The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1942 Lu Li ascends to heaven again

Every minute and every second of the chaotic battle is precious. If this bow is replaced by the output weapon of another profession, the five of them can challenge higher-level monsters, or kill level 5 monsters more quickly.

Unfortunately, in order not to bear the risk of attrition, the five of them could only continue to bully the level five monsters.

This time, an ax and a piece of armor finally dropped. Equipped with the Lost Soul Grass, the warriors were qualified to challenge higher-level monsters.

Of course, the fortress map cannot be as difficult to upgrade as outside, and the drops are more abundant. Soon everyone got some miscellaneous equipment.

Lu Li had a green dagger in his hand, wore three pieces of leather armor, two pieces of cloth armor, and learned four skills.

He felt very confident, so he led his team to challenge the BOSS.

This is a level 15 BOSS. Lu Li and the others are both level 12. It is a risky but also possible battle. After killing it, everyone will probably be able to get a lot of good equipment. The most important thing is the must-have skills. Book, if you are unlucky, you may have to reduce your staff.

This is where the magic of Brawl lies.

Many people like the new map's Brawl mode very much and look forward to the new map opening all day long.

Ordinary players, that is, the audience, actually like super battles very much, and find them more exciting and uncertain.

If the City of Glory is placed in the context of a big battle, will they definitely be able to occupy the fortress?

Not only is it not certain, but it is also very likely that they will not be able to occupy it, because everyone starts with nothing, and it is hard to say how far they can develop. If you are unlucky, they will fight one after another and reduce the number to a certain level. Anyone can bully them to death.

Although the people Lu Li brought were all newcomers, they were not ordinary newcomers.

Their talents are first-class, and their training is in accordance with the standards of racers. Most of them have participated in the competition more than once.

A level 15 BOSS was eliminated without making any splashes.

Two pieces of gold, four pieces of black iron, two skill books, and one blizzard. And all of them have been promoted to level seventeen, which can be regarded as getting rich overnight.

Lu Li got a pair of golden boots.

Okay, we can't continue to fight monsters. The efficiency is too low. Let's find trouble for others.

Eight clubs, 80 people from each club entered the venue, eight, eight, sixty-four, more than 600 people. Sooner or later, they will encounter each other. Instead of continuing to wait, it is better to start looking for people to kill now.

In the fortress map, when a person dies, all current equipment and skill books will be dropped, and the person who kills him can also gain corresponding experience points.

I'm going to explore the path. You guys should follow me down there as much as possible.

After saying that, Lu Li turned into a crow, flapping its wings and flying in the low sky.

Flying mounts are prohibited on the fortress map. Only ordinary mounts can be summoned and used. However, the flying method he knows is not prohibited, but Lu Li cannot be arrogant for too long.

First of all, he is not the only player who can fly. From now on, everyone will more or less take one of them as a scout.

Secondly, some people in the Druid profession will soon learn to fly.

Furthermore, Lu Li felt that if the Brawl mode was to continue to attract viewers, the official would probably issue a policy prohibiting any form of flying. In the future, only hunters' eagle eye skills would be able to detect enemies at short distances.

He quickly found his first targets.

This is a team of ten, fighting a level 20 BOSS.

The BOSSs in the fortress map are all weak, and they are far inferior to the wild BOSSs outside. Under normal circumstances, a team of five people can kill a BOSS of the same level without reducing the number of people. Ten people can defeat a level 20 BOSS. No. If there is an accident, it won't be a big problem.

There was no way Lu Li would prevent accidents from happening, he was an accident.

After landing back to the middle of their team, everyone took out their signal transmitters.

An arrow pierces the clouds, and thousands of troops come to meet you!

Long live engineering!

Several nearby teams quickly gathered together and gathered twenty or thirty people.

A huge crowd surrounded them.

The gathering speed is a bit slow. At this time, the opponent has almost finished defeating the BOSS.

Lu Li was sending signals to everyone in the sky. He would fly like an S for a while and a B for a while. He would tell everyone the location of the other party through the flight trajectory designed by Piao Ling.

This team is completely unknown, and they are happily distributing the spoils.

You have gold and you have black iron, and you also have several skill books. The harvest from the level 20 BOSS far exceeded their imagination.

At this rate, they will definitely be the fastest team to reach level 70, and they are also likely to have the best equipment.

It takes dozens of minutes to reach level 70, which can only be achieved on the fortress map.

Who is where?

Someone discovered the figure. After all, there was little vegetation in Winter Spring Valley and there was ice and snow everywhere. They inadvertently saw the sneaky figures of the Spear of Judgment.

Someone is attacking!

It's a pity that the encirclement has been completed. Before this group of people could organize an effective resistance, the skills had been showered down overwhelmingly. Everyone was not high level. Fortunately, there were three mages who knew how to blizzard. Otherwise, they would not even be able to resist. This adjective is useless.

Seven or eight people were eliminated at once. Seven or eight people were eliminated from the team of ten people. Do the remaining ones still need to struggle?

Lu Li, who was originally at level seventeen, suddenly became level nineteen after grabbing two heads.

And I also got two pieces of equipment and several skill books.

Touching corpses is so exciting. I have never been able to find so many things from one person. Can Meng, who likes touching corpses, will definitely like the Brawl mode in the new base map.

The boys from the Spear of Judgment tasted the benefits of murderous explosive equipment, and screamed at Lu Li to hurry up and look for the next target to besiege.

In this way, in just half an hour, the boys of the Spear of Judgment were all promoted to over sixty levels, and each of them was equipped with a lot of equipment, and they had learned most of the skills.

Lu Li's hands were stained with the blood of innocent players. He had reached level 68 and was just shy of reaching level 70.

Finally, some people realized that something was wrong and began to work together to survive. It was already very difficult for the Spear of Judgment to surround and kill them like before.

At this time, Lu Li did not let his friends confront each other head-on.

Seventy-two of them—eight were lost during the battle—may be able to easily eat an equal number of opponents for the first time, but attrition will inevitably occur.

Then after reducing the number of people, it will be more difficult to eat again the second time.

If you eat it several times in a row, you can only wait to be eaten by others. If other waves of people join forces, they can directly eliminate the Sword of Judgment.

Of the eight clubs, only Judgment Sword is a particularly awesome super club, so it is not impossible to unite.

Eliminate the strongest ones first, and then the remaining rookies can compete fairly with each other.

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