The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1686 Official complaints

Lu Li had no intention of correcting Demition's views, and he was not familiar with the orcs. If he offended this warlock, he would fly away with the soul-casting technique he was about to acquire.

What do you think of my collection? Demition was very proud of his collection.

Not to mention the huge number, there are also many types. All his collections over the years are concentrated here. Some of them were obtained after he defeated very powerful monsters after nearly dying.

Well, it's quite a lot, Lu Li could only say.

He won't deliberately offend the NPC, but he can't flatter him without any bottom line. The souls here are rich in both quantity and type. After all, they are collected by a soul caster throughout his life.


They are all too low-level. In player terms, they are all ordinary monsters, and the better ones are elites. The quality of their souls is really poor.

Alas, I am too timid. I am afraid of death and dare not provoke a greater being. Demition said with a wry smile: The only time I mustered up the courage to find a powerful elemental creature, I met him. Son of Al'Akir the Windrider.

It's quite unlucky, Lu Li agreed.

Even Prince Wind, who is as powerful as the wind, cannot cast a soul into a semi-sacred weapon. It seems that I have no hope in this life. I hope you can carry forward the soul-casting technique. If you make a semi-sacred weapon one day, please bring it over and let me see it. I didn’t take you as my disciple in vain,” Demition said.

I won't let you down, Lu Li was overjoyed.

Then the system prompted him to learn the Soul Casting Technique. This branch has three skills. One is Soul Collection, which can be used after killing the target. There is a certain probability of imprisoning the target's soul.

Why is it a certain probability? Lu Li instantly felt that this so-called soul collection skill was full of malice.

The second skill is the core skill, which is called Soul Casting. It can inject soul into the equipment during the production process. It is worth mentioning that this process also has a success rate.

In addition to personal luck, there are also a bunch of influencing factors such as the quality of the materials and the techniques of operation.

There is also a skill called soul synthesis, which is to combine two or more souls into a more powerful soul. It is also a probabilistic skill. What affects the probability is the compatibility of the two souls.

If the soul of an orc were to fuse with the soul of a human, it would definitely fail.

This is something passed down by our soul casters. Countless desperate souls are sealed in it. I thought I would seal myself in it one day, but now it belongs to you. Let me welcome death quietly. Demition rubbed a badge, and finally reluctantly gave it to Lu Li.

Soul Caster Badge (Special): All attributes +200, soul casting success rate increased by 50%, soul collection success rate increased by 30%, soul synthesis success rate increased by 30%, exclusive to the soul caster, durability 400/400.

Lu Li breathed a long sigh of relief.

After learning about the Soul Caster's skills, he actually felt very uneasy. Why was this all a probabilistic event? What Lu Li was most afraid of was the success rate, because his luck in this aspect was really not very good.

He was mentally prepared.

If the success rate is low, then use quantity to rush. Anyway, the monsters he can come into contact with now are more and stronger. As a player, there are enough opportunities for him to collect and synthesize souls.

If one succeeds out of a hundred, that's fine.

Unexpectedly, his cheap master gave him a good thing and directly cheated him to increase the success rate.

In fact, Lu Li was overly optimistic, thinking that by increasing the success rate, the Soul Casting Technique would become a very simple thing. In fact, there is no high probability of success for one out of a hundred. In the near future, he will know why Demition, as a great soul caster, was enslaved by the wind element.

After passing the soul-casting technique to Lu Li, Azure Sea Breeze also obtained the equipment, and this mission was completely completed.

Azure Sea Breeze wanted to show off his new weapon to his friends, while Lu Li couldn't wait to try his great soul-casting technique. Neither of the two brothers had any intention of working together to maintain the plastic brotherhood, so they went their separate ways.

Lu Li was not a very ambitious person, so he would not immediately think of killing Ragnaros and collecting his soul to make equipment. Because these three newly learned skills have proficiency levels, just like other life skills, it is equivalent to starting to practice a life skill again.

Just when he ran to Novice Village to find trouble with Nightsaber.

The operations team that was responsible for game supervision was already in a panic. They were not sure what was wrong with the Soul Caster, a thing that was destined to wait until a higher level, being triggered by players now, so they could only contact the company bosses.

The soul casting skill has been learned by players, such a simple sentence is enough to wake up the big guys who are resting in bed.

How could it be so fast? I remember that the triggering conditions were quite difficult. From which line was the professional mission triggered? The design director, who has the title of Father of Dawn, was the last one to enter. Everyone was waiting for him. As the current game designer An expert in the field, his arrival immediately helped everyone find a backbone.

Demition! The leader of the monitoring team stood up and reported.

That Wind Sword mission NPC? Isn't that the most difficult to trigger? Who is so lucky? The design director opened his eyes in surprise.

Demition is a mission NPC, and he is a participant in that kind of recurring mission.

This kind of NPC will reset its memory in stages, so it is almost impossible to increase his favorability. It is even more impossible to learn the soul-casting technique from him.

It's Lu Li, the leader of the surveillance team said helplessly, We targeted him because he was participating in the Wind Sword mission.

Oh, the Wind Sword mission, have they completed it? the director asked curiously.

It's done. Azure Sea Breeze has obtained the first wind sword, said the people in the monitoring team. Although they cannot play games and are subject to various restrictions, they are very obsessed with games. They understand wind swords better than ordinary people. The place of swords in the game.

It's faster than we expected. Let's see if we can make it more difficult to obtain wind swords. And not all wind swords can be legendary equipment, right, the director gave his own suggestion.

My Lord Director, now is not the time to discuss this. Soul casting, soul casting! Aren't you worried about the proliferation of legendary equipment and even semi-artifacts? It's only the 1960s now, a senior executive said They really couldn't listen anymore. They got up in the middle of the night not to listen to this kind of chat. The wind sword was indeed the best, but it was too difficult to affect the balance of the game.

The Soul Casting Technique is different, it can extend many legendary equipment.

There's nothing to worry about. If Can Meng next to him had obtained the Soul Casting Technique, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep well. As for Lu Li, it's not that I look down on him. Just let him do whatever he wants, the design director said. He yawned and said disapprovingly.

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