was still extremely firm.

Their followers, Uther, left the order of battle to fight for their beliefs.

The so-called royal power, the so-called Alsace, are simply not worth mentioning in the eyes of the paladins.

However, precisely because of the role of this spiritual pillar, when Uther fell, countless paladins lost their mentors. They were confused and at a loss, and many of them fell directly.

May your legend guide us in the right direction, and may the holy light kill all natural disasters...

When Lu Li arrived at Uther's Tomb, there were two paladins kneeling on the ground praying. Judging from their attire, they were obviously the kind of wandering knights who had lost their organization.

They were most likely former members of the Knights of the Silver Hand, but they were unwilling to join the Scarlet Crusade, so they began to wander and fight.

They have scars all over their bodies and they are not refugees.

Thieves, get out of here, the Paladins found Lu Li and drew their knight swords.

True glory cannot be defined by race or profession, but must be judged by human behavior and standards. Lu Li did not intend to take action, but borrowed the words of Old Fording.

The two elite paladins, both above level 50, looked at each other for a while, then turned around and left in shame.

What you said is great. I always feel like I have heard it somewhere. A figure came out from behind the tomb and looked up to her even though he was not tall. He was obviously a dwarf.

I was sent here by Lord Tirion Fordring, Lu Li got off his horse, saluted the dwarf magic controller, and then presented the old Fordring's gift.

This dwarf is obviously the witch Melanda, the person that Old Fording asked Lu Li to find.

Tirion Fordring? The witch was very surprised. It took her a long time to recover. She opened the gift and found a few candied haws inside.

Lu Li knew that this thing could be made with mountain fruits and honey, but it obviously didn't exist in the Plague Land. Old Fording might have put a lot of thought into this gift.

As for why he gave the candied haws, Lu Li guessed that there must be some story behind it.

But the witch Melanda obviously would not share her story with Lu Li. She was very satisfied with and cherished the gift. She carefully put it away after looking at it.

He and Fording are old friends. Although this little dwarf looks young, his actual age is definitely not young. I didn't expect him to have such a hobby.

Lu Li was cursing in his heart, but he continued to ask without showing any emotion on his face: I heard that you can use illusions to make me disguise myself as the Scarlet Crusaders, and then I can sneak into Hearthglen. Is that true?

Indeed, Meranda nodded: I am what you illusionist. Although I can create an illusion to allow you to enter Hearthglen safely, you must know that my power is not unlimited. If you move too far from the area, the illusion will fade away and last only a short time.

How long? Lu Li's heart skipped a beat. At this time, the question really came.

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