The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 346 May you have an unrepentant love

The so-called rare equipment generally refers to necklaces, bracelets, rings, badges, headdresses, masks... The explosion rate of such items is really low, and some of them are only for girls.

Women make the best money, and the game is no exception. It has been like this since ancient times.

Some rich people spend a lot of money just to make beautiful women smile.

A group of people gathered around and carefully sifted through the area, and found that there were only two items here that looked like rare equipment.

A necklace, a bracelet.

Which one to choose?

Theoretically speaking, the necklace's improvement in strength is more obvious, because the necklace is an independent equipment, while the bracelet and the wrist guard share the equipment slot, and the bracelet and the wrist guard cannot be equipped at the same time.

Most properties of the bracelet are inferior to those of the wristband.

This bracelet looks very beautiful, why don't you choose this one, Hachi-chan swallowed her saliva, Can Meng nodded her head, March Rain was also quite moved, and she only had Luo Ying's memories of a more feminine man. He looked indifferent.

The bracelet in front of me is indeed very good-looking. In terms of appearance alone, there is no doubt that it beats the necklace instantly.

In this case, Lu Li directly picked up the bracelet.

If you are too bad, you still have two chances to choose, right...

Let me see, let me see, Lu Li just glanced at the attributes, and the bracelet had already been snatched away by several girls.

It seems that even if the attributes are very bad, they will still be determined to get the bracelet.

Fortunately, he was not a scumbag. Not only was he not a scumbag, his attributes were ridiculously good. Lu Li didn't wake up from the shock of seeing his attributes for a while.

A small camp sentry who looks like he is only in his twenties or thirties. Why is there such a thing?

Dream of the Stars (Gold): All attributes +15, Special Effect 1: Increase backpack space by 20, Special Effect 2: Teleport, appear at a designated location within eight yards after use, cooling time 90 seconds, Special Effect 3: Open a shield , providing protection for up to three teammates, absorbing (2000/number of people) points of damage, equipment requirement level 30, durability 120/120.

There is a line of small orange words below: Hero, I wish you an unrepentant love.

Lu Li turned his head to look at Serred's expression.

When he took away the secret magic dust just now, he looked like a dead friend. Now that he has lost a piece of golden equipment, he should be going crazy.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li only saw a smile on Serred's face.

Is this person crazy?

If you look carefully, you can see that there is attachment, sweetness, and relief in his expression, which is very complicated.

Lu Li is a perseverant, wise, and reborn person, but he is almost blank in terms of emotions, so no matter how hard he racks his brains, he cannot understand Selred's mixed emotions.

Uncle, we have decided to get this piece of equipment, is it okay? Hachi-chan asked anxiously.

They all liked this piece of equipment and were determined to keep it, without even asking Lu Li for his opinion. If Lu Li dared to have any objections, he would definitely be spurned by the girls.

Little girl, if you like it, take it away, Serred said gently: Please accept part of my power. I hope that in your future adventures, you will meet someone who can stay with you for life. people.

Then, Lu Li and others heard the system prompt.

System: Complete the mission Demon in the Dark Abyss to receive experience points as rewards, Silver Wing Sentinels reputation as rewards, and a skill point as a reward.

The experience value is very rich. Hachi-chan, Moonlight, and Sesame-filled Tangyuan were directly upgraded to levels 27, 26, and 27 respectively. The experience bars of the others also increased a lot.

I don’t know what the reputation of Silver Wing Sentinel is for, but reputation involves many things, so it’s better than nothing.

The last skill point reward was something Lu Li had not expected. At least it was not mentioned in the guide, and it was completely beyond common sense.

Ten skill points are given out at once!

Only high-level NPCs with names in the background of Dawn World have this ability, but they would rather reward high-level equipment than give away skill points easily.

For example, Medivh accepted Lu Li's Aegwynn Book of Enchantment and in return taught Lu Li crow transformation. In the end, he still felt guilty and gave Lu Li a blood pattern badge.

No matter how good the badge is, it will be gradually eliminated as everyone's level rises.

Skill points are different, this is the foundation of a person's strength.

Serred rewarded everyone with ten skill points at once, and the sentry uncle went crazy!

You... Lu Li raised his head and realized that Selred in front of him almost seemed to have changed. Most of his long black hair had turned gray, and his original emerald green eyes had become foggy. It was an ordinary color, and it was the first time Lu Li had seen people of the Night Elf race have wrinkles.

In just a moment, time passed by him for a long time.

Send greetings to Cinderil for me, saying that the old elf is returning to his habitat, Selred bowed slightly and slowly disappeared into the water vapor that filled the dark abyss.

As expected of a thief who had become a high-level scout, he left quietly.

Uncle... Even the silly Hachi-chan realized what just happened, and his eyes instantly became moist.

Lu Li made a lot of preparations before entering the dungeon, and finally brought Selred over to enter the dungeon together. They only regarded it as the task process, and in fact it was indeed the case.

Along the way, Selred said nothing. He was quieter than Canmeng's pet.

He helped a lot, saving the team that was almost wiped out many times, and finally fell to Akumail's seven consecutive attacks. The sentry uncle used his strength to prove his worth to everyone.

Later, no one expected that his reward would be so generous, nor what he paid for such a generous reward.

The dungeon is over, and everyone's harvest has been unprecedentedly rich, but no one is laughing loudly.

Hero, I wish you an unrepentant love.

What a wonderful blessing.

It must be because he chose the Star Dream equipment that he made up his mind to reward skill points, and Selred must also be a person with a story, but it is a pity that they were all taken away.

After leaving the dungeon, I went to the Black Abyss Camp and handed in a mission. I received some experience points, coins, and equipment rewards, which were all in line with ordinary mission standards.

After hearing what Selred asked to bring here, Cinderil Quickfire from the Black Abyss Camp looked emotional. She didn't say much. She just said that if you want to see Uncle Sentinel again in the future, you can go to the World Tree in Mount Hyjal. Try your luck there.

When they heard that there would be a chance to see Uncle Sentinel again in the future, the girls beamed with joy, and the heaviness in the hearts of Lu Li and others gradually dissipated.

Perhaps, NPCs who are just data in the eyes of players also have their own lives and stories.

Take the seemingly ordinary Serred, for example. He was born and grew up. He may have fought against all kinds of enemies, gone on adventures around the world, or had a love without regrets.

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