Life is a process of constant choices and letting go. The difficult thing is not the choice, but the option.

I started writing online articles on March 10, 2015. It has been three and a half years since then. In these three and a half years, I have experienced many things, including relationships, career, and other things. It’s a mess, I gave up a lot of things, including career opportunities, the girl I loved, and some friends.

The only thing I haven't given up on is this book.

I don’t know what it feels like to have a book as a son. I don’t have a son. In fact, I prefer to have a daughter in the future.

Books are a kind of salvation for me.

When I was very young, I often followed my mother to work in the fields and pestered her to tell stories all day long, so that I could be exposed to the scorching sun all day without complaining.

My mother is my first mentor.

The protagonist who most often appears in today's jokes is called Xiao Ming, and the one I heard the most at that time was called Wang Er. Sometimes he would compete with Wong Tai Sin in a battle of wits and courage, and sometimes he would live a happy life without shame or impatience with the fairies from heaven. Life.

I have been making up superficial and simple stories one after another in my mind since I was very young. I am addicted to reading any text I can see, even various instructions that I cannot understand at all. , and the little pornographic books secretly kept by my uncle.

I love stories, but it’s a double-edged sword.

When I was in junior high school, I used my living expenses to rent books and read books. I often went hungry and fell down with anemia.

Later, I had to drop out of school for half a year to recuperate, and then transferred to a school close to home. I played a hide-and-seek game with a group of teachers. They tried every means to prevent me from reading extracurricular books. I think I must thank them, otherwise my My academic career probably ends in junior high school.

When I got to high school, no one cared about me anymore. They had more good students to worry about.

When I left the school gate and turned left, there was a larger rental bookstore. I shamelessly stole a book, and then registered the name of a book every time I registered. In this way, no matter what book I read, I would only use A day's worth of money.

When I kept feeling complacent, fate slapped me hard once again.

I read novels in class during the day and lit candles to read novels at night. I was haggard and my grades plummeted. Finally, my class teacher caught me on the spot and invited my parents. I looked at my embarrassed and humble mother and thought that I had to make changes. .

I took two exams in the first year and one exam in the second year, and started my college life.

That was probably the most decadent time in my life. I was hanging out with games and novels every day, so I went to school for five years before graduating from college, and I didn’t even know most of my classmates.

The first time I opened a book, it was probably because of the book shortage. I didn’t expect that the choice I made at that time would have such a big impact on me.

I have faced several choices.

What type of book should I open, whether it be a game, science fiction, or history? I chose a game, and it was a traditional online game, rather than the otherworldly game that is easier to get results.

The reason seems to be very simple, just because I like it.

I was also faced with the choice of whether to focus on work or writing a book, and finally I chose to write a book.

I can’t talk about good or bad, just follow your heart.

I was also faced with putting more energy on my girlfriend. Unfortunately, the feeling of not being understood about my career was really uncomfortable. In the end, I still refused to compromise, so I became single again and again.

Entering 2018, I can clearly feel the bottleneck in my writing.

I have to write a new book. When I was chatting with several authors, I said that I didn’t know whether to tell them or myself.

What to do with the old books?

Let's write together. Some authors said that although it is difficult to write two chapters, it is also quite interesting.

I don't find it interesting. It's difficult to write one book, let alone two.

Although writing the beginning went smoothly, I knew that the rest would be just as difficult. Any book gets harder the more you write it, especially for someone like me who doesn’t have a detailed outline.

So are you writing an old book or a new book?

I thought about it carefully and realized that what I could gain from reading old books, whether it was a sense of accomplishment or royalties, was pitiful.

Today, three and a half years later, opening a new book has become inevitable.

I know I can’t write from scratch, and I’m not qualified to be so willful.

They said, let’s finish the old book.

I have imagined the day when The Great Thief will be finished countless times, but it must not be in this form. I still have some things that I have not yet written, and my World of Warcraft has only reached level 70.

A new book must be opened, and the old book cannot be finished.

That's why I came up with the crazy idea of ​​double-editing. If a non-professional author wanted to double-did it, no matter who heard it, it would be ridiculous.

I am not a person who works hard, but I want to work hard this time.

Before I get too old to lose my physical strength and my mind becomes rotten, I will fight for the last time.

The new book is still a game and a traditional online game.

My favorite authors in the game field are Snail and Butterfly Lan, but the one I envy the most is the Lost Leaf trilogy, which is a trilogy of online games. It sounds very interesting, but I don’t know if I can write it. Three, times have changed. When he wrote it, it was still the heyday of online games, but now not many people watch games, especially virtual online games.

