The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1564 Summary after the game

Lu Li remembered that a long time ago, a teacher came to his door and said that his sister Lu Xin had cheated and plagiarized other people's test papers.

After he understood the situation, he only asked one sentence, why Lu Xin scored so much higher than that person, and what qualifications did that person have to let Lu Xin copy his test paper? Although the teacher was still a little unconvinced at the time, Under this common sense argument, we can only accept the fact that Lu Xin did not plagiarize.

Lu Li never went to school, but he is considered an expert in gaming, just like he would never imitate a third-rate thief...

Does a top student need to plagiarize?

Yes, plagiarized, however, the water elf's answer made Lu Li unable to believe his eyes.

The audience was also in a state of excitement. Water Elf was first famous for her beauty, and then she was very rich, so there were mixed reviews. Later, people found out about her education experience and rumors about her mistress. Naturally, it will destroy itself without attacking.

Such a top academic figure who obtained a degree certificate at the age of ten actually cheated!

I'm sure I heard it right. It's impossible for someone like you, Miss Shui, to cheat, the dark-toned Rufeng asked everyone's question.

Yes, I cheated, the water elf answered very calmly, probably a long time ago.

It is said that your grades were very good at that time. No one around you could compare with you. Why did you cheat? Besides, you couldn't copy what you wanted. You couldn't do it. How could others do it? Lu Li couldn't help but ask.

Ahem, I just wanted to know what it was like to cheat, not just to get something, the water elf said a little embarrassed.

It seems that even top students can be rebellious, Rufeng said with emotion, But as a scumbag student with a history of cheating for more than ten years, I can only say that your brain circuits are really weird. I think I was You racked your brains to think of how to cheat, but you tried it out of curiosity, so were you ever caught?

Of course not, the water elf responded still very confidently.

Lu Li was a little confused. He didn't know if the teacher who caught his sister cheating really saw Lu Xin cheating. What he said against the teacher at the time didn't seem so absolute now that he thought about it.

Isn't there something right in front of me, cheating out of curiosity.

Of course, these are all trivial matters.

At most, it allowed Lu Li to understand the other side of the water elf better and feel that she was a real person, no different from most girls.

And this girl is getting closer and closer to him.

After finishing this explanation, Lu Li returned to the Sword of Judgment headquarters.

The virtual conference room of Sword of Judgment has chosen a retro style. Except for the virtual screen that occupies one wall, there is basically no high-tech feel in other places. However, the place is absolutely spacious. This conference room has high authority. Only and Only people related to the club can enter, and there are other meeting rooms for elite group meetings.

Several team members who participated in today's competition were sitting in this conference room. Before Lu Li arrived, they were chatting happily, showing a youthful demeanor of scolding Fang Qiu.

Fat Monkey is still the one who talks the most. At this moment, he is holding Short Circuit's shoulders and bragging: This kind of small-scale competition is nothing at all. You haven't met a regular club yet, so don't be too complacent...

Short Circuit is actually about the same age as him, but who made Fat Monkey debut earlier, and he also has a great reputation.

Short Circuit is the kind of person who doesn't talk much, but you can't fool him casually. The long-term pain and experimental torture have made his temperament different from ordinary people, but he can also feel the fat monkey's indifference. He has an unobstructed brotherhood, so he has the best relationship with Fat Monkey in the club. The two are nicknamed by everyone as a pair of fire and ice.

Senior Brother, what is the level of their team today? the rampaging little manatee asked curiously.

What do these people mean? If nothing else, Mu Qiu can fight against three in the group competition, and Mu Qiu and I can defeat them in the team competition, Fatty Monkey said disdainfully: If it were Boss Lu Li, If he takes action, he can take down such a small team by himself.”

Then how far is the gap between us and real professional racers? Rampant Little Manatee asked.

Well, it's pretty big, said Fat Monkey, who didn't want to dampen the enthusiasm of the little racer, but he couldn't help but say that the difference wasn't big.

Whenever you can defeat Fat Monkey, it means you can become a qualified professional player, Lu Li walked into the conference room and answered the question as he walked.

Seeing Lu Li come in, the others immediately sat upright, even Fat Monkey no longer sat half-assed on the table like before.

Lu Li himself is not a very serious person, but he is the boss of the club after all, and he has a kind of unnerving majesty, especially the newcomers who have just come to the club. They don't even dare to say a word when they meet him. .

Boss, you are too arrogant to say this. How easy is it to defeat me? Although Fat Monkey doesn't disrespect Lu Li, he usually doesn't have so many scruples when speaking.

Short circuit won't defeat you, Lu Li said.

That's because I was careless, and it was also his luck. He beat me three times out of ten times at most, said Fat Monkey, a little anxious when his shorts were revealed.

