The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1574 Almost failed to sell

As for Xiaorou, you can tell it yourself. Anyway, he is worried all day long and has no fight. Lu Li shrugged and refused to continue talking about this topic. Why don't you call yourself this name and not allow others to call it to you?

As the strength of the Sword of Judgment increased, it shone brightly on the field. The first kill of the dungeon was obtained one after another. The wild BOSS also had some good performances. It even defeated the Jiangnan nobles head-on in the wild battle. The development of the club entered a short period. stable period.

Other clubs no longer suppressed them as hard as they did at the beginning, and the fighting conflicts between them began to decrease.

As for other ordinary small and medium-sized guilds, there are no idiots described in novels who would provoke a club that has won a competition for no reason.

Lu Li didn't allow the club to actively provoke others, so Yiren Tears' business became increasingly bleak.

BOSS in human state will also use summoning.

The bats are summoned in the same way as before. The difference is that this time the bats are not overwhelming to bite the player. This time the bats have become airdroppers. They fly higher - this time there is no way to control them from the ground. Live them.

These bats throw things like Molotov cocktails at players from the sky.

If these burning bottles hit the player, they will cause continuous fire damage, and those that fall on the ground will form areas of flames, which are similar to the effects of fireball splashes.

Soon, this green grassland turned into a land of flames.

It is easy to destroy the group at this stage. Under normal circumstances, ten or eight times is not too much. The fire damage is high and the distribution is dense. Especially for the healing professions, the pressure on the treatment is very high at this time, and they themselves must pay attention to it. At this time, most people would be in a hurry and die first. The treatment losses would be too much, and the group would be destroyed naturally.

However, it was different today, or Lu Li's team was different.

Even in the City of Glory, he couldn't recruit two star racer priests to take charge of the treatment. March Rain and Xingxing Nannan were known as the three beautiful priests together with Wendelian of the Storm Legion.

The combination of these two people can ensure that most people can at least survive in this land of fire.

Night's level is also extremely high, and she only needs to add blood to the MT.

As for the other healer, Hachi-chan, she sometimes doesn't even need to move in any way. Even if she is burned by fire, she will not be burned to death. Lu Li saw that she secretly drank a bottle of something, and after asking, he found out that it was a kind of top-grade fire. The anti-drug was unfortunately bound and could only be used by herself.

Therefore, as the BOSS's blood volume became less and less, everyone was surprised to find that they had to kill the high-level priest Yekrik in only one group annihilation.

The female troll priest left a few lines and lay softly on the ground.

I found that if we continue at this pace, it is really possible for us to solve this dungeon in two days, Azure Sea Breeze urged: Don't waste time, Mengmeng hurry up and touch the body while it's hot...

Poof! Someone spit out the drink.

Wait a minute, I'm almost exhausted, Can Meng sat on the ground and ate to replenish his strength. The way to obtain equipment in this dungeon is a bit special. In addition to regular monster drops, some coins and gems will also be dropped. .

Gems and coins are exchanged for Zul'Gurub-specific sets.

The attributes of this set are slightly better than T1, but worse than T2. ​​Players call it T1.5. The reason why T1.5 exists is probably to take care of those who are not strong enough to play Black Wing. Lair and Molten Core players.

As long as you can have a set of Zul'Gurub's T1.5 suit, your strength won't be much different.

This is also the reason why Zul'Gurub is easier than Blackwing Lair. It takes care of ordinary players. If it is too difficult, ordinary players will still not be able to catch it.

There are nine types of coins in total: Gurubashi, Hakkari, Razzashi, Sandfury, Skullbreaker, Zulian, Evil Branch, Deadwood, and Bloodcrest. The gems are gold, purple, red, blue, and orange. , green, silver, bronze, a total of seven colors of Hakkale gemstones.

To change a piece of equipment, in addition to two designated coins and one designated gem, you also need an additional item similar to an equipment mold dropped by the BOSS.

Coins and gems are dropped by mobs. In order to maximize the acquisition of these two things, Lu Li specially asked Can Meng to touch all the equipment dropped by mobs. It is feasible to know what a huge workload it is, not to mention Can Meng still has You need to output the BOSS like other players.

After resting for a while, Can Mengcai calmly walked to the BOSS's side.

There are about ten strengthening stones and synthetic stones. The former has about ten stones, and the latter has good attributes, but there is nothing particularly good. It is indeed much worse than Black Wing Lair, but ordinary elite players can embed them into themselves. On the best equipment.

Lu Li had participated in several battles in this dungeon in his previous life.

It was already at the end of level sixty at that time, and the equipment here allowed him to greatly upgrade his equipment.

Unfortunately, there will be a new map and a new version soon, and the level limit will be raised to seventy. The advantage he has finally accumulated will disappear in an instant.

There is no doubt that Lu Li has a strong talent for gaming, whether in this life or in the previous life.

The reason why he was never able to become a first-class expert in his previous life was because he entered the game too late, and the Star and Moon Guild was not suitable for capable players. Towards the end of his gaming career in his previous life, he offended people from the big guild. , which further restricted his development.

Anyone who wants the synthetic stones can take it, and no DKP is needed. The strengthening stones are all collected at Lu Li's place and will be divided equally.

Almost no one wants gold equipment and dark gold equipment. Lu Li distributes equipment with rubbish attributes to his enchanting classmates. These equipment can be decomposed into enchanting materials, and enchanting can increase the strength of the equipment. As long as the materials are not too expensive, the team People in can get simple enchantments here for free.

Original Hakkari Girdle!

This is the Zul'Gurub T1.5 suit. The girdle can be used to exchange for belts or shoulder pads for thieves, shamans, and warriors. After Zul'Gurub's reputation is respected, you can directly exchange equipment on the island northeast of Stranglethorn Vale.

Do you want it? Warriors, thieves, and shamans can use it to exchange for equipment. It has ten DKP points, Lu Li asked.

There was silence. The official description of Zul'Gurub's suit was given. Everyone knew that it was not as good as T2, and the people in Lu Li's team were basically racers. They were all the most high-end players in the game. There were almost no other players. Interested in this type of equipment.

You... Lu Li sighed.

How about I go and play, Yueguang took the initiative to stand up.

Okay, Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief. It would be too tragic if all this stuff failed to sell.

Moonlight didn't take it reluctantly. After all, the equipment's attributes were pretty good. For a PK maniac like him who often died, it was more than enough as a backup equipment. Besides, ten DKP wasn't too expensive.

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