The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1559 Embarrassing Question

If Lu Li flipped the table and left now, he would look really cool, and many middle school boys would think it was cool.

However, this kind of thing rarely happens in real life, but anyone with some EQ and IQ will not do this. If you can’t afford it, no one will play with you. The gaming industry has never heard of anyone with such characteristics. independent.

But what exactly is the question to ask?

Have you eaten in the morning?

Of course, such a question is also a problem, but it would be too boring for the water elf to choose such a question.

Don't you think of anything to ask for a while? The dark-toned man smiled seductively.

The water elf thought hard and finally nodded. Maybe there were many questions she could ask, but they were not suitable to be raised publicly on such an occasion. She really didn't want to show off her affection in front of so many people. .

It doesn't matter. Dark-toned Rufeng took out a pile of cards with a smile, pointed at them and said: These are the questions that the audience friends want you to ask. You can draw three from them, and then choose one of them to ask. How? So, I think this arrangement is quite good. After all, if you choose one of the three questions, you will be taken care of.

Lu Li and Water Elf looked at the pile of cards and wanted to kill this person.

It turns out that this hole has been dug long ago and is waiting for them to jump in. This feeling is really bad, but they still have to bite the bullet and cooperate to watch, who makes their fans wait to watch the excitement.

The water elf casually took out three cards.

She took one look at the first card and smiled. It was a nice smile.

It said, Ask Lu Li: How old was he when he last wet the bed?

The water elf felt that this question could not be asked, it was too vulgar, and this kind of question would hurt a man's face.

The second card asked Lu Li when he had his first kiss.

This question is actually not easy to ask. If Lu Li's first kiss hasn't been sent out yet, then this question will probably hurt his face. If it has already been sent out, the water elf himself will be unhappy. In short, the water elf doesn't want to know this question. The answer, of course, is to pass.

The third card, the question is, have you ever fantasized about or wished to do those things with someone you like? You can only answer yes or no!

The water elf was immediately extremely embarrassed, and it was obvious that he could not ask this question.

If she asked, wouldn't it appear that she was not reserved enough?

Which of the three questions should you choose?

Lu Li looked at the water elf's expression, and his original indifferent attitude began to change. Which question did this girl intend to ask him? None of them seemed to be a good question.

I choose this one, the water elf handed the card to Dark Color Rufeng. She couldn't ask the question.

It was to the point where he couldn't ask any questions, and Lu Li suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Haha, then I won't be polite. Miss Shui wants to ask you this question. Since it's what she wants to ask, I won't be polite, the dark-toned Rufeng said with a smile, looking innocent.

Your sister, the title of the book is what she wants to ask. You obviously forced her to ask, but Lu Li has nothing to say at this time.

Excuse me, when was the last time you wet the bed? Suddenly he looked serious, but the question he asked was really not serious.

... The water elf covered her mouth and laughed.

... Lu Li was completely speechless.

You must answer, this is a question chosen by Miss Shui for you, Dark Color Rufeng emphasized lightly.

Seven or eight months, Lu Li sighed inwardly. Any adult would feel ashamed to answer such a question. Fortunately, he was thick-skinned.

That's pretty good. Generally speaking, children start to stop wetting the bed when they are one to one and a half years old. Lu Li's self-control has been so good since he was a child, hahaha~ Lu Li thought with dark tones like the wind to soothe him. The murderous emotion would probably be more effective if he could stop laughing so loudly.

Let's continue commentating on the game, Lu Li tried to draw everyone's attention back.

The water elf quietly handed the cards to Lu Li, which were the two eliminated cards. After Lu Li looked at them, he was immediately very glad that these two cards had not been taken out for use. He stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his head, feeling more tired. Winning a game and commanding a battle are even more tiring.

At this point in the arena competition, the mobile phone film team finally won... Deep Color Rufeng realized that he had ignored the competition while playing games.

However, no one in the audience felt bad. Few of them really came to watch the game. A game of this level was really nothing to watch. Everyone felt that watching dogs and men fall in love and kill each other was more interesting than any game.

It's a pity that the dog man and woman should have been asked to guess who won and who lost, otherwise we could have played the second game.

Actually, the gap between them is not very big. It was just the first duel between the two mages that widened the gap. It can be seen that it is more effective to practice more and mix more in the arena, Lu Li explained extremely, He felt that he had to dominate the topic, otherwise there would always be traps waiting for me.

If the group competition is like this, what will happen in the team competition? Dark-colored Rufeng chuckled: Why don't you two guess the outcome of the team competition.

Lu Li took a breath. Judging from the few people present today, the two teams really couldn't tell the outcome of the team competition.

He and the water elf didn't even know who was playing on the other side.

Guess your sister!

By the way, if both of you guess wrong, then each of you must ask the other a question. If you both guess right, hey, let's ask each other a question, said the dark-toned Rufeng, an old and cunning person. It was obviously not the first time that he had done this. It was so deceiving. Lu Li and the water elf had never seen so many twists and turns before, and they were immediately dizzy.

Mobile phone film! Water Elf first guessed what he thought was the answer.

Then let's take the Tianji Lion, Lu Li thought for a moment. If the answer guessed by the water elf is the same, no matter whether the guess is right or wrong, there are still two questions to be asked. It is better to guess a different one, no matter who will answer, At least there was only one question waiting for them.

Okay, let's make the purchase and let's wait and see, the dark-colored Rufeng said, like a croupier, having a great time.

There are five players in the mobile phone screen, namely Rogue, Warrior, Mage, Priest, and Paladin. It is a relatively satisfactory combination. The Paladin is a punishment output knight, so it is a team of three choppers. A mage is an ice magician who can control the field. Seeing this Combination Lu Li felt that he had lost most of the battle.

In the low-end arena, professional advantages are crucial.

However, the combination of Tianji Lion is too different. They have three healing professions, priest, druid, and milk knight, and the remaining two professions are dual mages.

This was a protracted battle, and Lu Li felt that the outcome was not so certain.

If the Dimensional Lions can take the lead in killing the only treatment seedling of the mobile phone screen protector team, then they can completely consume the mobile phone screen protector team alive.

On the other hand, if the mobile phone film team can kill any mage in Tianji Lion in seconds, then they will be invincible. After all, if there is only one mage left, they will not be able to effectively cause damage to the enemy in such a arena. Ground killing.

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