The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1556 The third trap

Of course, this situation cannot last long. After all, the people of Dawn Wings are not fools. They feel that their resurrection point cannot be regained if it is lost, so they will naturally resurrect somewhere farther away.

I told you not to call me by my real name, but you won't listen, Piao Ling shook his head with a look of sadness on his face.

Fortunately, Young Master Eleven and the others were resurrected at the next point, otherwise they would have been pissed to death by him.

Go back and prepare for their counterattack, Lu Li called everyone to turn around. A passage had been smashed out of the city wall. It was easy for the opponent to break through the fortress. If Dawn Wings ignored anything and smashed the fortress crystal, maybe the fortress would be destroyed. It was taken away.

And by the time they arrived at the next resurrection point, the people of Dawn Wings would almost be resurrected.

There is no need to fight head-on in the wild.

At this time, the Wings of Dawn players were indeed resurrected. They chose to resurrect at the farthest resurrection point. A group of people appeared one after another, and their faces looked like mourning concubines.

After taking stock of the losses just now, the two brothers Menghui Thirteen and Eleven Shao almost cried each other.

The number of casualties in this wave of casualties was almost over a hundred, and the loss of equipment was as high as forty or fifty pieces. Adding in the previous ones, on average, each of them had lost one piece of equipment in this fortress war.

Eighty pieces of equipment!

Those who can enter the fortress are the core elites of the club, and their equipment is particularly good.

Two people of equal strength. If one is an individual player, then he may rely more on technology. If one is a club player, then his equipment must be very good. There is no doubt that no matter how rich the individual player is, Again, this is determined by the game format of Dawn.

Many equipments that are only released in large-scale dungeons can only be obtained by guilds and powerful mercenary groups, and this equipment is generally not sold outside.

Therefore, the eighty pieces of equipment lost by Wings of Dawn are all very high-quality, and quite a few of them are legendary level equipment. Menghui Thirteen made a rough estimate, and the average is almost five hundred gold per piece. According to the current market price, these eight pieces of equipment are of the highest quality. Ten pieces of equipment are worth more than one million.

Including the money spent on bidding for the fortress, they have already lost three million.

Three million is not a small amount, it is enough for Menghui Shisan to go to the board of directors to explain, and it is also enough for the old leader of Dawn Wings to grab him and give him a beating.

What should we do now? Young Master Eleven was also a little frustrated.

They were tricked twice in this battle. The first time they were tricked was depressing enough. Now thinking about it, the second time they were tricked was actually a routine. The Sword of Judgment obviously deliberately asked them to knock down the city wall. Just to make it easier for them to come out and chase.

He was frightened by the trap, and he didn't know if there were other traps behind him.

The thieves went to explore the road and determine their location, Meng Hui Shisan was exhausted, but he had to cheer up.

In fact, he could also choose to give up and continue to attack the fortress. Time was running out anyway, and there was no hope of taking down the fortress, but he knew that it would not be good, or it would be worse than losing dozens of pieces of equipment.

In the short term, what is important about a club may be its funds, but in the long term, it is the spirit of the club.

Because they are afraid of losses and fear of fighting, how can Wings of Dawn retreat in the future? Will they retreat when they see the Sword of Judgment in the future?

He might get beaten for losing dozens of pieces of equipment, and if he escapes from battle, he might be beaten to death by his father. His father was so strong back then, he dared to rush up to a group of people over and over again, and Now they are fairly evenly matched, so how can they retreat?

The scout quickly reported the location of Judgment Sword and others.

It was just inside the gap. In addition, the scouts also reported the situation of their tanks. They were tricked for the second time. In addition to losing a lot of equipment, what was even more serious was that all the tanks were smashed.

Although the city wall has collapsed, you can still rush in even without a chariot.

But it is of course better to have a chariot. If the gap can be made larger, the people of Dawn Wings will not have to worry about being stuck in the gap and unable to get in. If the gap is larger, the Sword of Judgment will not be able to hold the gap like it is now. .

The two sides faced off across a gap.

This time, Menghui Thirteen and Eleven Masters no longer quarreled with Piao Ling. They seemed a bit silent.

Lu Li was not naive enough to think that they were silent out of fear and frustration. He constantly adjusted the team's position and arranged people to defend in a targeted manner.

This silence is the calm before the storm, and the people of Dawn Wings are obviously desperate.

Should we divide our troops to defend the level of the fortress? It would be very troublesome if they sent thieves to steal it, Piao Ling said.

Take two people to defend. If you can't stand it, remember to call for help. I'll kill them here. Lu Li thought for a while and felt that it was better to be on the safe side. Although dividing the troops in this way would disperse their forces, the pressure at the gap in the city wall would be great. It's going to get big.

Fortunately, the battle has reached this point, and there is not much time left for Wings of Dawn.

The battle started again, with Eleven Shao rushing in first, followed closely by the others. This time they were well prepared, and it took several mages to take action together to kill Eleven Shao.

However, the people behind can no longer completely block it.

Everyone was in a melee, and the gap became a key position that was repeatedly fought for.

Where did Piao Ling go? Let him come and die! Young Master Eleven quickly came back to life and joined the battle group again. He first charged into the battle group, and then there was a big whirlwind, and two Sword of Judgment players were killed. His great whirlwind carries him away.

What are you so arrogant about? Fat Monkey jumped over and froze him: You are a loser, but you still dare to be arrogant without the big whirlwind. Aren't you just waiting to die now?

Eleven Shao was quickly killed by a remote professional again.

The berserkers at this stage are really embarrassed when they are besieged, and they also lack enough mobility skills. Apart from having a thicker shell, they are almost like a moving target.

Oh, it's another legend. Thanks, Master Eleven! Fat Monkey quickly grabbed the equipment, and then escaped the siege of Wings of Dawn players with a flash. This guy's PK level is getting better and better. The Blackrock Tower dungeon group basically excludes fire mages, so he can only use the opportunity of others to play dungeons to hone his skills in the arena.

Fat Monkey here grabbed a piece of equipment from Shi Yi Shao, and people from Wings of Dawn also killed Can Meng and snatched an piece of equipment from her.

There are many similar situations. Anyway, if you steal something from me, I will steal something from you.

The Sword of Judgment no longer won an overwhelming victory like the previous two times. Everyone went back and forth to harvest each other's equipment.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and Dawn Wings finally pushed the battle line into the fortress. The fortress crystal was not too far from the door. It was visible to the naked eye. The eyes of Dawn Wings players were a little red. As long as the very conspicuous piece was broken, Crystal, this fortress belongs to them.


The long horn sound suddenly sounded, and Menghui Shisan suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something.

Ancient tree of knowledge!

Countless saplings immediately jumped out of the thick bushes on both sides of the road, overwhelmingly swarming towards the Wings of Dawn players.

Protect! Menghui Shisan screamed shrilly.

Damn it, it’s a trap!

He also let people play games that were not pleasant. Meng Hui Shisan even felt that Lu Li and the others were deliberately trying to trick him, otherwise Mao would be in danger one after another waiting for him.

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