The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 617 Gazrilla (Seeking the Light of the Great God)

In fact, Lu Li was also a little impulsive.

Those individual players who were bullied by these mercenaries didn't care what happened to him. He was now the owner of the Sword of Judgment and had tens of thousands of brothers under his command. That meant he could chop whoever he could.

Moreover, he spoke in such a serious tone, saying, It's really embarrassing to play games to the extent you do. At that time, there were individual players on the World Channel who told him to mind his own business and not meddle in other people's business.

Even Root No. 3 felt that what he said was a bit excessive. Why would he offend these individual players for no reason.

Individual players are a special group. Their numbers are so large that they are hundreds of times larger than the total number of guilds. Logically speaking, they should be an extremely powerful force.

But the distrust between people makes this power extremely loose.

Many times a small guild would dare to drive hundreds or even thousands of individual players to book a game, and these mercenary groups of varying qualities would dare to kill them like fish in a ditch to destroy their equipment.

The measures taken by large guilds towards individual players are to be friendly, absorb them, and then bully them in different ways.

That's right, it means bullying individual players. If you don't bully individual players, where can you find the pleasure of the game? If you don't bully individual players, why join a guild?

Individual players hate and fear the big guilds, and they always keep a distance from each other.

Lu Li's attack on individual players was a bit unwise. Root No. 3 thought so, and other high-level guild leaders also thought the same way.

Little did he know, Lu Li's image had changed again.

First of all, Lu Li is a grassroots expert. He became famous very quickly. He was as unknown as many San player players in the past. If we want to say who among the top players makes San players more recognized, it is undoubtedly Lu Li, who has set a record of becoming a god.

Then Lu Li joined the war.

Whether it was witnessed by individual players, or the mercenaries who were killed revealed the news themselves, or someone based on the changes in the PK list, it was shown that Lu Li participated in the battle of Zul'Farrak, killing more than a hundred people in half an hour.

Who stood up for you?

It's Lu Li!

No matter how well you say it, it's better to do it well. People's hearts are full of flesh. Even if they feel unhappy after being scolded, they still subconsciously feel that Lu Li is standing up for them.

In the end, it was Lu Li's words that gave them some new ideas.

The Sanren are also human beings, not some stupid supporting characters in the story. Some of them are already thinking about how not to be bullied. Now after Lu Li's stimulation and reminder, the idea of ​​uniting has become stronger.

Everyone's life philosophy is not the same, and so is the game philosophy.

Lu Li unknowingly became an advocate of the Sanjin Alliance. This was something he had never expected. He just couldn't bear to see so many Sanjin being slaughtered like sheep.

At this time, he had arrived at the place where Zul'Farrak's final boss was.

The mobs and patrols around the pool have been eliminated by Azure Sea Breeze and others. Gazrilla has just returned to the pool and needs to be summoned again with a hammer to die.

This is the golden age of virtual games. Many scenes that are impossible to see in reality are perfectly presented in the virtual world.

A huge creature slowly emerges from the pool. People with deep water phobia will definitely be so nervous that they can't even breathe when they see this scene.

The silver and bluish scales scorched under the moonlight, and there were three terrifying heads.

Although it was not the first time for Lu Li to see it, he still couldn't help but lament that it was in the rhythm of a horror movie. He was actually a person who didn't dare to go into the water. As long as his sister didn't fall into the water, most people wouldn't expect him to volunteer to jump into the river to save her. people.

Bring it here, a little far away from the pool, Lu Li frowned, scorning the blue sea breeze's style of hitting him when he came up.

Gazrela's attack power will be higher when she's in the pool, especially the ice damage. I've hit these guys several times. Hasn't anyone discovered this rule?

The blue sea breeze calmly pulled the BOSS away.

If there's an attack from the pool, everyone just needs to stand in the pillars beside the pool. If you hold on, you won't be blown away. Piao Ling explained his intention for this arrangement.

Pull to the other side of the hillside, Lu Li pointed his hand and gave a direction almost casually.

Is it too far? Will I get out of the battle? The BOSS in the dungeon also has a certain hatred range. The terrain of Zul'Farrak is complicated and there are buildings everywhere, so it is normal to get out of the battle.

You've never tried it, how do you know you'll get out of the battle? Lu Li shook his head.

It turns out that the entire temple is within Gazrilla's hatred range, and no matter how hard you try, you will never get out of the battle.

The remote professions should position themselves close to the hillside, standing two by two, overlapping and facing the boss. Lu Li arranged the positions of his teammates familiarly. This was the most mature way to deal with it, so he used it directly.

The progress in Weiyu Pavilion has caught up, and the land reclamation of Gazrilla has begun.

Although Lu Li promised to give the first kill of the dungeon to Weiyu Pavilion, he would not wait indefinitely. After informing them of the dungeon strategy of Weiyu Pavilion, they only had two hours. If they continued to fail, Lu Li would be rude. Take the first kill.

This is the conclusion that has just been discussed. After all, there is still a lurking thief who has not been discovered. If he keeps dragging it, others will take advantage.

Gazrilla's powerful ice trap could cover two people in one go, and then they were surprised to find that there was no double freeze. The two people standing together were frozen by one ice trap, and then shared the burden together. This frozen damage.

Two people share one damage, so it's not so easy to kill someone.

I have to admit, Lu Li, you have a plan. What if there are two ice dwellers that stack damage? Piao Ling asked. In most cases, the damage should be stacked.

This is common sense!

It's not a big deal, at most the whole group will be wiped out, Lu Li said calmly.

... Everyone was speechless. The other commanders were all trying their best to think of how to solve the problem, but when it came to Lu Li, he seemed to be planning to try all the failures.

The boss is about to blow... Piao Ling reminded.

What stunned him was that Lu Li's arrangement of two people standing on top of each other actually solved this big problem. The person in front would hit the person behind, and the person behind would bump into the mountain wall, but there was no wind.

Wow, I was blown away many times just now, and the baby was killed by the fall, Hachi-chan almost cried out in pain.

Piao Ling's way to deal with Blowing is to see that Blowing is about to happen, and let the people in front of Blowing hide behind the pillars by the pool. This method is actually correct. Many teams have adopted this method. Once everyone has reached a higher level, After that I was barely able to get by.

But Hachi-chan can't. She is a healer, responsible for adding blood, and dodging pillars. The most important thing is that she is still a little road addict.

So being blown up high and then falling heavily to the ground became her daily routine today.

The light of the great god can best reflect the strength of an author. Let everyone see how much light of the great god can be written by a person who writes lyrics and writes games.

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