The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 820 Plague Land

After bidding farewell to Garona, Lu Li chose to practice his stealth skills.

Strengthening skills cannot be learned casually. Although there are no restrictions on learning, almost everyone understands the secrets involved. Just like after the water elf got a backstab, her instructor clearly required her to reach 100% completion before she could learn it. .

Stealth is a basic skill and has no level of completion. However, Lu Li chose to practice for a period of time before learning to strengthen the skill.

The chosen training location is in the Eastern Plaguelands.

The monsters here are widely distributed, ranging from level 40 to level 50. Abominations, ghouls, zombies, skeleton warriors, ghosts, wizards and lichs are everywhere here. Gargoyles and frost dragons are hovering in the sky. The most important thing is There are also many monsters with strong senses such as bats, spiders, and maggots, as well as many undead thieves and assassins wandering here.

Among them, the ones with the strongest perception are bats, lichs, and undead thieves.

In most people's understanding, these three monsters are anti-submarine monsters, which means that any sneaking unit can't hide in front of them, but Lu Li knows that this is just because the monsters' perception ability is too strong, not because they are really Can detect all invisibility.

The Scourge control the Plaguelands, drawing their power from the Lich King in the far north.

Now that the Lich King has regained his power, all members of the Scourge are completely surrendered to him - there can be no more betrayers like the Dark Lady Sylvanas and the Forsaken.

Here, the fanatical Crusaders and the undead fought endlessly.

They draw strength and belief from the Holy Light. They are committed to exterminating the undead and protecting human survivors. However, due to excessive fanaticism, this small group gradually turns into a tragic army fighting against the forces of natural disasters.

Lu Li himself had no objection to this crusade.

The nobles who accused these people hid far away and only used words to direct the knights to come here to die. They did not understand how serious the battle situation on the front line was.

Lu Li stepped into the Holy Light's Hope Chapel - the only safe place in the Eastern Plague Land.

The Holy Light's Hope Chapel is the base of operations of the Argent Dawn organization in the Eastern Plaguelands, and the negotiations between the Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade are also here.

Both Alliance and Horde players can obtain quests here and exchange Scourge Stones for Silver Dawn reputation. Currently, the Light's Hope Chapel exists as a neutral area. Both Alliance and Horde players can fly here. At the same time, the guards here will severely deal with those who disrupt the peace.

Material officer Metz received the new recruit Lu Li.

The current Plague Land is no longer the deserted place it was when Lu Li came here a long time ago. Many players who have reached level 40 use this place as a place for leveling and fighting.

Especially the Paladin profession. They responded to the call of the Silver Dawn organization and vowed to fight the undead to the end.

Only killing can make a recruit like you grow up quickly. Rookie, go out and kill a group of natural disasters in the wild. You may be able to seize the natural disaster stones from them. As long as you bring back the natural disaster stones, I will give you a certain amount. reward, Material Officer Metz said contemptuously.

As you wish, my dear sir, Lu Li saluted politely.

Despite being so rude to Materials Officer Metz, he was actually once a brave soldier. Later, half of his arm was cut off in a battle. After fighting back with all his strength, he became the Materials Manager.

Once a natural disaster hits the chapel, he lifts up the huge warhammer and is another warrior at the forefront.

After walking out of the chapel, Lu Li immediately entered stealth. He came here to practice stealth, and other things such as upgrading and obtaining the title of Silver Warrior were incidental.

In addition to these paladins, an army of trolls also entered the area. Rushing south from Zul'Aman, the trolls seek to reclaim their ancient kingdom.

Tareshkin and his army and tribesmen planned to drive the Scourge out of this land. It didn't matter whether the land was barren or not. Tareshkin did this because it belonged to them before. And firmly believe that it will belong to them again!

Although he belonged to different camps, Lu Li did not take action against them. He had his own bottom line.

The Scourge, Prince Arthas led these undead tribes and raised a butcher knife against the people he had sworn to protect. No matter whether they were young, old or children, they were all deprived of the right to survive.

Lu Li sneaked up to two undead soldiers, knocked one out with a sap, and then launched a sneak attack on the other.

With just a set of skills, this undead elite warrior with more than 8,000 HP lost his life. In addition to the equipment on Lu Li's body that increased damage to the undead, his level of up to 45 also played a great suppressive role.

The other one naturally cannot escape the fate of death.

Friends, do you want to join us? Thieves are not easy to get along with in the Plague Land. Please form a team with us. We still lack an output...

Forget it, I'll be fine by myself, Lu Li noticed from the beginning that this team was struggling with a group of undead warriors. They seemed to be quite strong. After Lu Li eliminated the two monsters, they also ended the battle.

The biggest feature of this team of four people is that they are all Paladins.

Paladins are a very versatile profession. The MT is anti-cavalry, the healer is cavalry, and the output is disciplinary cavalry. Although they are not very good at group battles, their double-layer dedication is still too much for the undead.

Holy skills have a bonus effect on the attacks of the undead.

Many lone holy priests will choose to level up here. Their usually low attack power can reap considerable damage here.

Friend, we'll be down in a minute, I'll take you for a while. These knights were fighting just now, and they obviously didn't notice how neatly Lu Li killed the two undead warriors.

It's really not necessary, Lu Li still refused.

It doesn't matter, as long as you come here more often to help us kill a few natural disasters (monsters), the leading warrior said impassionedly.

Lu Li was a little speechless, meeting a madman who was obsessed with playing games.

I don’t know if it’s because of too strong beliefs. There are many extreme lunatics in the Paladin profession, and even some players can’t distinguish between reality and games.

These monsters in the Plague Land belong to the system refresh, and they will be refreshed if they are killed. Is there any point in killing one or two more?

I won't be polite if you need it. I'm here to practice my skills. Although he was speechless, Lu Li would not look down on these people. Instead, he felt that they were simple-minded.

Then don't stay too far away from us. If anything happens, you can take care of us, the Paladin watched worriedly as Lu Li walked toward a higher-end natural disaster monster, the Lich.

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