The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1693 The Perfect Legend

The gray weapon is attached to the surface of the weapon, stubbornly refusing to surrender.

The naked eye could hardly see the remnants of the gray mist outside, but Lu Li did not dare to relax at all, because he was very sure that his soul-casting technique had not been completely successful this time. This was the case a few times in the first place. He thought it was almost done, but who As soon as I relaxed, I heard a system failure message.

Fortunately, even if the Soul Casting Technique fails, the weapon will not be damaged. With the blessing of the Forging Hammer, Lu Li can basically upgrade the weapon to excellent or top quality at the same level.

The young men who got the weapons were all very satisfied.

It's done! Lu Li couldn't help shouting. As the host of the Soul Casting Technique, he heard the system prompts.

The system prompted that he had successfully injected soul into the weapon.

The weapon that was successfully soul-cast was still a semi-finished product. Lu Li needed to complete the last few processes. After a while of clanking, the two-handed ax that was originally just a rough material showed a new look.

Take it, use it carefully, don't get blown away, Lu Li handed the weapon to the crippled Black Ant.

The crippled black ant took it and almost threw it to the ground with a shaking hand.

He was relatively calm. Li Dagou, the bard who saw the attribute next to him, was already screaming and yelling: Perfect Legend, fuck, Ant, were you fucked by the goddess of luck last night? It's actually a perfect legend. This attribute It is really……

Compared with the same model in Moonlight's hand, the basic attributes of this weapon have been greatly improved.

The special effects have also been slightly increased, and the last special effect has even directly evolved into a more awesome special effect. Whether it is from practicality or value, Lu Li's forging has doubled its value.

Even among high-end players, there are still many people who have never touched perfect equipment.

The crippled black ant suddenly became the envy of the brothers in the room.

Ant is a kind man, and he deserves it. Compared with Li Dagou's indifferent treatment, the crippled Black Ant was very popular, and most people came over to congratulate him.

Ant, I just washed my hands. Can you let me touch your trophy? Let me get some luck too, the bard Li Dagou howled.

Lu Li didn't rest and decided to strike while the iron was hot.

Boss, do you want to take a rest? Why do I feel so weak? Bard Li Dagou said with a grimace as he watched Lu Li pick up his mold. His mold was a legal one-handed sword.

Big Dog currently uses a two-handed staff, and its attributes are a bit outdated.

In the Molten Core dungeon a few days ago, he first got a magic book, a secondary equipment for the legal profession, and later exchanged it from the guild warehouse for a magic spell that was relatively unpopular, but extremely satisfying to him. The long sword can just replace the previous staff.

If you are weak, you can replenish your body. Lu Li started making equipment without saying anything.

The whole process took about the same time as last time, and soon it reached the stage of soul casting. Everyone watched around for a long time, and they all saw some clues.

From the beginning to now, Lu Li seemed to have become a man twice.

Both times, they were perfect things. Although there were more than two perfect things, as long as Lu Li said yes, Li Dagou would obviously become the next lucky one.

It's done, it must be done, the gods from all over the world come together to bless it, the bard Li Dagou stared at Lu Li and muttered something.

The materials used this time were also good materials, otherwise it would be a waste for such a legendary weapon mold, so Lu Li worked hard, hoping to produce another perfect legendary weapon, just in case of some bad luck, It might become a legend.

I don't know if Lu Li is really evil, or if it's because Li Dagou has done too many bad things.

In short, this soul casting failed not long after it started.

What's wrong? Seeing that Lu Li retracted his hand and his face didn't look very good, Li Dagou asked blankly.

Sorry for the change, Lu Li waved the hammer and continued to complete the next process.

Actually... upgrading to the perfect level is just a matter of some attributes. The crippled Black Ant looked at his friend's expression as if he was mourning for a concubine, and quickly put his arm around his shoulders to comfort him. He also had to be careful not to be unable to hold back because of his happiness. Smile.

How can it be just attributes? Your third special effect is so awesome, the big dog said indignantly.

Well, I am a special case. If you look at other people, they may not change the special effects if they are perfect. The crippled Black Ant couldn't comfort him anymore. He was originally a clumsy person, not to mention that now one of them is proud and the other is frustrated. , at first glance, it makes people feel gloating about their misfortune.

Why, why are you doing this to me! This accusation is so sad that men will be silent and women will cry.

Okay, stop acting, take your things away quickly, the next one will be next! Lu Li shouted to chase people away. He really couldn't understand why there were so many rip-offs in his club.

Boss, you can't be like this as a human being. What benefits have the ants given you? You have to treat them differently. Are you two having an affair? the bard Li Dagou said with tears in his eyes.

Get lost, Lu Li directly threw the prepared weapon over.

The next player couldn't wait to squeeze in and presented the prepared molds and materials.

Li Dagou was unwilling, but he still squatted beside him obediently, but he quickly jumped up: What's going on? How can you say it didn't succeed? Isn't this a perfect legend?

Shuguang's molds will be divided into four levels when they are made: sophisticated, excellent, top quality, and perfect.

Under normal circumstances, most of the equipment made from molds are of excellent quality, and a few will be excellent or top-quality. Perfect-level equipment is very difficult to produce, and many blacksmiths may not be able to make one in their entire gaming career.

Because he has the best blacksmith's hammer, the things Lu Li forges will automatically be upgraded to a higher level.

Sophistication is rarely seen in his place. Most of them are excellent, and occasionally the best ones will be produced. Perfect-level ones are more likely to appear than ordinary blacksmiths. It's not that he can't make perfect-level equipment.

Although the one-handed magic sword of Bard Li Dagou was not as successful as soul casting, it does not prevent it from becoming a perfect legendary weapon.

This kind of weapon is relatively unpopular, so there is nothing else to compare it with, but Li Dagou has been blinded by the attributes and special effects of this weapon. The child is his own, and he has grown so big that he feels that Lu Li made it for him. The weapon is better than the two-handed ax of the crippled Black Ant.

Hahaha~ A burst of selfless laughter made Lu Li so shocked that he almost knocked down his hand with a hammer.

Who can take him away? Just leave if you get the weapons. Lu Li waved his hand, and someone immediately went up and dragged him away.

Big dog, we must treat you!

I don't understand. Ant is kind to others. It doesn't matter if he gets a perfect equipment. You, a bitch like me, can get a perfect legend just for hair. Is there a character bonus for doing bad things?

No, I'm too jealous, I want to castrate him!

You must castrate!

Where are you going to touch me? You bitches, don't, don't, you are serious!

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