The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 808 The generosity of the wild BOSS

Lu Li gave the ivy staff to Sanyue Yu without hesitation. It wasn't that he was more partial to Sanyue Yu. The main reason was that this staff was so suitable for her. It was tailor-made for her.

In terms of attributes, intelligence and physique are mainly added, so there is really no waste at all.

In particular, the 30-point physical bonus is particularly valuable. Priests are often the first to be targeted. Their health and defense often determine the final outcome of a game, but we cannot put too much into it. If you use the attributes to add physical strength, the treatment effect will definitely be disappointing, so equipment with physical attributes is very popular.

With thirty points of constitution, ordinary people may not be able to get together several pieces of equipment.

The first special effect is to increase the magic recovery speed by 30%. When the battle situation is relatively stalemate, the magic value means the amount of healing. Sometimes adding one more skill can lead to victory.

The second special effect is even more amazing. This special effect alone does not bury the reputation of legendary equipment.

One thousand damage in ten seconds. If it is a BOSS battle, this special effect is not the best, because in many cases the damage that the BOSS can cause far exceeds this value.

But it's amazing in PK.

In a player-to-player competition, even for someone like Lu Li, a finishing move would not do a thousand damage, and even five hundred would be difficult to achieve.

This means that this special effect can allow Sanyue Yu to survive two or three big moves, which is even better than the special effect on Lu Li's ring, and the ten-second limit is not a big deal, it is already long enough.

As for whether the third special effect is awesome or not, the evil priestess Hex has proven it with actual actions.

When she was at half health, she filled up her health with a wave of the staff. The players' reactions were all crazy, and they almost broke up and stopped fighting.

Of course, the nature of the player's half-health is different from that of the boss's half-health, but it still does not affect the nature of this special effect. The only pity is that the cooldown time of this skill is a bit long, a full 24 hours.

This kind of cooling does not mean that after using it once, it must be used 24 hours later.

There are a lot of rechargeable equipment in Dawn. Within a certain time range, the longer the charging time, the better the effect will be. You can still use it before the recharging is completed, but you will not be able to exert all the effects of the equipment.

For example, this staff needs to be charged for 24 hours. If it is only charged for eight hours, the amount of blood added will only increase the blood volume by 12.5%.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, this special effect will only be used after charging is completed.

After March Yu got this staff, she had an extra trump card. It could achieve unexpected effects at critical moments. Naturally, Lu Li would not reveal its attributes to the public.

The problem is not without problems. The Ivy Staff is a level 50 equipment. March Rain is currently only level 43, which is a full seven levels short. She will not be able to reach this level in a short time.

Fortunately, there are also gems required for equipment.

This kind of gem, which can reduce equipment requirements when plugged in, has been so popular that -15% is over five hundred gold, and -25% is as high as thousands of gold. It has been in short supply, and there is no similar thing circulating on the market.

Fortunately, March Rain only needs one -15% gem to equip this piece of equipment, otherwise it would not be found in the Sword of Judgment warehouse.

Go on, Mengmeng, I'll reward you with two hundred gold coins later, Lu Li looked at Canmeng's little group pet expectantly. Regardless of whether the legendary equipment was destined or not, he decided to reward this girl well.

Two hundred! Can Meng first opened his eyes in surprise, then narrowed his eyes happily.

She happily pounced on the BOSS again. Just touching the corpse was enough to support her to start her rise as a young rich woman, so she hoped to touch good things more than anyone else.

Hex Belt (unique gold): Armor 46, Agility +30, Strength +12, Groove 1, Special Effect 1: Critical Hit +12%, Special Effect 2: Atomization, Instant, the user's body turns into a A ball of light mist, forcibly entering the stealth state, increasing the concealment effect by 20%, and being able to pass through some obstacles that were originally impenetrable. The cooling time is 2 minutes. Special effect 3: Magic force field, instantaneous, distorting the surrounding magic environment within four yards. Silences magic control professions for 1.5 seconds, cools down for 24 hours, requires equipment level 45, and durability 164/164.

I'll give you an extra hundred gold. Although it hurt a little, Lu Li gritted his teeth and gave Can Meng a satisfactory reward.

He really couldn't call this equipment rubbish without conscience. Although it was not as good as the staff just now, this Hex belt was also a rare and top-quality leather armor belt.

Needless to say, the level 45 dark gold equipment is not much different at all. The special effect 2 is a strong concealment spell. The thieves never have too many skills like this. Whether it is to escape danger or regain the upper hand, in Entering stealth during combat is always the best option, and passing through obstacles that cannot be traversed may be of limited use in combat. However, once Lu Li explores a map with complex terrain, this special effect can be used in many situations.

The third special effect was said to be a magic force field, but Lu Li's first impression after seeing it was that of group silence.

It's a pity that the silence time of this group is shorter and has a long cooling time, otherwise this equipment is likely to reach the level of legendary equipment. Lu Li sighed greedily.

This piece of equipment was undoubtedly his and was handled in the same manner as the previous one.

The third piece is still a piece of level 45 dark gold, which is a knight's equipment. It is purely defensive for knights. Lu Li threw the equipment into the warehouse. Guild members can spend points to rent it. It is also the first piece of this activity that has been really used by the general public. Benefits for members.

The fourth piece is gold, a piece of Druid equipment with very good attributes. It was marked away by a Druid sub-lord below with 600 points.

Six hundred points for a piece of gold equipment is not very cheap, but you will never be able to buy it in the trading shop. Dozens of druids are eyeing it, and those with less than five hundred points can't even think about it.

In fact, Xiaobajiang also had a need for this equipment, but this time it was a trade union event, not a small group of ten of them, and there was nothing Lu Li could do.

Unless there is a demand from club players, Lu Li will not handle it by himself. This is the bidding method.

The fifth and sixth pieces are all silver equipment, but their attributes are still very good, especially one of the mage equipment, which comes with a flash skill +1 special effect, and was bought by a mage for more than 70 points.

Then there are three rare materials. These belong to the guild. Even if Lu Li wants to use them, he must buy them according to certain pricing standards.

Of course, the price he pays for the same thing is definitely different from ordinary guild members. Otherwise, he would be too miserable as the founder of the guild.

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