The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 310 Battle against the Blue Guardian

Although Piao Ling had not known Lu Li for a long time, he knew his urinary qualities clearly. In his eyes, Lu Li was a gaming genius.

That's right, a genius, and then a master.

However, the performance of this genius is only in the game, outside the game, or in other things other than the dungeon PK adventure. He is really raw and full of personal idealism style.

So he concluded that Lu Li would not interfere in these matters.

After Lu Li came back, he had no objection as Azure Sea Breeze said.

Root Number Three is a little confused. He works very hard in the Star and Moon Guild, because Aojian is a man with great ambitions and limited talents. He wants to take care of everything but can't manage it well. He has a lot of money and acts wantonly. Most of his time I'm wiping the butts of these two people.

He was very grateful for Lu Li's complete indifference, but he didn't feel comfortable with it for a while.

Root No. 3 really doesn’t know what to say, but it feels really good. Unless you start your own business, you won’t find a boss who delegates such power.

He also thought about starting his own business, but after careful consideration, it was not difficult to make ends meet with his ability, but it was difficult to achieve the ultimate in the gaming industry because he did not have a super player who could reach the top 100 or even the finals. Master.

Lu Li and the others were different.

Unknowingly, this small team of only ten people had already reached the top sixteen.

Tuesday, the top 16 tournament.

The rules of the competition at this stage are very simple. Sixteen teams compete randomly in pairs. The losing team will be eliminated, and the top eight will be determined at once.

Sixteen teams have gone through several rounds of elimination, and there are no weak teams.

And who doesn’t want to watch a showdown between strong teams?

The game opened up a larger auditorium, and millions of people watched the game became a reality. It got to the point where tickets were starting to become hard to come by, regardless of the reality of the game.

Azure Guardian, it's getting more and more interesting, Lu Li glanced at the system prompts. Their opponent was the Azure Guardian who was sixth in the guild rankings.

The three star players, Mo Ming, Xingchen Yinhui, and Jubu Paralysis, are the standard lineup of RMP.

The Blue Guardians encountered very powerful opponents in the top 100 competition, such as City of Glory, Bloody Flag, Stars, etc., but with their strong overall strength, they still stood on the stage of the top 16 with steady success. .

Although they lost the duel with Glory City and Blood Flag, no one laughed at them because they played brilliantly.

The strength of the veteran team cannot be insulted!

Thieves, RMP, come on, Yueguang said this time, not so casually.

At the last moment, no one wants to lose the game because of playing with personality. He is a warrior. If he is faced with Kikube Paralysis, he is still sure to win. Once the opponent sends Demon Cry, he will have to face professional The problem of suppression.

The warrior's mobility is too poor, and he will definitely be overwhelmed in front of the ice mage.

After losing to Longcheng Guyan last time, Yueguang also realized his shortcomings in this area, so it wouldn't matter if Lu Li was allowed to fight.

Lu Li entered the arena and found that the opponent had sent a demonic cry.

Mo Ming is a mage with excellent skills and solid basic skills. He has been famous for three or four years and is a powerful figure among star players.

There is no problem of professional suppression in the battle between thieves and magicians. These two professions are the most controversial professions in Shuguang. Even the masters cannot say which one is better.

Nothing fancy, just sneak up and get closer slowly, then attack at the most advantageous position and time.

Anyway, it’s a forced killing!

If Frost Nova spoke, Lu Li would disappear directly.

As soon as the demonic cry flashed out, Lu Li turned on the special effects of his cloak, almost following him like a shadow.

Demonic Cry was level 24, and his equipment was worse than Lu Li's. Although he performed well, he still lost the individual competition.

When he fell, Lu Li still had half of his health.

Team competition, battle between thieves, animal husbandry and thieves, animal husbandry and thieves!

Lu Li and Kikube Paralysis are not in the same style. Kikube Paralysis is known as Shuguang's most wretched thief. He has more escape skills than Lu Li, but his attacks are not as violent as Lu Li's.

Although Mo Ming's equipment is not as good as Moonlight's, relying on its professional advantages and good performance, it may not necessarily lose to Moonlight.

Although March Rain has made great progress recently, he is not as good as Xingchen Yinhui.

Xingchen Yinhui is the most skilled priest healer. His equally famous full-time assistant takes the output route, and blood-increasing treatment is just a side job.

If you take it apart, you can see that Azure Guardian's strength is no worse than Lu Li's.

The key still depends on tactics, and sometimes a little luck.

For example, Xingchen Yinhui was lucky right now. When Lu Li approached him, he discovered traces of Lu Li, and then calmly commanded Mo Ming and Ju Bu to launch a surprise attack on Lu Li.

Wind step!

In desperation, Lu Li could only use his ultimate escape skill.

Xingchen Yinhui definitely has more than one sensory necklace on him. He may have obtained new sensory equipment. Otherwise, Lu Li, who has two pieces of concealment equipment, would not be discovered so easily.

In terms of stealth and skills, Lu Li has reached the limit of this profession, and there is no problem of operational errors.

March Rain had just filled up Lu Li's health, while Yueguang, who was fighting for time over there, was beaten to the point of running away with his head in his arms.

Fortunately, he had acquired a new skill called Fearless Roar. This skill could scare hostile players around him, and it was also sent in groups. The Demonic Cry was not hit, but the melee professional Ankubu was paralyzed and was not spared.

It's more than just a mess.

The situation was not good, and Lu Li had to step up to share the pressure for Yueguang.

Rushing toward Mo Ming with a surprise attack, Lu Li stared at the mage and struck, leaving him no time to harvest Moonlight's HP.

However, Mo Ming was not a vegetarian either. He used the Ice Cone Technique just right, as if Lu Li had sent him to his door to play.

The Ice Cone Technique slowed him down, and Mo Ming escaped from the slowed Lu Li in a flash.

On the other side, Paralysis Kikube was indeed the most insignificant thief. He turned on the cloak of shadow, lifted the fear effect, and disappeared in a flash.

Lu Li ignored him and chased after him with his cloak special effects and continued to output the magic cry!

Yueguang was healed twice by Sanyueyu, and then turned around and came back to fight the mage.

Xingchen Yinhui's skills are indeed very powerful. While adding blood to the demonic cry, he can also burn the blue of Sanyue Yu. Occasionally, attack skills will emerge from his hands and be thrown to Sanyue Yu.

March Rain faced the ghostly harassment of paralyzed Kikube, and could only barely protect herself.

For a moment, the two sides were in a strange stalemate.

You won't be able to do anything to me for a while, and I won't be able to find a breakthrough.

Xingchen Yinhui finally breathed a sigh of relief. This was exactly the situation he worked hard to achieve.

Due to the suppression of the level, it is almost impossible for them to defeat Lu Li's level in one go. If they are too reckless, they may be taken advantage of by the opponent.

This kind of stalemate is good, it just depends on who makes the mistake first.

The breakthrough in Xingchen Yinhui's mind was March Rain. As a fellow player, he could tell at a glance that this was a rookie in the competition.

With the harassment of her paralyzed anus and her constant burning, this girl couldn't hold on for long.

PS: Thanks to Heroes of Invincible His Brother, Jue~, ◇zui, Falling into the Red Dust, Ye Zifeng, Hong Piaoyu, cyylp, Long Yuntianfei, and Yue Demei for their monthly votes.

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