The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 351 Baslan’s Hair

There are poor people in any city, and there are places where the sun does not shine in any world. Dawn follows the laws of reality, and this law is also reflected in the game. The place where Lu Li is standing is equivalent to a slum.

Elves do not necessarily love peace, and elves do not necessarily have to be kind-hearted.

Little Layla, the daughter of Pilturas Whitemoon, has been lying on the bed for three days. Her little body is curled up, her face is full of pain, and her mouth is making moans like a kitten. , sounds heartbreaking.

Pilturas was once a brave sentinel who fought in countless battles.

Unfortunately, he lost a leg in a battle and became disabled from then on. After leaving the army, he married a poor man as his wife, and his wife died of illness the moment she gave birth to a daughter.

On weekdays, Pilturas make money by venturing into the wild and mining, which is their ancestral craft.

It's a pity that he only has one leg and can barely make ends meet.

His daughter is everything to him.

Poor little Layla, I only have you. If you die, what reason do I have to live? Today is the day when Pilturas plans to go to the Fire Scar Temple, hoping to gain something there. , and if he earns enough money, he can hire a doctor in the city to treat his daughter.

Excuse me, is anyone there?

Just as he picked up his crutches and went out, Piltulas heard someone knocking on the door outside.

Opening the door, there was a leather-armored thief with his face covered standing outside.

Pilturas didn't have a good impression of thieves, so he asked a little impatiently: Who are you and what are you doing here?

Follow the will of Guardian Remulos, Lu Li saluted slightly: I will solve your troubles, sir.

Remulos, Pilturas opened his eyes wide, Goddess of the Moon, it must have heard my prayers. My little Layla is finally saved. Can you heal her?

Lu Li took two steps forward and looked at the pale little girl on the bed. He shook his head: Sorry, I'm not a doctor.

How could this happen? Pilturas felt that he had been teased. Since you can't help me, how can you solve my troubles? No, this is not just a trouble. Poor little Leila, this is his only relative. .

We can go find a doctor, Lu Li flipped his hand, and a handful of jingling gold coins appeared in his hand.

Only then did Pilturas let out a long breath.

It is not difficult to find a doctor. As long as you have money, after paying twenty gold coins, a doctor named Evanna Jiyu was invited. He is the best doctor in Astrana. Under normal circumstances, Will not treat poor people.

Evana checked little Larrey carefully and kept talking about the child's malnutrition.

Pilturas looked guilty.

Okay, I roughly understand some of the causes. Evana, who had taken the money, was quite capable. He quickly ended the examination, pondered for a while and then said: I think her pain is not just physical. , have you been to some evil place recently? Or, Pelturas, have you brought back anything that seems to be contaminated with evil?

Pilturas thought for a moment and pulled out a long sword from under the bed.

The long sword is rusty, but it should still be usable if repaired. Even if it is sold to a blacksmith, it will be worth a few silver coins.

Where did you pick it up? Evanna asked.

Basra Haunted House, if there is an evil place, maybe it is there. Pilturas is disabled and has lost the ability to fight. In order to survive, he must find ways to make money.

Damn orcs, it's Basra again, Evanna cursed softly.

Is little Leila still alive? Please, Mr. Evanna, you must save her. When he heard that it might be because of himself that his daughter was in this state, Pilturas felt like committing suicide. .

Adventurer, Evana looked at Pilturas's broken leg, shook his head, turned to Lu Li and asked, I need your help with something, are you willing?

Of course, I'm happy to oblige, Lu Li said simply.

Across the road to the east, there is a plant growing in the ancient ruins of Basilan's Haunted House. That plant is called Basilan's Hair, and it is famous for its efficacy in curing soul diseases. Can you collect some for me? Vanner, in passing, described what Baslan's hair looked like.

Please wait for a moment, I will be back soon, Lu Li walked out of the door, turned into a crow, and flew towards the Baslan Haunted House.

Lu Li wandered above the haunted house for a while, but did not find anything that sounded like plants as Evana said. He landed on the ground and planned to search carefully, even if he turned over the ground.

At this time, a ghost appeared. It stood in front of Lu Li, pointed at the emblem on Lu Li's shoulder, and asked, Young man, is this the blessing of the Priestess of the Moon?

Lu Li put away the dagger he had pulled out, calmed his heart and replied, Yes.

As expected of a haunted house, a ghost pops up at every turn. This kind of sudden appearance is quite scary. No wonder Baslan Haunted House has never been visited by anyone. There is not even a leveler in the 20-plus level monster area.

It's really nostalgic. I had something like this before. Judging from the outline, the ghost looks really weird, more like a big tree.

Then you must be a respectable elder, but why are you here now? Lu Li asked tentatively.

These creatures...these so-called tribes...cut me down alive and cut off my hair to carry out their evil plans. Can you help me put an end to this?

Let me go, could this be Baslan, the legendary ancient tree of knowledge?

Treants have always been allies of the elves. They have a long lifespan, but they spend most of their time sleeping unless they can be awakened in a special way.

Baslan was unlucky enough to be chopped down while he was sleeping.

Yes, he was killed in such a dramatic way.

After killing him, the orcs planted Basilan in the ground. This is how Basilan's hair grew in Basilan's haunted house.

I'm happy to do this, but before that, I hope to collect your hair here. Don't be angry, just listen to me. After appeasing the ancient tree ghost who wanted to go berserk, Lu Li asked for these hairs. The purpose was explained.

The orcs just harvested those hairs, no wonder you can't find them. Since it's to save people, I can give you some now, Baslan handed Lu Li some branch-like things. These are the so-called Baslan's hairs. .

Thank you so much. What can I do to help you? Lu Li put these things away and asked.

This is the so-called chain of tasks, one after another, and you must complete them all, otherwise the task may be interrupted. As for whether Little Larei will be delayed, please rest assured that this is not a time-limited task, and the system will not So boring.

I heard their herbalist talking about fire on the other side. If you can take that bottle of evil stuff and throw it on my body in the northeast, you can burn it and my hair will be gone. It will grow here. Baslan sighed and said a little melancholy: I am already dead, and this price is nothing to stop them.

When I woke up, I suddenly found that I was dead, which was a very strange way to die.

PS: Thanks to Dabei Wu Tearless, idateyou, L.Z.H., Scorpio GG Press, Liu Gengxin, Longhuang Binglin, Ainiya, Hear Your Memories, Wanbao Zhenren for their rewards and likes, and thanks to General Zhifeng, Wanglehao, and It’s Raining !, w0j1y3l9, Mumu Munan, looking for a one-day monthly pass.

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