The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1690 Meeting the rich man again

Lu Li will never become such a person.

But this does not prevent him from appreciating such people. If the opportunity arises and it does not delay his affairs too much, he does not mind contributing to such ridiculously good people.

How can these hot-blooded mages delay anything?

It seems that you have to get out of this business. My friend, you think you are quite powerful, but don't forget that you can't beat four hands with just two fists. The leading brother was forced to take the lead. He couldn't kneel down and beg Lu Li to let him go. Bar.

He spoke with threats while contacting his accomplices.

Of course, it is impossible for this group of people to dominate the Scarlet Monastery with only a few mages. There are many others who are either going into the dungeon to make money or going to kill alts elsewhere.

As a result, Lu Li soon discovered that there were a few sneaky people around him who would be problematic to anyone with a discerning eye.

I hunted geese all day long, but I was blinded by geese pecks!

Lu Li unexpectedly fell into the opponent's delaying strategy, and Lu Li didn't waste any time. He immediately disappeared and then touched the opponent's back. He used sneak attacks, backstabs, backhand backstabs, and took away a set of skills.

The leading brother may just have a decent brain, but his strength is actually average.

He used several methods from beginning to end, but failed to gain half a second of sobriety from Lu Li. When he saw Lu Li kill two people quickly before, he felt that Lu Li was powerful, but this kind of power was not intuitive, so he still greatly underestimated Lu Li's ability. Now that it was his turn, he really realized what was going on. It's called despair.

I originally thought that the problem would be easily solved after finding help.

Now, he was suddenly unsure.

The principle of capturing the thief first is as true as ever. Without the leader, the rest of the group was quite confused. It took several seconds before they started to fight back.

Although the blue-robed mage Shenghun was a good old man who was so good as to be stupid, he at least had an above-average IQ. He had almost recovered the lost blood volume when Lu Li had a truce with the leader.

At this moment, he was also very lively.

Lu Li found that this mage's skills were actually quite good, but his techniques were a bit rusty. He looked like he was new to the game, but how could he be level 60 and have a good set of equipment if he was new to the game not long ago?

Group me and enter the dungeon! Lu Li shouted, picked up the equipment of the newly killed mage, and rushed into the dungeon.

There were more and more people outside. It took him several blows to kill the mage, and he was almost controlled. The ants were killing the elephant, which was vividly displayed at this moment.

Because Lu Li had already entered the dungeon, they appeared in the same dungeon.

Under normal circumstances, a copy can be divided into countless spaces, and only people from the same team can appear in the same copy at the same time.

There are five people in the team now, the captain Shenghun, Lu Li and the three trumpets.

What to do now? Shenghun asked.

What do you think we should do? Lu Li was quite indifferent. If he really wanted to be more shameless, he could have called thousands of people to clear out the Scarlet Monastery just like the big brother did.

Fortunately, Lu Li was not such a high-profile person. He felt that it was not necessary to call someone to deal with these little miscellaneous fish.

Their big brother is resurrected. Let's rush over and lead them away so you can come out, someone in the team suddenly said. It was one of the three trumpets that the blue-robed mage led before he was born.

Don't come here. You go first. Let's avoid the limelight. Tomorrow I will take you to hunt some monsters in the wild, and then we can go to Zul'Farrak. The blue-robed mage quickly stopped them from taking risks.

Let me ask, Lu Li interrupted them: Are you from the BJ Film Academy or the Central Academy of Drama? Are you practicing your acting skills?

Shenghun: ...

Three trumpets: ...

Trumpet A: Ahem, hero, do you have any suggestions? We are not from any film and drama school. We are called loyalties, and we live and die together...

Okay, okay, help me see where the leader is, Lu Li said.

The pillar on the left side of the entrance to the dungeon is greeting your family, hero. Do you need me to repeat it? I am a thief and they did not notice me, said trumpet A.

The stealth of thieves is related to many factors such as equipment level.

According to common sense, it is almost impossible for a level 30 trumpet to hide in front of a level 60 person. However, because the distance between the two parties was far enough and there were obstacles blocking it, it was not discovered.

Don't be exposed, you all find a place to hide, Lu Li regarded these people as his eyes.

He recalled the terrain at the entrance of the dungeon, found the location mentioned by the little thief, and then stepped out of the dungeon, entering stealth the moment he exited the dungeon.

Entering a dungeon is similar to an attack action. Although it will not enter an attack state, it will also destroy the thief's stealth.

So Lu Li showed his figure the moment he came out of the dungeon, but he moved very quickly and left the door of the dungeon quickly, so no one noticed that he had come out.

No normal person would have thought that he would dare to come out at this time. The people outside were densely packed with accomplices of this group of people.

Lu Li went straight to the pillar that the little thief was talking about. At this moment, the leader was directing people to deploy, and he sat down to eat bread to restore his health. Resurrection in the dawn could only restore less than half of his health, so he had to use blood-restoring medicine or Food to restore the remaining lost blood.

What's more, he is still a mage and his magic value needs to be restored.

Waiting for an automatic reply is too long.

Lu Li carefully touched his back, showed his knife and stabbed him to death.

Half health, full health, there is no difference for a thief of Lu Li's level. He is a weak mage with a thin skin and a weak body, and he doesn't even feel the slightest pleasure when doing it.

The leader was humiliated and turned into a corpse again.

Lu Li was also discovered. He experienced extremely intensive skill attacks. AOE skills were everywhere. Not to mention that the Wind Step only had one second of invincibility. Even if he had ten seconds of invincibility, he would not be able to escape unscathed. Skill range.

Fortunately, Lu Li had no intention of running out of the skill range in one go.

He just needs to turn around and escape back to the copy.

Returning to the dungeon, he didn't have to be afraid no matter how many people were outside, this was a natural safe haven.

Brother, you're awesome, Shenghun was greatly impressed. He was a good guy, but after being killed twice by those bullies for no reason, no matter how good a guy he was, he wanted to eat a piece of his flesh.

Lu Li finally avenged him.

Speaking of which, are you new to this game? Lu Li took advantage of the big brother's time outside to run around with corpses and asked what he was curious about.

Yes, I have just played this game for more than ten days. I used to play [Shadow Realm], the blue-robed mage sat on the ground with Lu Li at the entrance to the instance. There was nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

You have reached level 60 in ten days, and you still have such a set of equipment? Lu Li couldn't believe it.

Could it be that this person, like Can Meng or Ba Jiang, is one of those people with extremely high luck and charm, otherwise he wouldn't have so much equipment on his body.

It's simple. I met a friend as soon as I entered the game. His brother took us all the way to Sixty. Then I bought some equipment at the trading house and found some ways to get a few pieces together...

Local tycoon!

The hopelessly good middle-aged man in front of Lu Li was actually such a powerful being, at least at the level of a water elf. Ordinary so-called rich people were like playing house in front of them.

From Lu Li's point of view, if the other party's equipment had to be bought, it would cost tens of millions.

There are several pieces of legendary equipment that he can recognize.

Brother, rich man, are you in business in real life? Lu Li asked curiously. Excluding water elves, he actually had almost no chance to come into contact with rich people in real life.

I did some business, but it failed in the end, the blue-robed mage said sheepishly.

Then where did you get the money to buy so much high-quality equipment? Lu Li wondered.

After my business failed, I had no choice but to go back and follow my father's arrangements and inherit the family's property, the rich man said with a sad look.

Pfft, Lu Li vomited blood.

He felt that he was right, this person was a born drama queen.

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