Whether you are careless or he is lucky, as long as they can defeat you in a head-to-head duel, then they are qualified to become professional players, Lu Li said to the two young players in a friendly manner: You guys work hard to improve. As long as I can have a one-third winning rate against the club's professional players, I can get the salary of a professional player.

Really? The rampaging little manatee's eyes suddenly lit up.

For those of them who have just entered the industry, money may not be the criterion for success, but it is definitely the most authoritative recognition.

Fourteen-year-old professional racer!

What his peers are doing, this feeling of superiority at a glance is enough to drive people crazy.

You think it's easy to beat Fat Monkey? Then you guys give it a try, Lu Li couldn't help but feel that his players were too impetuous. He felt that character was more important than technique. Even though Fat Monkey was so fussy in private, he didn't do anything on the field either. Unambiguously, let the fat monkey go in and have a fight with the rampaging little manatee.

The result was tragic, of course. The rampaging little manatee didn't even manage to kill half of the fat monkey's health. His self-confidence was severely dampened.

Train honestly. The training process may be boring, but it will allow you to see others and yourself clearly. Lu Li pointed at the short circuit and said to the two earth-colored teenagers: He is not in good health and is still undergoing treatment. In the process, he spends more time in the training ground than any of you every day, more than twice as much. I don’t agree with this life-threatening training method. I just want to tell you that success is not a fluke, even in the e-sports circle. A paradise for geniuses.”

The two young men who originally thought they were going to reach the pinnacle of their lives from today on, suddenly fell back to the ground like deflated rubber balls.

In the previous few games, the people they met were so incompetent that no one paid any attention to them.

Today's scene has attracted the attention of millions of people because Lu Li and Water Elf participated in the commentary.

The performance of the two newcomers has naturally caught the attention of many people. No matter what kind of person they are, even if they are competitors, they are actually tolerant towards the newcomers, so they never hesitate to give them more applause.

Perhaps it was these infinitely high praises that made the two newcomers feel elated.

Do you think they are really praising you? Cat Dad said quietly: They want to destroy you. That's called flattery!

Beicheng Ice Cream and Runaway Little Manatee looked at each other, both breaking out in cold sweat.

Okay, let's analyze your game today, Lu Li opened the virtual big screen, which played the specific details of today's game. He reviewed it from beginning to end. This is a step that no club will omit.

Mu Qiu played well, I should say very good. I must have been practicing in private. Although Cat Dad could also see that there were a few small details that Mu Qiu didn't handle very well, but the flaws were not concealed. Compared with everyone's expectations, The estimate is much better.

It feels pretty good, there's nothing uncomfortable about it, Mu Qiu said calmly.

We don't have to worry about Mu Qiu. Lu Li was the one who had the most confidence in Mu Qiu at the scene. He was probably more reassured than Mu Qiu himself: What I need to say is, Mu Qiu, you don't have to work so hard. Take it easy and treat yourself. It’s a good thing for everyone, and it also gives other people some opportunities to perform.”

Everyone laughed when they heard this. These current opponents really don't need everyone to go all out.

Monkey basically has no outstanding performance, so I won't talk about him. There is really nothing to say. Public opinion will praise newcomers appropriately or inappropriately, but it has nothing to do with people like Fat Monkey who are no longer so new. Good at showing mercy.

But it has always been said that Fat Monkey is the most promising to become the new Dharma God. This only shows that this wild monkey who has never received formal training is very powerful.

He has no shortage of talent, a great mentality, and is willing to participate in training in a down-to-earth manner.

If Lu Li was asked to find fault with Fat Monkey, he really couldn't find fault with him.

Short-circuit, don't work so hard. You can just go out and experience it now. The main thing is to treat and nourish the body. Lu Li was also relieved about Short-circuit. In his memory of his previous life, Short-circuit was not as good as Fat Monkey. Mainly because Physical reasons, but regardless, Short Circuit is a very good racer.

Don't be too harsh on them. The newcomers performed well this time, Cat Dad calmed down the atmosphere.

You have to let them know your position so that you can worry less, Lu Li sighed, breaking down some of the operations of the two newcomers, and explained them together with Cat Dad.

This kind of explanation is completely different from what I said before when I was sitting in the commentary box.

It was much more professional and detailed. The two newcomers, Beicheng Ice Cream and Rampage Little Manatee, learned a lot from what they heard and were even more convinced by Lu Li's previous lectures.

Some clubs will hire some theoretical experts to do this kind of thing. Theoretical experts may not be good at operation, but their vision and summary ability are first-class. The price of hiring them is not ordinary expensive, at least the Sword of Judgment is not that extravagant. To that extent.

Fortunately, Lu Li and Mao Dad are not inferior to ordinary theoretical experts in this regard, and it is enough to guide newcomers at this level.

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