The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 811 Behemoth (please vote for me)

Lu Li did not immediately open the treasure chest. Instead, he squatted down and touched the slippery ground.


His first reaction was the ooze monster. There was nothing he could do about it. He had dealt with this kind of monster too much today. This soft and greasy feeling belonged exclusively to ooze monsters.

The ooze has no legs and leaves such traces when it squirms on land.

The light in the cave was very dark, but Lu Li could still see that the traces left by the ooze monster on the ground were different from those outside. The one here was obviously a huge monster.

Could it be the boss?

Lu Li had never known that there was a BOSS in the Hidden Stone. The ooze monsters in this small map were almost never provoked by anyone, so naturally no one discovered this hidden cave in the stone.

But wherever you look, except for the traces on the ground, there is no trace of the boss at all. Is the boss not at home?

Lu Li had no choice but to come to this ridiculous conclusion.

Most of the BOSSs in Dawn are not designed by designers to be wooden piles that stand there waiting for players to kill them. They have their own way of behaving.

Sometimes you can even understand that they have their own lives and careers like normal people.

However, it was obvious that the boss was gone. He did not dare to waste time, quickly came to the treasure box and used the unlocking skill on the treasure box. By the way, he also gave instructions to the outside: Pay attention to the surrounding situation. I suspect there is a boss here. Once discovered, you can help me buy thirty seconds.

Sure enough, the moment Lu Li activated his unlocking skill, the entire Hidden Stone area began to shake.

This kind of shaking is not considered an attack, so it will not interrupt the lock-picking skill, but it will affect the reading time. Lu Li forced himself not to care about what happened, because his energy was focused on this treasure box.

The feeling of the earth shaking is getting stronger and stronger.

Boss, we feel like something is coming out of the mud, the friends outside said with trembling voices, mainly because the noise was really scary, like an ancient behemoth waking up from its slumber.

Boss, let us delay for thirty seconds. Everyone is ready to attack immediately to buy time for the boss, someone finally thought of their mission.

They had no intention of escaping and were ready to fight to the death.

Don't be stupid, run away quickly, just leave two mages to hold you back for a while, Lu Li couldn't laugh or cry. Why don't these people use their brains? It's not like they're fighting the BOSS. Is it necessary to leave a hundred people behind?

Everyone just woke up from a dream, and followed the path they had cleared when they came, leaving the two mages behind and then all dragged out.

The Hidden Stone is actually a large area. Everyone thought that the monsters here were almost cleared, but then they realized their naivety. One by one, the ooze monsters bubbled out of the muddy water and gradually covered the entire area. area.

And as these ooze monsters came up from below, there were more and more violent movements.

You can imagine how huge this BOSS is lurking in the depths of a certain mire in the Hidden Stone. In other words, the silt in the Hidden Stone itself is part of the BOSS.

Judging from these momentum, this guy can't be only level 50 - the mobs are all over level 50, and the BOSS certainly can't be more than that.

Lu Li felt that the two stones that formed the cave were about to separate. He was like a small boat in a storm that might capsize at any time, but he still tried hard to steady himself.

The lock-picking technique is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but he reads the message very resolutely.

One-half has passed!

At this moment, time passed surprisingly slowly, and Lu Li had the illusion that it would take several minutes to perform a lock-picking technique.

Silt has flowed in along the cracks in the rock...

Boss, come back next time. Let's bring more people to kill this BOSS. People outside had already seen what the BOSS looked like, and because of this they were even more desperate.

This is a huge monster with a radius of dozens of yards. Judging from the exposed part, it has the appearance of an ooze monster.

Just in this exposed part, there are at least thousands of ooze monsters gathered together. What is even more speechless is that the ooze monsters that emerged from the mire before are still squirming towards it.

They wriggled onto the BOSS's body, constantly increasing the size of the BOSS.

Merge, or swallow?

None of this is important. What is important is that the BOSS did not just swallow the mobs stupidly, but moved while swallowing them, rushing towards the boulder at a very weird high speed.

The two mages desperately used their skills at it, but unfortunately it remained unmoved.

It has only one target, and that is the thief who stole its property, the thief who sneaked in while he was recuperating in the quagmire.

The treasure chest hidden here by the troll elder has obviously changed hands.

Lu Li didn't raise his head as all the sounds in his ears had long since disappeared.

Until a slight ding announced the return of the whole world - the treasure chest was opened!

Lu Li rushed forward, opened the treasure box the moment the BOSS covered the boulder, reached out to grab the contents, then turned back into a leopard and ran away. Before transforming, he threw two bombs into the gap.

The BOSS covered the boulders and began to use force to close the gaps between the boulders.

Its IQ is definitely not low. At least it knows the principle of catching turtles in an urn. As long as the boulder, which is similar to two bowls, is buckled together, the thief inside can only enter its belly to repent.

Bombs exploded one after another.

Amid the chaos, a wider crack is forming than before.

The bomb was thrown by Lu Li and would not cause any harm to him, but the gravel that shot out was not polite and hit him with a series of injuries.

This natural damage is calculated based on the map level.

The explosion on the level 50 map caused huge damage to Lu Li, and his health dropped a lot.

Fortunately, the second bomb was thrown a little far away and didn't affect so many people. Otherwise, he would have been killed on the spot, and there would be no way he could have rushed out amid the chaos of flying rocks and splashing mud.

Retreat! Lu Li did not forget to remind his teammates.

The two remaining mages had dull faces. They were the lower-ranked people in this group and were ready to risk their lives to break up the rear.

Unexpectedly, the boss didn't care about them at all, and when they thought Lu Li was dead, they actually saw the majestic figure who used bombs to clear the way and rushed out.

Lu Li had shrunk a lot since he turned into a leopard, and he must have looked even smaller compared to the giant creature chasing him.

But his teammates who looked at him did not feel that he was small at all. Instead, they felt that his small size was full of earth-shattering energy. No matter how fierce the BOSS was, they could not shake him in the slightest.

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