The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 335 The BOSS is so weak

The executioner fell very neatly and there were no Easter eggs.

The so-called easter egg is the hidden BOSS. The executioner Lu Li and others saw actually had a more hidden identity. His shadow can be seen from beginning to end in this copy.

If there is a hidden boss, it is the real Geer who will emerge from the abyss.

Lu Li has never seen the real Geer with his own eyes. According to some written descriptions, Geer is very powerful and more difficult to deal with than Akumail. A team at level 30 encounters the hidden Geer in elite difficulty. Eighty percent of the time the group will be wiped out.

Dawn's regular BOSS can be brushed all the time, no matter how many times you kill the group, it will have no effect on them.

The hidden BOSS is different. As long as the team is destroyed once, the hidden BOSS will no longer exist the next time you enter the dungeon. In fact, even if they encounter a hidden BOSS, Lu Li and others cannot defeat it. It's a good time not to encounter it now, so as not to be disappointed.

The most difficult part of the Dark Abyss dungeon is actually not the BOSS, but the terrain.

Lu Li and others had reached this point, and the complicated terrain had passed. They arrived at the room of Twilight Lord Basel, the nominal ruler of darkness, with little effort.

As for Aku'mai, it is just a demon, a being with no reason at all.

Basel is living a good life. There are not only a large number of slaves in the room, but also four beauties, all of them elves and humans.

Don't think that there are no Twilight cultists among elves and humans. The strength of the Twilight Hammer sect is not considered to dominate the continent, but its composition is definitely extremely complicated.

Not only do they cross camps, but they also cross races, and there are even many neutral forces joining them.

Basel is an orc, holding a huge staff in his hand. The top of the staff is inlaid with an orange gem. Basel's Staff is the only golden weapon that can be exploded in the dark abyss. The explosion rate is surprisingly low. Point out.

However, since Lu Li and others were the first to kill and it was on Nightmare difficulty, the probability should be much higher.

It might even increase from 0.001% to 1%.

Master Feng, use the monsters, and be careful to pull the boss away from the crowd. Most bosses in the future should be like this, he said. After clearing out the monsters first, Lu Li saw that everyone was almost recovered, and announced that the Battle of Basel had officially begun.

It's impossible for him to tell you the strategy in advance. That's not pretending to be a comparison, that's calling a joke.

It was the proper intention to have the BOSS face away from the crowd. Azure Sea Breeze actually understood it, Lu Li just emphasized it.

What surprised Azure Sea Breeze was that Basel was unexpectedly weak.

Is this the level 30 BOSS? He exclaimed in disbelief. If the level 30 BOSS is so weak, then this game will come to an end.

For players to play games, it should not be too difficult, otherwise it will not be popularized, but it should not be too easy, as that will kill the vitality of the game.

Only by constantly challenging themselves will players continue to invest in it.

Basel only lost more than 100 points of blood after hitting Azure Sea Breeze, which was worse than the most watery BOSS in this instance.

And when Azure Sea Breeze hits it, it actually gets more than 100 points of health. It is chopped off by a MT with an ax and more than 100 points of health. This is simply a BUG. If it weren't for the point of shame, Azure Sea Breeze would be clamoring to single-player Twilight Lord Basel Alright.

When others hit it, their health will drop faster. For high-attack professions like Lu Li, their health will be two to three hundred in one go, and even four or five hundred with a big explosion.

The BOSS's health is only 90,000.

Haha, it will be solved in a few minutes. Watch me slay demons and eliminate demons in the world... A patient with chuunibyou laughed wildly.

Lu Li had no idea of ​​smiling. How would he live with such a second-rate MT on the team? I hope he would still be able to laugh later.

It only took more than a minute to reduce the BOSS's health to less than 50%.

At this moment, the BOSS raised his huge staff and muttered a long list of spells. It took a long time, more than ten seconds, and could not be interrupted.

After the chanting was completed, a circle of small white balls formed around the BOSS, and then slowly expanded outward.

After expanding to eight yards, these small balls turned into water elements.

Sixteen, even Lu Li knew it.

Destroy these water elements quickly. Don't fight the BOSS. Didn't you notice that it doesn't lose any health at all? He shouted quickly.

Everyone then reacted and went to fetch the water elements. They didn't know what the water elements were that were slowly approaching the BOSS, and they didn't know what would happen when they approached the BOSS. Their intuition told everyone that the result would not be too happy. .


46. ​​Lu Li only did so much damage with his dagger, and he was still drunk.

Focus on this one, don't attack the others, Lu Li forced himself to calm down. He kept saying to himself, I have a strategy, I have a strategy, and with a strategy, there is hope.

His command was timely. Before the water element reached the BOSS, they worked together and finally defeated Lu Li.

There are only fifteen left!

These fifteen water elements turned into clouds of water mist around Basel, and quickly penetrated into Basel's body.

Basel's health volume, which originally only had 40% left, suddenly skyrocketed to 40,000, 50,000, 60,000, 70,000, 80,000, 90,000... full, but it was still rising, and it did not stop until it reached 110,000.

With a bang, Azure Sea Breeze's shield and ax fell to the ground, and even hit his own feet.


MT expressed everyone's feelings with a tearful voice.

It's already very buggy when your blood is fully restored, why do you still have 20,000 extra points?

This cliffhanger is cheating and must be reported, no discussion is allowed.

What are you doing in a daze? Keep fighting. Fortunately, Lu Li was more sensible. He pretended to be relaxed and said, We haven't even lost a single person, so why are you acting so cowardly that you're going to die? The system has set up such a BOSS. There must be a way to kill him.

Think about it, everyone, the worst possible outcome is that the group will be destroyed.

In fact, he was not without worries. If the group was destroyed, among other things, whether Sentinel Selred would die and the players could be resurrected, but the NPC was not sure.

Serred helped them a lot along the way.

Lu Li had to admit that without Serred's help, even if they could get through the Dark Abyss of Nightmare Difficulty, it would definitely take longer.

The BOSS seems... to have become stronger, after a few interactions, Azure Sea Breeze came to a conclusion that made everyone feel chilled.

In fact, it's not that strong, it's just a little stronger than the attack and a little stronger in defense... that's all...

Will the BOSS be strengthened every time the water element is summoned and eaten? Piao Ling made a judgment that was basically consistent with the facts. Lu Li no longer needed to explain anything.

I guess the key is those water elements, said Tangyuan with sesame filling. He is a shy little boy who doesn't like to talk. Once he does talk, he is usually very insightful.

After the BOSS's blood was halfway down, the water element was summoned again.

PS: Thanks to mahatma, It’s Raining!, Shangguanyan Pheasant, Wuwu 1 Reading, Thieves Quququ, kongqingzhen and other book friends for their monthly votes, and others not included in the statistics. Thank you for your support.

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