The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 384 Nanhai Town

Another first kill, and it's a nightmare difficulty dungeon. In the same dungeon, the paladin put his sword on his legs and sat down to eat food to restore his blood volume.

This is the core group of Seventh Heaven, and it has been the thirteenth time that the group has been destroyed by the Dog Tamer.

They did not go to the cemetery, but directly opened up the Scarlet Library, starting yesterday afternoon.

It's a pity that it is still far behind, not much better than the Glory City.

Nan Bosui made two spell-casting movements, and he had a set of bread in his hand. He kept two pieces of bread and handed the others to the people around him. While eating the bread, he responded: Xiao Mo still lost, no. You know what his expression is now.

There was indescribable schadenfreude in his tone.

This person always likes to be shady, and he even likes to see others suffer misfortune. Xiao Mo made several mistakes and provided him with a lot of jokes.

Nan Shen, don't underestimate Xiao Mo. He is now commanding the dungeon purely on his own. Mafengwo is also in the team. They, the PVP masters, will not always join the group, but there will always be a place reserved for them in the core group.

The Sword of Judgment doesn't have a strategy team, Nan Bosi Rui curled his lips.

The so-called strategy team is found in almost every guild. It is composed of a group of people who are good at analyzing copies.

These people purely rely on studying the dungeon for a living. They will attack the dungeon in real time based on the information fed back by the dungeon team. In this case, the commander is actually just a pawn in their hands.

One person is short of wisdom, but everyone is wise.

Just like the general staff in the war years, the role of the strategy team is self-evident, and the progress of the dungeon often relies on the strength of the strategy team.

After all, there are only a few people like Lu Li who rely solely on their personal ability - or the advantage of rebirth - to get the first kill. Even small guilds will give priority to setting up strategy groups. However, their strategy groups are not to open up wasteland dungeons, but based on the information circulated by large guilds. Use the published dungeon guide to specify a plan that suits you.

The Sword of Judgment strategy group has not yet been formed, but it will be established sooner or later, there is no doubt about this.

At this time, Seventh Heaven relied on the strategy team to fight the dungeon. Unfortunately, no one among the dozen or so people in the strategy team discovered the secret of the dog food. They were tortured to death in front of the dog trainer BOSS.

Xiao Mo is an all-rounder. He was originally from the strategy team, and later he stood out and became a star player, a high-level executive in the City of Glory, and even a gaming legend.

This time, in order to restore his prestige, he abandoned the powerful strategy team in the Glory City.

As long as he can defeat Lu Li in the first kill, he will still be the legend of the game. Unfortunately, it backfires as he never knows what kind of existence he is facing - a reborn person.

Nan Bosui satirized Xiao Mo in a gloating tone, but Mafengwo was more concerned about Lu Li's perversion.

A strategy team of more than a dozen people can't compare to him, so what is the structure of this person's brain?

The word luck is an excuse for the weak, but he has been jealous of Lu Li's luck more than once. There must be something they haven't discovered, and Lu Li can see the clues at a glance.

Dog food, if Lu Li knew what he was thinking, he would definitely not mind reminding him.

The elite group of the Sword of Judgment got this reminder. The dog trainer has been killed. They have already faced the arcane mage Duan, one step ahead of Xiao Mo's core group of the City of Glory.

After the World Channel broadcast the first kill, the water elf sent a message saying that he wanted to buy a guide.

However, because of the guild, Lu Li had no intention of selling the guide, even if the water elf offered a high price.

The female local tyrant stamped her feet bitterly and focused her attention on the BOSS in front of her again. I can do it without you. The worst is that I won't sleep today. I am naturally beautiful. I won't be ugly if I don't sleep.

Lu Li didn't have any regrets about rejecting the second place on the stunning list, he simply lacked that string in his mind.

He searched the secret room and found two keys.

That's it for today. Let's all upgrade and strive to reach level 30 as soon as possible. Lu Li threw the key to Azure Sea Breeze and exited the dungeon.

Everyone in the Xinxin Mercenary Group has accumulated several pieces of level 30 silver or even gold equipment. Once upgraded, their strength will be greatly improved. When the time comes, the remaining two copies may be ready to chop wood. Better to fight.

Lu Li could not wait to go to Ravenholdt Manor.

The location of Ravenholdt Manor was extremely secretive, but Lu Li knew that it was in the Hillsbrad Hills.

Hillsbrad Foothills is located to the south of the Alterac Mountains and northwest of the Arathi Highlands. To the south is the endless endless sea.

The book says that due to the existence of the natural buffer of the Alterac Mountains, Hillsbrad is protected from the threat of the undead in the Plaguelands. At the same time, it is also one of the few remaining areas in Lordaeron controlled by humans. First, it is the best choice for travelers who are tired of traveling to get safety, food and accommodation.

But Hillsbrad isn't exactly a paradise. The Syndicate has extended its influence here, and the fishmen and undead are also haunting the nearby wasteland.

Horde players can teleport to Tarren Mill, and many people are also active on this map.

Lu Li teleported to Nanhai Town.

Most alliance players will use this place as a transit point when going to the Scarlet Monastery.

In fact, Nanhai Town is indeed one of the largest gathering places for Alliance players besides Astrana.

It has the most beautiful natural environment in Shuguang, with a large number of landscapers lingering here. It is also rich in minerals, medicinal herbs, and fishery resources. Many professional life players have even joined Nanhai Town as their native place, planning to settle here for a long time.

There are also many people in the combat profession who feel that this place is more suitable for them than Ashvale.

When Lu Li arrived here, it was almost dusk, and the land was rendered golden by the setting sun. Emerald green vegetation covered the town, making everything look so quiet and peaceful.

No one would have thought that a year later, this place would be overrun by the plague.

Some people say that this transformation from the most beautiful to the most disgusting is a tragedy directed by the game designers after Queen Sylvanas.

What is tragedy is tearing beautiful things to pieces and showing them to others.

Lu Li walked into the town and was met by three playful children. One of them rushed in front of him and walked past him without any pause...

That's right, walking through it.

Sally Whitemane, Lu Li saw her name, she was a very delicate little lolita.

Chasing her was Renault Mograine, and another was Vishas, ​​two little boys. The three of them were the BOSS of the Scarlet Cathedral, and that was what happened after they grew up.

What Lu Li saw at this time were their images. At this time, these people were still children.

This situation is difficult to explain. To put it simply, these three people have now become BOSS-level existences in the Scarlet Monastery, and in Nanhai Town, where they grew up, there are still images of their childhood activities.

This is a folding, or confusion, of time. It is only possible to communicate with them when you receive relevant tasks.

When someone tells them that every day in the future you will kill your father, old Mograine, occupy the monastery and become a pair of dog men and women that players talk about, they will look at you with a confused and aggrieved face.

Lu Li turned around and looked for a while, seeing three children getting into the grass. After sighing with emotion, he stepped into the hotel.

PS: Rewards and likes for Can You Still Stand Me, Wuming883, Hear Your Memories, Storm Dragon Wolf, idateyou, Polynezine, and \u003cLife is in Sports\u003e. Thanks to Lulu Lililu, Qingdeng Mingyue, Uncle Aniu, Han Zhifeilong, Dark Wolf Ziying, Qianjian Qianjian, ybk1988, Yang Xiaoxie, Love Books Like You, The Frog Jumped Out of the Well, I Want to Cry at Night , Edward Ree, Bright Moon Wolf, Blue Night Whiskey, Monthly Pass for Every Night and Rain.

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