The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 519 Confession Incident

Lu Li's question was answered the next day.

He was greeted by many people as soon as he went online, and people in his few friend lists expressed sympathy and admiration for him.

From these vague greetings, he finally understood how the damn reporter wrote the report.

Things about the game were quite satisfactory, mainly emphasizing Lu Li's satisfaction with his new teammates and wishing Judgment Sword to achieve greater success in the future.

But regarding the last sentence of gossip, there was an interpretation that baffled Lu Li.

When asked about his feelings for water elves, Lu Li admitted that he liked...

These were the original words of the report. Lu Li saw the original text on the official website of the e-magazine, and he keenly discovered that the number of subscriptions to this article had exceeded one million.

Don't worry about it. Although the number of people playing games has already exceeded 100 million, there are not many people who are used to subscribing to electronic magazines.

If an article reaches one million subscribers, it is definitely popular.

As expected, most of the articles were reprinted in other game media, including the official Sugon Game forum.

There are various comments below, nothing more than The dog and the man are having an affair, The toad wants to eat swan meat, Dousi counterattacks Bai Fumei wow and other tunes.

Lu Li's mind was a little dazed. He immediately understood that he had been tricked by the female reporter.

The question asked yesterday was whether you hate water elves. Of course Lu Li said no. No professional player would hate such a rich tycoon.

I hate that the female reporter deliberately misinterpreted his meaning and had to make it look pink.

From a reporter's point of view, this was indeed unethical, but it was surprisingly successful. She designed a small language trap and trapped Lu Li into it.

Lu Li didn't care about the reactions from all sides, and he didn't bother to explain anything. There was just one person who he felt he should explain clearly.

There is no doubt that this person is the other protagonist of this sexy news - the rich female water elf on the stunning list. She actually got the news before she went online.

Hearing that Lu Li confessed that he liked him in an interview with the media, the water elf's first reaction was to laugh.

Of course she didn't believe that someone who was only thinking about making money would have normal aesthetics, and at this juncture - the water elf knew more or less something about Lu Li's sister.

When Lu Li sent the message, he didn't know how to explain it: There is an article in Game Nation. They wrote it randomly. Don't take it seriously.

What article, the one that says you like me? the water elf asked.

Lu Li almost choked at her words and quickly explained: She asked me if I hated you, and I said no. Who knew that reporter would write like that.

So that's it, the water elf said without appearing too angry.

It's normal to think about it. People like her will always be the object of players' attention. The reporter who wanted to make eyeballs just seized this point and related a wonderful game to the stunning beauty. It immediately attracted everyone's attention.

I hope it won't affect your normal life, Lu Li said.

I've long been used to it, but you, I hacked your Kodo beast, and you still don't hate me... Your attributes are a bit strange, there was a burst of inexplicable laughter.

Do you need to ask the media for clarification? Lu Li asked.

If it were ordinary gossip news, no one would pay attention to it as soon as it became less popular. However, what is happening now is different. It not only involves Lu Li, the most popular rookie in the gaming industry, but also involves the water elf who is on the most beautiful list.

As long as there is big news about the two of them, someone will talk about the confession.

Forget it. The more you care about them, the more energetic you will be. The water elf didn't want to clarify anything. There were too many people who confessed to her.

Moreover, the fact that the first person in the game confessed to her was not just a matter of vanity. When she thought of Lu Li's confession, she could laugh out loud with schadenfreude.

Therefore, Lu Li and the water elf kept silent about the fact that the dog and the man were really having an affair.

Brother Lu Li, I'm online, hurry up and take me on a mission, there will always be only children who are carefree, and those like Canmeng Xiaobajiang are relatively stupid and have nothing to worry about.

What mission? When he mentioned the mission, he remembered that he got a note symbolizing the mission from the waitress at the Nanhai Town hotel yesterday.

He took it out of his backpack and spread it out, with several bright red characters written on it.

Assassination Order: Moradim!

Mission description: Go to Dusk Forest to find Moradim and kill him.

Number of people limit: 1

Task duration: 4 days

In fact, many missions in the League of Assassins are this type of assassination. You are given a target and a rough direction. You go kill him and come back to collect the bounty.

Lu Li, you're a liar. You're so untrustworthy. You promised to take me on a mission to make the baby dragon grow bigger. Now you actually ask me what the mission is, Xiao Hachichan yelled angrily.

Oh yes, why don't we try it now, Lu Li then remembered.

Brother Lu Li, I knew you were the best, Xiaobajiang immediately turned from gloomy to sunny, running over with a smile so flattering that he almost stopped sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail.

I'm stupid. You are getting better and better at changing your face. Just now you called me a liar, and now you call me Brother Lu Li. Brother Lu Li, do you have any moral integrity? Lu Li was very speechless.

I'm still young, what should I do if I have moral integrity? Hachi-chan snorted, looking as arrogant as a little peacock.

Lu Li took Xiao Bajiang through Nanhai Town and entered the Silver Pine Forest. His goal was Tirisfal Woods. Just like when he went to the Scarlet Monastery, there was no shortcut, so he had to run around the map like this.

Silverpine Forest is a vast area that stretches across the entire west coast of Lordaeron. It is controlled by the Forsaken and belongs to the hostile camp area.

Lu Li had been to this map last time, and there were no high-level monsters. The only one that could pose a threat to him was Arugao's son. However, he was able to kill it alone last time, and now that there were two of them, there was no reason to be afraid.

Let's fly over, Lu Li said.

Why... why? Hachi-chan shrank her head.

It will take more than an hour to walk there like this. If you fly, it will save at least half the time. Lu Li's body changed and he transformed into a dark red crow.

But... Hachi-chan looked like I was pitiful.

Stop talking nonsense, change quickly, we're in a hurry, Lu Li said angrily.

Hachi-chan dawdled for a while, and hula turned into a big butterfly. It looked much better than Lu Li. Unfortunately, its flight path was not flattering, let alone its speed.

You've never practiced, have you? Lu Li couldn't stand it anymore.

When she was in the Wailing Cave, Hachi-chan got this skill. After so long, who would have thought that she wouldn't make any progress at all.

I have practiced, but...but I keep hitting the wall and getting stuck, Hachi-chan said in embarrassment.

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