When I was writing The Great Thief, the updates were never good, and the writing became lazier and lazier, which hurt the hearts of many readers.

This time I'm afraid old things will come back again, and sadness and disappointment are inevitable, so I dare not make any guarantees. I have broken my promises quite a lot, and in the readers' minds I am by no means a person who keeps his word.

The Great Thief is a book about Warcraft.

I like Warcraft.

In the early days, I played Legends, Legends of Jianghu, Perfect World, Jian Wang III, etc. Later, I encountered World of Warcraft, and I have never played other types of games since then.

I don't play well, I'm very clumsy,

I only entered the game at level 70. At that time, I played as a little priest in the energy ship.

I joined a guild out of nowhere - I have forgotten the name of the guild. I never figured out what the string of English letters meant, and I didn't understand what the shemale guild leader with the word shasha in his ID looked like. It took me nine point cards to reach the full level.

I was solemnly warned that I must be stable and cannot withdraw from the membership. As long as I do not withdraw from the membership, I can enjoy the popular and spicy food with everyone.

The first time I entered the large dungeon, I entered the Dark Temple directly. I was running around like a headless fly. The shemale guild president shouted at me until my voice became hoarse. Someone in the guild said that he should be kicked out.

Shasha scolded him and said he was one of her own.

So everyone suspected that I was his wife. By the way, I was also a shemale at that time - it didn't take long for me to confess to them, but they didn't believe it because they firmly believed that only girls can be so good.

In order to prove my innocence, I had to register a voice account to show my innocence, so there were fewer people asking me for help.

There were two other priests in the guild, and their equipment was better than mine. The two of them often competed for healing power together, and all the equipment they didn’t want were inserted into me, so I gradually became able to use the Hellfire Wall dungeon.

Before I joined a guild, the person who brushed up with me was often a warrior. It took so long that I forgot his ID, but I only remembered that he was a good person.

Every time I played OT and the team was wiped out, he would silently say come again.

When I grew to a certain level, and one of the two priests in the guild left, I became the main priest, and my interactions with the warriors became less and less. He never joined any decent guild, and I wore SW uniform. , one day he asked me to download a copy of Zul'Aman, and the equipment on his body was still those messy things.

After that time, he stopped looking for me. I tried to look for him twice but he rejected me, and then we stopped contacting me.

I don’t know since when, his profile picture has completely dimmed. By the time I realized that he might never come back, several years had passed.

Playing games with me, or instigating me to get into World of Warcraft, was another mage. I do remember that his ID was Feng Shenghuoqi, and he trained as a mage. After reaching level 70, he never downloaded a dungeon or joined any guild. Later, he joined the game and stopped participating in activities. He kept playing the battlefield over and over again, and finally got an S2.

As for the arena, he didn't even know there was such a thing.

When I was reaching level 70 with nine point cards, he often took me to clear the dungeon, the Scarlet Monastery. I watched his coquettish operation and positioning, and felt that the mage was indeed a master.

Later I found out that he was Cai Bi, because he and I died a lot in the Scarlet Monastery.

He was my college classmate, at the same level but in a different department. It took me five years to get my diploma and degree certificate, but it took him six years to get nothing. Later he worked as a customer service officer at Taobao, and then he became a customer service officer. No contact.

World of Warcraft has given me many years of life memories, some good, some not so good, and I have met many people, but most of them have been forgotten.

Most people are passers-by in my life, and remembering and forgetting them has no important meaning.

One day I had a strong desire to write a book, so I wrote The Great Thief.

The original name was The Online Game: The Great Thief, but later I thought it was too long, so I changed it to The Great Thief, which has the same name as a cartoon I like.

The name of the new book is Monster Chat Group. This idea came about after I read Cultivation Chat Group last year. I conceived it on and off for a long time and gave up at one point because I wanted to make a lot of money by writing about fantasy or cities.

Later, I couldn't help it anymore and decided to act impulsively.

I found that writing testimonials is more fluent than writing novels. No wonder Banana wrote more testimonials than text. I wrote this one without even realizing it, 3,000 words.

Having said so much, I actually hope that everyone can support my new book and not make it difficult for me to live, so that I can treat writing a book, which many people think is not a real career, as a career.

If my grades are good, I will probably leave my job and become a full-time writer that I have longed for.

Then, it may be another choice.

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