The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 813 Teleporter

Let's go back to the city and have a drink together. Lu Li saw that everyone was in good spirits and not at all decadent as they had just died. He felt slightly relieved and felt much less guilty.

He is not the kind of person who can take it for granted that the people below him will die for him.

This is the world of games. Even if I want to eat from you, I won't sell my dignity and life to you. Lu Li doesn't like that kind of boss, and he won't become such a boss.

Haha, boss, please give me a drink, so I must go, the others were overjoyed.

In fact, it is normal to hang up once in the game. For ordinary players, whether they are depressed or not depends only on whether the hang-up is worth it or not. As for today, it doesn't matter even if it hangs up again.

It's not that they are mean, but they go out of their way to help their brothers. This is called loyalty.

There is nothing more interesting than playing a game to show loyalty.

It's rare for the boss to buy you a drink, whether it's in Sword of Judgment or not, and looking at Lu Li's behavior, it's obvious that he won't treat everyone with the ale in the hotel, so he probably drank some of it today.

The group of people hooked up and went to the very famous pirate tavern in Stormwind City under the leadership of Lu Li.

There were more than a dozen tables in a large private room, and delicious food and wine from various games were served. Lu Li spent thousands of gold coins without hesitation, without blinking an eye, which was especially rare for a money lover.

Afterwards, the relationship between these 100 people has been very good.

We fought side by side with the boss. The boss invited us to drink. We had a banquet in the pirate tavern. We drank from noon to sunset in the afternoon. Years later, I still feel sad when I think about it.

Players who missed the follow-up of this event will be very depressed, with a lot of sadness like Why wasn't I the one who died?

At this point, the guild activities of the Sword of Judgment have come to a successful end. They have bulldozed Xinsaro, killed the level 50 lord-level wild BOSS Evil Priestess Hex, rescued the troll elder, and opened a fire in the Hidden Stone. The golden treasure chest obtained the crucial Woking battle flag.

Battle flag equipment cannot be used during competitions, but can be used in battlefields, wilderness, dungeons, secret realms and other environments.

Especially when fighting BOSS in the wild, the effect is absolutely comparable to a shaman turning on bloodthirsty and a druid turning on tranquility (group plus blood). The only thing you need to worry about is death drops.

However, Lu Li himself rarely dies. Even if he does die, he still has a Dark Moon Card, so the probability of losing it is relatively low.

Of course, when he was not sure that he would use this battle flag, Lu Li would still put it in the warehouse. After all, death in Dawn was very common. If anyone has not died yet, he must have never left the safe zone.

The day was very long, but it would eventually come to an end. Seeing that there was not much time left, Lu Li stopped going out to level up.

Nanhai Town Hotel.

Christmas is coming in two days, and the game is beginning to have a festive atmosphere.

The number of guests in the tavern is also gradually increasing. No matter what time of day there are performances by players or NPCs, as long as their performances are not too bad, they can always make a lot of money.

People who can drink during this period always have some spare money.

At this time, some players were performing wonderfully, and the tavern was filled with cheers. Naturally, no one noticed a man with a face covered slowly walking in.

Most people would look around when entering a tavern, but this person didn't. Instead, he went straight to the corner.

Even after he sat down, he didn't take off his mask, and just sat there motionless.

But this place that should have been forgotten attracted the attention of the beautiful waitress. She put down the wine barrel and glanced around, then followed her into the corner with a tray.

It's been a long time since you've been here, the waitress put the wine glass in front of Lu Li.

Lu Li brought it over unceremoniously and drank it in one gulp, then put down the glass and burped: I really don't understand why you are willing to waste all your time in this tavern with these boring people.

This is my job, the waitress smiled: And I like this life very much.

Lu Li was dumbfounded. Everyone has their own belief in survival. It is impossible and unnecessary to impose one's belief on others, not to mention that the other person is still an NPC.

That's what you came to ask about, I can't answer you, the waitress said.

Lu Li's heart sank. If this didn't work, then he really didn't know how to find Garona, and other suitable candidates for apprenticeship were more remote than Garona who might be lurking in Ravenholdt Manor.

Although there are not many mentors in Dawn, most players have never come into contact with any mentors.

But if you really want to be among the high-end players, you must not have a mentor. The explosion rate of enhanced skills is too low. One hundred BOSSs may not even be able to be published, and there are so many professions. skills.

For example, if Lu Li wants an enhanced shadow attack skill, even if he kills 10,000 bosses, he may not be able to use it.

Ten thousand bosses is a completely indescribable concept.

But because your mission completion rate is 100%, there is a high-level person in the organization who is willing to meet you. I just took the message and handed this to you. As for who it is, I don't know, the waitress handed a disc. Something like this was pushed in front of Lu Li.

Lu Li let out a long sigh of relief. Others might still be confused, but as a reborn person, he would not be confused by this routine.

This situation is typical of a well-known person. It is very likely that Garona is conveying information to him, and the waitress who serves as the middle bridge is a person who is blocked from the message. At least on the surface, the waitress knows nothing.

He picked up the small disc and found that it was a teleporter as he expected.

K13 Goblin Positioning Teleporter (Special): Used to teleport the user to the set destination, product of Goblin technology, designated user Lu Li, number of uses 1/1.

There are many props of this type, and they are used more or less often, but one thing they have in common is that the owner can set them up. They are high-tech products belonging to the goblin race. Each of them is valuable. At least players at this stage cannot make them. Something so outrageous.

And people who can take out such props casually are naturally not simple.

Even in Ravenholdt Manor, which has a rich heritage, not any senior executive has the financial resources to own similar props.

Lu Li put the teleporter into his backpack and solemnly thanked the waitress. Even if she was just sending a message, the waitress had to take some risks. After all, she was just a liaison, and her job was limited to issuing tasks.

I have a few tasks at hand. If you are free anytime, you can consider it, the waitress mentioned before Lu Li left.

Doing the math, I haven't dealt with any tasks here for several days.

Fighting bosses, playing competitions, practicing life skills, leveling up, and other tasks he encounters, Lu Li's gaming life is really not as fulfilling as usual.

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