The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 675 Punch on cotton

The big whirlwind stopped suddenly, and the warrior stopped abruptly. The big ax was blocked backwards, and a dagger popped out from the void. It flew away with a touch on the ax head, and Lu Li's figure was exposed.

The audience cheered thunderously. This time, whether they were high-end players or not, they could all see the ultra-high level displayed by this block.

This is simply a stunt scene in a martial arts movie. Two masters used ordinary skills to turn decay into magic, showing the essence of martial arts to onlookers.

I got you, the soldier yelled, charging at Lu Li.

With such a short distance, Lu Li retreated hastily. He was confident that he could keep the so-called number one thief behind.

As long as thieves are incorporated into the rhythm of warriors, defeat will only happen sooner or later.

Sixty percent!

The certainty of victory that he had just lowered for himself was once again high. As long as the charge was completed, even if Lu Li had a badge, it would be of no avail.

Lu Li really didn't have time to escape. He didn't even have time to turn on the special effects of his equipment to get out. He could only use his badge to relieve his body that had been knocked unconscious by the charge. There was no need to wait any longer.

The badge instantly unlocked the control. After getting out of the dizziness, Lu Li immediately planned to activate the special effect on White's Third Leg to escape.


The warrior connected well and stunned the free Lu Li again, and then he started the whirlwind again.

Two big cyclones...

Eleven less!

Lu Li immediately recognized who the person in front of him was. Eleventh Young Master's two whirlwind skills were no secret for a long time. Not only Lu Li, but also the audience in the audience also recognized Eleventh Young Master's identity from this.

Eleven Shao is the chief warrior of Wings of Dawn, and he also has a place in the arena where there are many warrior masters.

His win-loss record in the arena is 987 wins and 24 losses.

Many of the spectators in the arena knew him, but today he was masked and never used his signature skill of two giant cyclones, so no one recognized him.

Now that he has used a unique trick, his identity is naturally no longer a secret.

But soon a new question appeared in front of everyone: Who is this inseparable thief who can fight with Eleven Masters?

It can no longer be simply described as a master.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Eleventh Young Master did not get an advantage, and may have been at a disadvantage in the past. In terms of blood volume alone, Eleventh Young Master only had half of his health left, and this thief only lost a little blood.

The second big whirlwind enveloped Lu Li's body, still knocking off 200 of his health, and the whirlwind was very wide. Lu Li was trampled on the spot again, and he could only continue to be beaten passively.

After hardening the skin, Lu Li activated the damage reduction effect of the voodoo breastplate.

Special Effect 2: Harden the skin, use it to halve the damage you take, lasts for 6 seconds, and has a cooling time of 2 hours.

Six seconds was enough to withstand the big whirlwind of the Eleventh Master. Lu Li was hit four times. Normally, it would have consumed about a thousand of his health, but because of this damage reduction, he only lost more than six hundred health. In addition, There were still only two thousand blood left from the hundreds before.

Lu Li did not run away this time. He raised his hand and launched a shadow attack at the stopped Eleventh Young Master.

Eleven Shao's big whirlwind could be stopped at any time, but no matter how fast he stopped, it was not as fast as Lu Li, who was waiting there. Lu Li carried his big whirlwind and hit 89% of the completion rate of this shadow attack.

Dizzy for a second!

Shadow escape, stealth, and then sneak attack...

Shameless, Eleventh Young Master's heart sank slightly, and he also activated damage reduction.

Of course, his damage reduction is not as powerful as Lu Li's, but he is a warrior, and his defense and health are relatively strong, so he is not too worried about Lu Li being able to kill him instantly with a set of skills.

And Young Master Eleven is still a berserker.

What is the so-called berserker? The less blood, the stronger the burst.

The real killer move of Eleven Shao was after his HP was reduced to 20%. At that time, he had a special effect, which caused an explosion of 300% of the usual damage for thirty seconds, which meant that each of his attacks was three times. Times critical damage.

Of course, Lu Li also knew the characteristics of the berserker, and Moonlight had similar skills.

But he would not stop attacking just because he was afraid of Young Master Eleven's outbreak. His attacks were even crazier than usual. He threw his skills at Young Master Eleven for free, and it was useless to reduce the damage of Young Master Eleven. It soon dropped to nearly 20%.

Finally, Lu Li used a throat wipe as his finishing move.

The damage was good. This one blow reduced Eleven's health from 23% to 14%. Unfortunately, the one-hit kill was not triggered. Lu Li still had to face a berserker who was three times as violent.

Lu Li still had about 2,000 HP left. Under the triple attack from the Eleventh Master, he would definitely not be able to withstand four attacks.

Is it my turn, huh? Eleventh Young Master laughed arrogantly. He had been frustrated for such a long time and finally wanted to fight with blood. The berserker's game is to use blood, destroy the cauldron, and make a last-ditch attack!

You take your time, Lu Li threw a skill at the Eleventh Young Master, and then retreated as if teleporting.

This retreat is the special effect of White's third leg - Special Effect 2: White's prosthetic leg, when used, bounces forward or backward eight yards, with a cooling time of 120 seconds.

My movement speed is now 300%, Eleventh Young Master said disdainfully, raising his feet to chase after him.

Then he discovered that Lu Li disappeared and went into hiding. With Lu Li's skill level, he would probably have moved his position immediately after such a stealth move. Even an expert might not be able to catch him out.

As long as my blood volume remains like this, it won't matter no matter how long you delay, and I'm immune to any control skills, Eleven Shao said very confidently.

He felt that he was qualified to despise Lu Li, and this kind of evasion was even more despised by him.

Look at your blood, a word came erratically in the arena. It was obvious that Lu Li was moving while speaking to avoid being caught.

Young Master Eleven was stunned for a moment, and then he found that his health bar flicked slightly.

Lost more than 40 points of blood!

He still has more than 900 blood, but after losing more than 40, he will only have 800 left.

What is this? Do you want to scare yourself like this?

Wait, that’s not right!

Young Master Eleven suddenly remembered something and quickly checked himself, only to find that there was a curse on him.

A gift from Arugao's nephew, the curse effect causes a loss of one hundred blood points every five seconds, lasting for 300 seconds!

Eleven Shao is a plate-armored profession, he has a certain HP recovery base, and his resistance is also good, so the HP of 100 is reduced to more than 40 points, but the curse effect of these 60 times is enough to kill 2,000 of him. How bloody.

Fuck you, you bitch, you're so shameless, Eleventh Young Master roared in grief and anger.

He understood what Lu Li was planning. He must have been determined not to come out and was waiting to use the curse to slowly wear him to death. Anyway, no medicine could be used in the arena and he could only rely on his own skills or equipment to restore health.

Eleven has eight or nine hundred health points. No matter how much he recovers his health, he will still be defeated as the number of curses accumulates.

It's no wonder that Eleven Shao was so sad and angry that such a shameless method was used to compete at the level of a star racer, not to mention that this was at a time when he could unleash 300% of his strength.

He punched the cotton and shocked himself to death!

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