The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1967 Zul’Aman appears

Before Wings of Dawn could face off against Scarlet Banner, a new version of the game was released.

Dark Temple!

In other words, in order to rule the entire Outland, Illidan the Betrayer built a huge fortress called the Black Temple for military garrison, which was once a Draenei castle.

After the defeat of his most trusted confidant, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Illidan's power began to wane.

Taking this opportunity, Akama, the great draenei sage known as the Broken One, rose up to rebel against the so-called lords of the outer realm. With the help of Illidan's former warden, the tenacious night elf Maiev Shadowsong, and Akama, a team of warriors successfully infiltrated Illidan's seat of power and ended the traitor's rule once and for all.

The new version involves new copies, Zul'Aman, Black Temple, and other changes.

Paladins have been further enhanced, the talent system is more complete, there are new arena maps and more.

The Dark Temple and the Battle of Mount Hyjal are both T6 dungeons, but Zul'Aman is between T5 and T6, in order to provide players with better equipment accumulation to open up the Dark Temple, which is a free point question.

Therefore, as soon as this copy appeared, it immediately aroused competition from many clubs.

First kill!

The first kill in a difficult dungeon was taken by the Sword of Judgment. Logically speaking, this simply depends on luck.

Lu Li had a vague attitude towards the first kill of Zul'Aman. He didn't even join the team of the pioneer team immediately because he felt that the Sword of Judgment had passed the period of needing the first kill to build its reputation.

As far as the current form is concerned, one less first kill and one more first kill will not have much impact on the club itself.

Unless it's a dungeon like the Battle of Mount Hyjal, for a team of twenty-five, the first kill is equivalent to about ten more pieces of equipment or props, and it is indeed worth fighting for.

Zul'Aman is a ten-man dungeon, and its equipment is certainly not as good as T6. Only the Call of the Berserker is worth getting.

Lu Li is currently busy with many things, mainly focusing on the layout of the entire club.

The first is the issue of everyone's treatment. The treatment of the elite group must be improved. The Sword of Judgment may not be said to be rich, but at least it is out of the poverty stage.

Feelings alone cannot sustain the long-term development of the club.

Fortress is a very profitable thing, especially Weiyun Danyue who sold fortress several times. In addition to quickly becoming a billionaire, he also brought huge profits to the club.

There were two to three hundred million in funds available for use, so Lu Li started to tinker with the elite group again.

He and Cat Dad worked together to create new rules and regulations.

Members of the elite group who do not contribute enough will be expelled from the elite group unless they have special reasons and special contributions. Guilds in the rising stage must have fierce competition to develop rapidly.

Such people who are expelled will basically quit the association and leave. After all, most people will not accept this kind of insult.

Moreover, it is hard to predict the future development of such people. They may become great gods in the gaming industry one day. They may even recall the Sword of Judgment and Lu Li's contempt for others during interviews.

This was not enough to stop Lu Li from carrying out drastic reforms.

Ordinary guild members, as long as their contribution reaches a certain level, can temporarily enter the elite group to start their own elite probation period. The probation period is one month. Whether they can stay depends entirely on their own abilities.

The elite group is expanding again. Lu Li will maintain fifteen elite groups in the Sword of Judgment, and will try to increase the number to five elite groups in the Spear of Judgment.

Twenty elite groups and two thousand people, this is already considered a very large enterprise in reality.

Lu Li will do his best to ensure that the average income of this group of people reaches about 10,000 per month, with the minimum being more than 6,000, and possibly more than tens of thousands.

20 million would be thrown away every month just to pay wages. If it were an ordinary club, it would probably collapse immediately.

But the more you spend, the more you earn. Now the Sword of Judgment no longer requires Lu Li to put money into it. The fortress' income alone can cover this part, not to mention that running a club is not just a small amount of income.

Here they were managing the club, but over there it only took an hour and a half for 7th Heaven to get Zul'Aman's first kill.

Weiyun Danyue was still fighting against the last BOSS at this time, but their speed was not too slow. They solved the last BOSS seven minutes after getting the first kill in Seventh Heaven.

The next day is Monday, and the new fortress war begins.

A new map is open, including the second fortress on the Black Coast. This fortress is a must-win for the Sword of Judgment. Anyone who dares to get involved will become the mortal enemy of the Sword of Judgment. After all, no one wants their own back garden. Enter Lao Wang next door.

Of course, Lu Li would not have any objections if Weiyu Pavilion moved in.

Weiyu Pavilion became a powerful force in this phase of the fortress war.

Because the water elves became baronesses, their two fortresses were impregnable, so they had the strength to start seeking more fortresses.

Another club that has punters excited is City of Glory.

No matter how Wendelian stabilized the morale of the army, the morale of the army in Glory City was in chaos to a certain extent. They almost lost to Weiyu Pavilion in the quarterfinals, which made everyone feel that this club was in crisis.

There are not many people who can see through everything like Piao Ling. Even if the City of Glory finally turns around, there are still many analysts who have made various wrong conclusions.

Therefore, the loss of several fortresses in the Glory City has become a matter of concern to gamblers.

The Sword of Judgment doesn't care about others. They have to defend their two fortresses in Ashenvale - one of which is occupied by the Life Professional League. They have to defend the first fortress of Black Coast, they have to compete with other clubs to occupy the second fortress of Black Coast, and they also have to help the trial. The spear stabilized the Winterspring Valley fortress.

The last time the masters of the Sword of Judgment came out, they helped the Spear of Judgment occupy the Winterspring Valley. It was easy to occupy but difficult to hold. The lack of strength of the Spear of Judgment made defense a problem.

Before the start of the fortress war, everyone had a special discussion about the Winterspring Valley Fortress. In fact, Piao Ling advocated selling the Winterspring Valley Fortress. After all, there were too many fortresses related to the Sword of Judgment, and the Spear of Judgment was not enough on its own strength. To truly defend Winterspring Valley.

Unfortunately, the entire Spear of Judgment firmly opposed Piao Ling's decision - Piao Ling was still the president of the Spear of Judgment at this time.

Since no one is willing to give up, they can only do their best to defend. At present, the biggest reliance is still on the magic mecha.

Originally there were eleven magic mechas in the Sword of Judgment, but now there are only nine left.

As players generally reach level 70 and their equipment becomes better and better, magic mechas no longer have a crushing advantage over players. Once the person controlling the mecha does not control it well, it will easily lead to the mecha being destroyed.

Lu Li assigned two mechas to the Spear of Judgment and asked them to defend the fortress themselves. Piao Ling was responsible for the command. If they could defend it, they would defend it.

Santai gave it to the Life Professional Alliance, and also supported some combat professional masters to ensure that this second fortress in the Gray Valley was foolproof.

Of the remaining four, two assist in the defense of the first fortress of Ashvale, and two assist in the defense of the first fortress of Black Coast.

Lu Li personally led his people to participate in the huge battle for the Black Coast Fortress. Last time they captured Winterspring Valley, it was hard to say whether they could capture the Second Black Coast Fortress this time. The only thing Lu Li was lucky about was that his transformed crow was able to fight in such a chaotic battle. Gain intelligence advantages in situations that others do not have.

Thinking about how to end

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